7 The king Nabuchodonosor also caried of the vessels of the house of the Lorde to Babilon, & and put them in his temple at Babilon.
2 Chronicles 36:7 Cross References - Great
2 Kings 24:13
13 And he caryed out thence all the treasures of the house of the Lorde, & the treasure of the kynges house: and brake all the vessels of golde, which Salomon kynge of Israel had made in the temple of the Lorde, as the Lorde had sayde.
Ezra 1:7-11
7 And kyng Cyrus brought forth the vessels of the house of the Lord, which Nabuchodonosor had taken out of Ierusalem, and had put in the house of his God.
8 Those dyd Cyrus the kyng of Persia bryng forth by the hande of Mithridates the treasurer, and nombred them vnto Sesbazar the prince of Iuda.
9 And this is the nombre of them .xxx. chargers of gold .M. chargers of syluer .xxix. knyues
10 .xxx. basens of gold and of other siluer basens .iiij.C. & .x. & of other vessels: .M.
11 All the vessels of gold and syluer, were .v.M. and .iiij.C. All these dyd Sesbazar carye awaye with them that came vp oute of the captyuite of Babylon vnto Ierusalem.
Jeremiah 27:16-18
16 I spake to the prestes also, and to all the people. Thus sayth the Lorde: Heare not the wordes of those prophetes, that preache vnto you, and saye: Beholde, the vesselles of the Lordes house shall shortlye be brought hyther agayne from Babilon. For they prophecye lyes vnto you.
17 Heare them not, but serue the kynge of Babylon, that ye maye lyue. Wherfore wyll ye make thys citye to be destroyed?
18 But yf they be true prophetes in very dede, and yf the worde of the Lorde be committed vnto them, then let them praye the Lorde of hostes, that the remnaunt of the ornamentes (which are in the house of the Lorde, and remayne yet in the house of the kynge of Iuda and at Ierusalem) be not caryed to Babylon also.
Jeremiah 28:3
3 Thus sayth the Lorde of hoostes the God of Israel: I haue broken the yock of the king of Babilon,
Daniel 1:2
2 and the Lorde delyuered Iehoakim the kynge of Iuda into hys hande, with certayne ornamentes of the house of God, which he caryed awaye vnto the lande of Sennar, to the house of his God, and there he brought them into hys goddes treasury.
Daniel 5:2-4
2 and when he was droncken with wyne commaunded to bring hym the golden and syluer vessels which hys father Nabuchodonosor had taken oute of the temple at Ierusalem: that the kynge & his Lordes with his quene and concubynes myght drincke therout.
3 So they brought the golden vessell, that was taken oute of the temple of the Lordes house at Ierusalem. Then the kynge and his Lordes with his quene and concubines droncke out of them.
4 They droncke wyne, and praysed theyr Idoles of golde, syluer, copper yron, wodde and stone.