2 Chronicles 1 Cross References - Great

1 And Salomon the sonne of Dauid waxed stronge in hys kingdome & the Lorde his God was with him, & magnifyed him in the dignitye. 2 And Salomon spake vnto all Israel, to the captaynes ouer thousandes, to the captaynes ouer hundredes, to the iudges and to euery offycer in all Israel, and to the awncient fathers. 3 And so Salomon & all the congregacyon with him went to the hye place that was at Gibeon: for there was the tabernacle of the witnesse of God, which Moses the seruaunte of the Lorde made in the wildernesse. 4 But the Arcke of God had Dauid brought from Kiriath Iearim, into the place which Dauid had prepared therfore. For he had pytched a tente for it at Ierusalem. 5 Moreouer, the brasen aulter that Bezaleel the sonne of Uri, the sonne of Hur had made, was there, before the tabernacle of the Lorde. And Salomon and the congregacyon went to vyset it. 6 And Salomon gat vp there before the Lorde to the brasen aulter that was before the tabernacle of wytnesse, & offred a thousande burntsacrifyces vpon it. 7 And that same nyght dyd God appeare vnto Salomon, and sayde vnto hym: aske, what I shall geue the. 8 And Salomon sayde vnto God: thou hast shewed great mercye vnto Dauid my father, and hast made me to raygne in his steade. 9 Nowe therfore O Lorde God, let thy promyse which thou madest vnto Dauid my father, be true. For thou hast made me kynge ouer a people: which is lyke the dust of the earth in multitude. 10 Wherfore, geue me nowe wysdome & knowledge, that I maye be able to go out and in before this people: for who els can iudge this people that is so great? 11 And God sayde to Salomon, because this was in thyne hert, and because thou hast not asked treasure, and rychesse, & honoure, and the lyues of thyne enemyes, nether yet longe lyfe: but hast asked wysdome and knowledge for thy selfe, to iudge my people, ouer which I haue made the kyng 12 wysdome and knowledge is graunted vnto the, and I will geue the treasure, and rychesse, and glorye: so that amonge the kynges that haue bene before the or after the, none was or shalbe lyke the. 13 And so Salomon cam from the hylaulter (that was at Gibeon) to Ierusalem, from the tabernacle of witnesse, and raygned ouer Israel. 14 And Salomon geathered charettes and horsemen: and he had a thousande, and foure hundred charettes, and .xij. thousande horsemen, whom he bestowed in the charet cyties, and with the kynge at Ierusalem. 15 And the kynge made syluer and golde at Ierusalem, as plenteous as stones: and Cedar trees made he as plentie as the mulbery trees that growe in the valeyes 16 And the horses which Salomon had, were brought him out of Egypt by the kynges marchauntes that were together, which beynge of one company, toke them out at a pryce. 17 They came also and brought out of Egypte a charet for fyxe hundred peces of syluer: euen an horse for an hundred & fyftie. And so brought they horses for all the kynges of the Hethites, & for the kynges of Siria by their awne hande.

Genesis 21:22

22 And it chaunced the same season, that Abimelech and Phicoll hys chefe captayne spake vnto Abraham sayinge: God is wyth the in all that thou doest.

Genesis 39:2

2 And God was with Ioseph, & he became a luckye man, continuynge in the house of his master the Egyptian.

Genesis 39:21

21 but the Lorde was wyth Ioseph, and shewed hym mercye, and gote hym fauoure in the syghte of the Lorde of the preson.

Exodus 3:12

12 And he answered: I wyll be wyth the. And thys shalbe a token vnto the that I haue sent the: after that thou hast brought the people out of Egypte, ye shall serue God vpon thys mountayne.

1 Kings 2:12

12 Then satt Salomon vpon the seate of Dauid his father, & his kyngdome was stablisshed mightely.

1 Kings 2:46

46 So the kynge commaunded Banaiahu the sonne of Iehoiada: which went out, and smote hym that he dyed: And the kyngdome was stablysshed in the hande of Salomon.

1 Chronicles 17:8

8 And I haue bene wt the whither soeuer thou hast walked, & haue weded out all thyne enemyes out of thy sight & haue made the a name, lyke the name of the greatest men that are in the erthe.

1 Chronicles 29:25

25 And the Lorde magnified Salomon in dignitye, in the syght of all them of Israel, and gaue him so gloriouse a kyngdome as no kynge had before him in Israel.

Matthew 28:20

20 Teachinge them to obserue all thinges, whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo I am wyth you allwaye, euen vntyll the ende of the worlde.

Philippians 2:9-11

9 Wherfore, God also hath exalted him on hye, and geuen him a name which is aboue all names: 10 that in the name of Iesus euery knee shulde bowe, both of thinges in heauen and thynges in erth and thynges vnder the erth, 11 and that all tonges shulde confesse, that Iesus Christ is the Lorde, vnto the prayse of God the father.

1 Chronicles 13:1

1 And Dauid counceled with the capitaynes of thousandes and hundredes, & with all the Lordes,

1 Chronicles 15:3

3 And Dauid gathered all Israell together to Ierusalem, to fetche the arcke of the Lorde vnto hys place which he had ordeyned for it.

1 Chronicles 15:12

12 & sayde vnto them: ye that are the princypall fathers of the Leuites, se that ye be holy with youre brethren, that ye maye bringe in the Arcke of the Lorde God of Israel, vnto the place that I haue prepared for it.

1 Chronicles 24:4

4 And there were mo auncient men founde amonge the sonnes of Eleazar, then the sonnes of Ithamar. And thus were they ordred together: Amonge the sonnes of Eleazar there were syxtene rulers, accordynge to the housholde of their fathers: & eyght among the sonnes of Ithamar according to the houshold of theyr fathers.

1 Chronicles 24:31

31 And these cast lottes next to their brethren the sonnes of Aaron, in the presence of Dauid the kyng, and Zadoc & Ahimelec & the auncient fathers, preastes, & Leuites: euen the principall fathers before their yonger brethren.

1 Chronicles 27:1

1 The chyldren of Israel: after the nombre of them, the auncient heedes & captaynes of thousandes and hundredes, & their offycers that serued the kyng by diuerse courses which came in & went out, moneth by moneth, thorow out all the monethes of the yere. And in euery course were .xxiiii. thousande.

1 Chronicles 28:1

1 And Dauid geathered togeather all the Lordes of Israel: the Lordes of the trybes, the Lordes of the companyes that ministred to the kyng by course, the captaynes ouer the thousandes & ouer the hundredes & the Lordes that had the ouersyght ouer all the substaunce and possessyon of Dauid, hys sonnes, wyth the chambrelaynes: all the myghtye and valeaunt and all actiue men vnto Ierusalem.

1 Chronicles 29:1

1 And Dauid the kynge sayde vnto all the congregacyon: God hath speciallye chosen Salomon my sonne whych is yet younge & tender, & the worcke is greate, for the house shall not be for man, but for the Lorde God.

2 Chronicles 29:20

20 And Hezekia the kynge rose earlye, & gathered the Lordes of the cytie and went vp to the house of the Lorde.

2 Chronicles 30:2

2 And the kynge helde a councell with his Lordes and all the congregacion of Ierusalem to kepe the feast of Passeouer in the seconde moneth.

2 Chronicles 34:29-30

29 Then the kynge sent, and gathered to gether all the elders of Iuda and Ierusalem. 30 And the kyng went vp into the house of the Lorde, and all the men of Iuda, and the enhabiters of Ierusalem, & the preastes & Leuites and all the people great and smalle: & the kyng dyd reade all the wordes of the boke of the couenaunt that was found in the house of the Lorde.

Exodus 26:1-37

1 The tabernacle shalt thou make wt ten curtaynes of whyte twyned sylke: yelowe sylke, purple and scarlet. And in them thou shalt make pictures of broderd worke. 2 The length of one curtayne shalbe eyght and twenty cubytes, & the bredth of one curtayne foure cubytes, and euery one of the curtaynes shall haue one measure: 3 fyue curtaynes shalbe coupled together one to another: and fyue curtaynes shalbe coupled together one to another. 4 And thou shalt make lowpes of yelow sylke, a longe by the edge of the one curtayne which is in the seluege of the couplynge courtayne. And lykewyse shalt thou make in the edge of the vtmost curtayne that is to be coupled therwith on the other syde. 5 Fyftye lowpes shalt thou make in the one curtayne, and fyftie lowpes shalt thou make in the edge of the curtayne that is to be couppled therwith on the other syde: that the lowpes maye take holde one of a nother. 6 And thou shalt make fyftye buttons of golde, and couple the curtaynes together with the buttons: and it shalbe one habitacyon. 7 And thou shalt make .xi. curtaynes of gotes heere, to be a coueringe vpon the Tabernacle. 8 The length of a curtayne shalbe .xxx. cubytes and the bredeth foure and they shalbe all .xi. of one measure. 9 And thou shalt couple .v. curtaynes by them selues, and the sixe by them selues, and shalt double the syxt in the fore front of the tabernacle. 10 And thou shalt make fyftye lowpes in the edge of the vtmost curtayne on the one syde: euen in the edge of the couplynge courtayne: 11 and fyftye lowpes in the edge of the other curtayne that must be ioyned vnto it. And thou shalt make fyftie buttones of brasse and put them on the lowpes, and couple the couerynge to gether, that it maye be one. 12 And the remnaunt that resteth in the curtaynes of the couerynge: euen the halfe curtayne that resteth, shalbe lefte on the backe sydes of the habitacyon: 13 that a cubyte on the one syde and a cubyte on the other syde maye remayne in the length of the curtaynes of the coueryng, and that it maye remayne of ether syde of the habitacyon to couer it with all. 14 And vpon the Tabernacle thou shalt make a couerynge of rams skynnes dyed redd: & yet a coueringe aboue all of taxus skynnes. 15 And thou shalt make bordes for the habitacyon of sethim wod to stonde vp ryghte: 16 ten cubytes longe shall euery borde be, and a cubite & an halfe brode. 17 Two fete shall there be in one borde: and they shalbe separate one from another. And thus shalt thou make for all the bordes of the Tabernacle. 18 And thou shalt make .xx. bordes for the habitacyon on the south syde, 19 and thou shalt make .xl. sockettes of syluer vnder the .xx. bordes two sockettes vnder one borde; for hys two fete, 20 & two sockettes vnder another borde for his two fete. In lyke maner in the north syde of the habitacyon there shalbe .xx. bordes 21 and .xl. sockettes of syluer: two sockettes vnder one borde, and two sockettes vnder another borde. 22 And in the west ende of the habitacyon, shalt thou make syxe bordes, 23 and two bordes shalt thou make in the corners of the habitacyon in the metynge together of the two sydes. 24 And they shall be coupled together beneth and lyke wyse aboue to a rynge. And thus shall it be for the two bordes that are in the corners. 25 And they shalbe eyght bordes, hauynge sockettes of syluer, euen syxtene sokettes: that there maye be two sokettes vnder one borde, and two sokettes vnder another borde. 26 And thou shalt make barres of sethim wodd, fyue for the bordes of the Tabernacle in one syde, and fyue barres for the bordes of the Tabernacle in the other syde, 27 and fyue barres for the bordes of the Tabernacle in the west ende. 28 And the mydle barre shall goo alonge thorowe the myddes of the bordes from the one ende vnto the other. 29 And thou shalt couer the bordes with golde, and make theyr rynges of golde, to put the barres thorowe, and thou shalt couer the barres with golde also. 30 And thou shalt rere vp the habitacyon accordynge to the facion therof, as it was shewed the in the mount. 31 And thou shalt make a vayle of yelowe sylke, of purpull, scarlet, and whyte twyned sylke. Of broderd worke with pictures shalt thou make it. 32 And hange it vpon foure pilers of sethim wodd couerd with golde. Whose heades shalbe of golde, stondynge vpon foure sockettes of syluer. 33 And thou shalt hange vp the vayle wyth rynges, that thou mayest bringe in (with in the vayle) the arcke of witnesse. And the vayle shall vnto you deuyde the holye from the most holy. 34 And thou shalt put the mercy seate vpon the arcke of wytnesse in the holyest place. 35 And thou shalt put the table without the vayle: and the candelsticke ouer agaynst the table on the south syde of the habitacyon. And put the table on the north syde. 36 And thou shalt make an hangynge for the dore of the Tabernacle: of yelowe sylke purple, scarlet, and white twined sylk wroughte with nedle worke. 37 And thou shalt make for the hangyng, fyue pillers of sethim wodd and couer them with golde, and theyr knoppes shalbe of golde, and thou shalt cast fyue sockettes of brasse for them.

Exodus 36:8

8 All the wyse harted men therfore, and they that wroughte for the habitacyon, made ten curtaynes of whyte twyned sylke, yelowe sylke, purple and scarlet: with pictures of broderd worcke made he them.

Exodus 40:2

2 In the fyrst daye of the first moneth, shalt thou sett vp the habitacyon, and the Tabernacle of witnesse,

Exodus 40:34

34 And the clowde couered the tabernacle of witnesse, and the glorye of the Lorde fylled the habitacyon.

Leviticus 1:1

1 And the Lorde called Moses, & spake vnto hym oute of the tabernacle of witnesse sayinge.

Deuteronomy 34:5

5 So Moses the seruaunte of the Lorde dyed there in the lande of Moab accordynge to the worde of the Lorde.

1 Kings 3:4-15

4 And the kyng went to Gibeon, to offer there: for that was a speciall offerynge place. A thousand burnt offeringes dyd Salomon offre vpon that aultare: 5 and in Gibeon the Lorde apeared to Salomon in a dreame by nyght. And God sayde: aske what thou wylt, that I maye geue it the. 6 And Salomon sayde: thou haste shewed vnto thy seruaunt Dauid my father great mercy, when he walked before the in trueth, in ryghtewesnes, & in playnesse of hert with the. And thou hast kepte for hym this greate mercy, that thou hast geuen hym a sonne, to sytt on hys seate: as it is come to passe thys daye. 7 And nowe, O Lord my God, it is thou that hast made thy seruaunt kynge in steade of Dauid my father, And I am but yonge, and wote not howe to go out and in. 8 And thy seruaunt is in the myddes of thy people, which thou haste chosen. And verely, the people are so manye, that they cannot be tolde nor nombred for multitude. 9 Geue therfore vnto thy seruaunt an vnderstandynge hert, to iudge thy people, that I maye decerne betwene good and bad. For who is able to iudge thys, thy so myghtye a people? 10 And thys pleased the Lorde well, that Salomon had desyred thys thynge. 11 And God sayde vnto him: because thou hast asked this thynge, and hast not asked longe lyfe, nether hast asked ryches, nor the soule of thyne enemyes, but hast asked vnderstandynge and discrecyon in iudgement. 12 Beholde, I haue done accordynge to thy peticyon. For I haue geuen the a wyse and an vnderstandynge herte, so that there was none like the before the, nether after the shal eny aryse lyke vnto the. 13 And I haue also geuen the, that which thou hast not asked, euen rychesse and honoure, so that there shalbe no kynge lyke vnto the all thy dayes. 14 And yf thou wylt walke in my wayes, to kepe myne ordinaunces and my commaundmentes, as thy father Dauid dyd walke, I will lengthen thy dayes. When Salomon awoke, behold, it was a dreame. 15 And he came to Ierusalem and stode before the arck of the testament of the Lorde, and offered burntofferynges and peace offerynges, and made a feaste to all his seruauntes.

1 Chronicles 16:39

39 And Zadock the preast and hys brethren the preastes, were before the tabernacle of the Lorde, in the hye place that was at Gibeon,

1 Chronicles 21:29

29 For the tabernacle of the Lord which Moses made in the wildernesse, and the aulter of burntofferynge were at that ceason in the hyll at Gibeon.

2 Samuel 6:2

2 & arose, & went withall the folke that were with hym of the men of Iuda, to fett awaye from thence, the Arck of God: whose name is called the name of the Lorde of hostes that dwellyth vpon it, betwene the cherubyns.

2 Samuel 6:17

17 And when they brought in the Arck of the Lorde, they set it in his place, euen in the myddes of the tabernacle that Dauid had pitched for it. And Dauid offered burnt offeringes & peace offeringes before the lord.

1 Chronicles 13:5-6

5 So Dauid gathered all Israel together from Sihor in Egypte, vnto the entrynge of Hemath, to bringe the arcke of the Lorde from kyriath Iearim. 6 And Dauid went vp & all Israel to an hye place towarde kyriath Iearim, that was in Iuda, to fet thence the arcke of the Lord God, that dwelleth betwen the Cherubes: where hys name is called on.

1 Chronicles 15:1

1 And Dauid made hym houses in the cytie of Dauid, and prepared a place for the arcke of God, pytched for it a tent.

1 Chronicles 15:25-28

25 And Dauid and the elders of Israel and the capitaynes ouer thousandes, went to fet the Arcke of the appoyntment of the Lorde out of the house of ObedEdom with gladnes. 26 And when God helped the leuites, that bare the Arcke of the appoyntement of the Lorde, they offered seuen oxen, and seuen rammes. 27 And Dauid had on hym a lynnen garment, lyke as had also all the Leuites that bare the Arcke, and so had the syngers, and Chenania the ruler of the songe, with the syngers. And Dauid had vpon hym an Ephod of lynen. 28 And all they of Israel brought the Arcke of the Lordes couenaunt with showtynge, and blowyng of the shawme and trompettes: makynge a noyse with symbales, psalteryes, and harpes.

1 Chronicles 16:1

1 So they brought in the arcke of God and set it in the myddes of the tent that Dauid pytched for it. And they offered burnt sacrifyces and peace offerynges before God.

Psalms 132:5-6

5 Untill I fynde out a place for the temple of the Lorde, an habitacion for the myghtye God of Iacob. 6 Lo, we hearde of the same at Ephrata, and founde it in the wood.

Exodus 27:1-8

1 And thou shalt make an aultare of sethim wodd: fyue cubytes longe and fyue cubytes brode. For it shall be foure square, and thre cubytes hye. 2 And thou shalt make it hornes in the foure corners of it the hornes shalbe of it selfe, and thou shalt couer it with brasse. 3 And make hys asshepannes, shouels, basens, fleshhokes, fyrepannes & all the apparell therof for the same, of brasse. 4 And thou shalt make vnto it a gredyern also (lyke a net) of brasse. And vpon that net shalt thou make foure brasen rynges in the foure corners therof: 5 and thou shalt put it vnder the compase of the altare beneth, that the net maye be in the myddes of the altare. 6 And thou shalt make (two) barres for the altare of sethim wodd, and couer them with brasse, 7 and let them be put in rynges a longe by the sydes of the altare to beare it wt all. 8 And make the aulter holowe with bordes: euen as it was shewed the in the mount, so shall they make it.

Exodus 31:2

2 beholde, I haue called by name, Bezaleel the sonne of Ury, the sonne of Hur of the trybe of Iuda.

Exodus 38:1-7

1 And he made the burntoffering alter of Sethim, wodd fyue cubytes was the length therof, and fyue cubytes the breadth: euen .iiii. square, & .iii. cubytes hye. 2 And he made vnto it hornes in the foure corners of it procedyng out of it, & he ouerlayde it with brasse. 3 And he made all the vessels of the alter: the cauldrons, shouels, basyns, fleshhokes and colepannes. All the vessels therof made he of brasse. 4 And he made a brasen gredyren of networcke vnto the alter, rounde aboute alowe beneth vnto the myddes of the altare, 5 & cast .iiii. rynges of brasse for the .iiii. endes of the gredyren to put barres in. 6 And he made the barres of Sethim wood and couered them with brasse, 7 and put the barres into the rynges in the foure corners of the altare, to bere it withall, and made the alter holowe wyth in the bordes.

1 Chronicles 2:19-20

19 And when Asuba was deed, Caleb toke Ephrata, which bare hym Hur. 20 And Hur begat Uri, and Uri begat Bezaleel.

1 Chronicles 13:3

3 And we wyll brynge agayne the Arcke of the Lorde to vs: for we regarded it not in the dayes of Saul.

1 Kings 3:4

4 And the kyng went to Gibeon, to offer there: for that was a speciall offerynge place. A thousand burnt offeringes dyd Salomon offre vpon that aultare:

1 Kings 8:63

63 And Salomon offered a sacrifyce of peace offeringes vnto the Lorde, and he offered vnto the Lorde .xxii. thousande oxen and an hundred & twenty thousande shepe. And so the kynge & all the chyldren of Israel dedicated the house of the Lorde.

1 Chronicles 29:21

21 And they offered offerynges vnto the Lorde. And on the morowe after the sayde daye, they offered burntofferynges vnto the Lorde euen a thousande younge oxen, a thousande rammes & a thousande shepe, with their dryncke offerynges. Many sacrifyces offred they for all Israel,

Isaiah 40:16

16 Libanus is not sufficient to ministre fyre for hys offeringe, and all the beastes therof are not ynough to one sacrifice.

Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Put thy trust in God with all thyne herte: and leane not vnto thyne awne witte. 6 In all thy wayes haue respecte vnto hym: & shall order thy goynges.

Matthew 7:7-8

7 Aske, and it shalbe geuen you: Seke, & ye shall fynde: Knocke, and it shalbe opened vnto you. 8 For whosoeuer asketh, receaueth: and whosoeuer seketh, fyndeth: and to hym that knocketh, it shalbe opened.

Mark 10:36-37

36 He sayde vnto them: what wolde ye that I shuld do for you? 37 They sayde vnto hym: graunt vnto vs, that we maye sytte, one on thy ryght hande, and the other on thy lyfte hande, in thy glory.

Mark 10:51

51 And Iesus answered, and sayde vnto hym: what wylt thou that I do vnto the? The blynde sayde vnto hym: Master, that I myght se.

John 16:23

23 And in the daye shall ye aske me no question. Uerely verely, I saye vnto you: whatsoeuer ye shall aske the father in my name, he wyll geue it you.

1 John 5:14-15

14 And thys is the trust that we haue in hym: that yf we aske eny thynge accordynge to hys wyll, he heareth vs. 15 And yf we knowe that he heare vs whatsoeuer we aske, we knowe, that we haue the peticyons, that we desyre of hym.

2 Samuel 7:8-9

8 Now therfore, so saye vnto my seruaunt Dauid: thus sayth the Lorde of Hostes. I toke the from the shepe cote (as thou wast folowyng shepe) that thou myghtest be ruler ouer my people Israel. 9 And I was with the in all that thou wentest to, & haue destroyed all thyne enemyes out of thy syght, and haue made the a great name, lyke vnto the name of the great men that are in the worlde.

2 Samuel 12:7-8

7 And Nathan sayth to Dauid: thou art the man. Thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel, I anoynted the kynge ouer Israel, and rydde the out of the hande of Saul, 8 I gaue the thy masters house, and thy masters wyues into thy bosome, and gaue the, the house of Israel and of Iuda, & might (yf that had bene to lytle) haue geuen the so moche moare.

2 Samuel 22:51-23:1

51 Whych sheweth greate saluacyon for his kynge, and dealeth mercyfully with his anoynted: euen wyth Dauid, and wyth his sede for euermore.

1 Chronicles 28:5

5 And of all my sonnes (for the Lord hath geuen me manye sonnes) he hath chosen Salomon my sonne, to sytt vpon the seat of the kyngdom of the Lord in Israel.

1 Chronicles 29:23

23 And Salomon sate on the seate of the Lorde, and was kyng in steade of Dauid his father, & prospered, and all they of Israel obeyed him.

Psalms 86:13

13 For great is thy mercy towarde me and thou hast delyuered my soule from the nethermost hell.

Psalms 89:20-28

20 Thou spakest somtyme in vysyons vnto thy saynctes, and saydest: I haue layed helpe vpon one that is myghty, I haue exalted one chosen out of the people. 21 I haue founde Dauid my seruaunt: with my holy oyle haue I anoynted him. 22 My hand shall holde hym fast, and myne arme shall strengthen hym: 23 The enemye shall not be able to do hym violence, the sonne of wickednesse shall not hurte hym. 24 I shall smyte downe hys foes before hys face, and plage them that hate hym. 25 My trueth also and my mercy shalbe wyth hym, and in my name shall hys horne be exalted. 26 I wyll set hys dominion also in the see, and hys ryght hande in the floudes. 27 He shall call me: thou art my father, my God, & my stronge saluacion. 28 And I wyll make hym my fyrst borne, hyer then the kynges of the earth.

Psalms 89:49

49 What man is he that lyueth, and shall not se death? and shall he deliuer his awne soule from the hande of hell? Selah.

Isaiah 55:3

3 Enclyne your eares, and come vnto me, take hede (I saye) & your soule shall lyue. For I will make an euerlastynge couenaunt wyth you, euen the sure mercyes of Dauid.

Genesis 13:16

16 And I wyll make thy seed, as the dust of the erth: so that yf a man can nombre the dust of the erth, than shall thy seed also be nombred.

Genesis 22:17

17 that in blessynge I wyll blesse the, and in multiplienge I wyll multiplie thy seed as the starres of heauen & as the sande which is vpon the see syde. And thy seed shall possesse the gate of hys enemies.

Numbers 23:10

10 Who can tell the dust of Iacob, and the nombre of the fourth parte of Israel? I praye God, that my soule maye dye the death of the ryghteous, & that my last ende maye be lyke hys.

2 Samuel 7:12-16

12 And when thy dayes he fulfilled, thou shalt slepe wyth thy fathers, and I wyll set vp thy seede after the, which shall procead out of thy bodye, & will stablyshe his kyngdome. 13 He shall bylde an house for my name, & I wyll stablyshe the seate of his kyngdome for euer. 14 I wylbe his father, and he shalbe my sonne: yf he synne, I wyll chasten hym wyth soche a rodde as men be chastened wt, & wt soche plages as the children of men be plaged wt. 15 But my mercie shal not depart awaye from him, as I toke it from Saul, whom I put downe before the. 16 And thyne house and thy kyngdome shall endure wt out ende after the, and thy seate shalbe stablyshed foreuer.

2 Samuel 7:25-29

25 And now (Lord God) the worde that thou hast spoken concernyng thy seruaunt and his house: make it good for euer, and do as thou hast sayd. 26 For so shall thy name be magnified for euer, of men that shall saye: the Lorde of Hostes is the God of Israell: and the house of thy seruaunt shall be stablyshed before the. 27 For thou, O Lord of Hostes, God of Israell, hast tolde in the eare of thy seruaunt, sayeng: I wyll bylde the an house And therfore hath thy seruaunt found in his harte, to praye this prayer vnto the. 28 Therfore now Lord God, thou art God, and thy wordes must be true, thou that hast tolde this goodnesse vnto thy seruaunt. 29 And now go to, and blesse the housse of thy seruaunt, that it maye contynew for euer before the. for thou. Lord God hast spoken it, and with thy blessyng shall the house of thy seruaunt be blessed for euer.

1 Kings 3:7-8

7 And nowe, O Lord my God, it is thou that hast made thy seruaunt kynge in steade of Dauid my father, And I am but yonge, and wote not howe to go out and in. 8 And thy seruaunt is in the myddes of thy people, which thou haste chosen. And verely, the people are so manye, that they cannot be tolde nor nombred for multitude.

1 Chronicles 17:11-14

11 Thys also shall come to passe: when thy dayes be expired, that thou must go vnto thy fathers, I wyll rayse vp thy sead after the which shalbe of thy sonnes, and I wyll prepare for hym the kyngdome. 12 He shall buylde me an house, and I wyll stablishe his seate for euer 13 I wylbe hys father, and he shalbe my sonne, and I wyll not take my mercy awaye from hym, as I toke it from hym that was before the. 14 But I wyll sett hym in myne house and in my kyngdome for euer, and hys seate shalbe sure for euermore

1 Chronicles 17:23-27

23 Therfore nowe Lorde, let the thynge that thou hast spoken concernynge thy seruaunt and hys house, be true for euer, that thou do as thou hast sayde: let it come to passe, 24 that thy name maye be magnifyed for euer, that it maye be sayde: the Lorde of Hostes is the God of Israel (euen the God of Israel) & the house of Dauid thy seruaunt endureth stable before the. 25 For thou (O my God) hast tolde thy seruaunte, that thou wylt buylde him an house. And therfore thy seruaunt hath founde in hys hert to praye before the. 26 And nowe Lord, thou art God, and hast promised thys goodnesse vnto thy seruaunte. 27 Nowe therfore, let it be thy pleasure to blesse the house of thy seruaunt, that it maye contynue before the for euer. For whom thou blessest (O Lorde) the same is blessed for euer.

1 Chronicles 28:6-7

6 And he sayde vnto me: Salomon thy sonne, he shall buyld me an house & courtes, I haue chosen hym to be my sonne, & I wilbe his father. 7 I will stablyshe his kingdome for euer, If he will be strong to do my commaundmentes, & my lawes, as it goeth this daye.

Psalms 89:35-37

35 My couenaunt wyll I not breake, nor alter the thinge that is gone out of my lyppes. 36 I haue sworne once by my holynesse, that I wyll not fayle Dauid. 37 Hys sede shall endure for euer, and hys seate is lyke as the sunne before me.

Psalms 132:11-12

11 The Lorde hath made a faythfull othe vnto Dauid, & he shall not shryncke from it: 12 Of the frute of thy body shall I set vpon thy seate.

Numbers 27:17

17 which maye go out and in before them, and leade them out and in: that the congregacyon of the Lorde be not as shepe which haue not a shepherde.

Deuteronomy 31:2

2 and sayd vnto them: I am an hundred and .xx. yeare olde thys daye, and can nomore go out and in. Also the Lorde hath sayde vnto me thou shalt not goo ouer thys Iordan.

2 Samuel 5:2

2 And in tyme past when Saul was oure kynge, thou leddest Israel in and oute. And the Lorde hath sayd to the: thou shalt fede my people Israell, and thou shalt be a captayne ouer Israel.

1 Kings 3:9

9 Geue therfore vnto thy seruaunt an vnderstandynge hert, to iudge thy people, that I maye decerne betwene good and bad. For who is able to iudge thys, thy so myghtye a people?

Psalms 119:34

34 Geue me vnderstandynge, and I shall kepe thy lawe, yee I shall kepe it wyth my whole herte.

Psalms 119:73

73 Thy handes haue made me and fashioned me, O geue me vnderstandynge, that I maye learne thy commaundementes.

Proverbs 2:2-6

2 that thou wylt enclyne thyne eare vnto wysdome, applye thyne hert then to vnderstandynge. 3 For yf thou cryest after wisdome, and callest for knowledge: 4 yf thou sekest after her as after money, and dyggest for her as for treasure, 5 then shalt thou vnderstande the feare of the Lorde, and fynde the knowledge of God. 6 For it is the Lorde that geueth wisdome, out of his mouth commeth knowledge and vnderstandynge.

Proverbs 3:13-18

13 Well is him that findeth wysdome, and opteyneth vnderstandinge: 14 for the getting of it is better then any marchaundise of syluer, and the profet of it is better then golde. 15 Wysdome is more worth then precious stones: and all the thinges that thou canst desire are not to be compared vnto her. 16 Upon her ryght hande is longe lyfe, and vpon her left hande is riches and honour. 17 Her wayes are pleasaunt wayes and all her pathes are peaceable. 18 She is a tree of lyfe to them that laye hold vpon her, and blessed is he that kepeth her fast.

Proverbs 4:7

7 The chefe poynte of wysdome is, that thou be wyllynge to optayne wysedome: and before all thy goodes to gett the vnderstandynge.

2 Corinthians 2:16

16 To the one parte are we the sauour of deeth vnto deeth. And vnto the other part are we the sauour of lyfe vnto lyfe. And who is mete vnto these thinges?

2 Corinthians 3:5

5 not that we are sufficient of oure selues to thynke eny thyng, as of our selues: but yf we be able vnto any thinge the same commeth of God,

James 1:5

5 If eny of you lacke wysdome, let hym aske of him that geueth it: euen God, which geueth to all men indifferentlye, and casteth no man in the teeth: and it shalbe geuen him.

1 Samuel 16:7

7 But the Lorde sayde vnto Samuel: loke not on his fashyon, or on the heyght of hys stature, because I haue refused hym: for God seyth not as man seyth. For man loketh on the outwarde apperaunce but God beholdeth the harte.

1 Kings 3:11-13

11 And God sayde vnto him: because thou hast asked this thynge, and hast not asked longe lyfe, nether hast asked ryches, nor the soule of thyne enemyes, but hast asked vnderstandynge and discrecyon in iudgement. 12 Beholde, I haue done accordynge to thy peticyon. For I haue geuen the a wyse and an vnderstandynge herte, so that there was none like the before the, nether after the shal eny aryse lyke vnto the. 13 And I haue also geuen the, that which thou hast not asked, euen rychesse and honoure, so that there shalbe no kynge lyke vnto the all thy dayes.

1 Kings 3:28

28 And all they of Israel hearde of the iudgement, which the kynge hath iudged, and feared the kynge: for they sawe that the wysdome of God was in hym, to do iustice.

1 Kings 8:18

18 And the Lord sayd vnto Dauid my father. Where as it was thyne herte to buylde an house vnto my name, thou diddest well, that thou was so mynded.

1 Chronicles 28:2

2 And kynge Dauid stode vp vpon hys fete, and sayde. Heare me my brethren & my people. I had in myne hert to buylde an house of rest for the Arcke of the couenaunt of the Lord, & for the fote stole of oure God, & had made redye, for the buylding.

1 Chronicles 29:17-18

17 (I wote also my God) that thou tryest the hertes, and hast pleasure in vnfaynednesse. And in the unfaynednesse of myne herte. I haue willinglye offred all these thinges. And nowe haue I sene thy people which are founde here, to offer vnto the willyngly and wyth gladnesse. 18 O Lorde God of Abraham, Isahac, & of Israel oure fathers, kepe this for euer, as the begynnynge of the thoughtes of the herte of thy people, and prepare their hertes vnto the.

Proverbs 14:8

8 The wysdome of hym that hath vnderstanding is, to take hede vnto his waye but the folyshnesse of the vnwyse disceaueth.

Proverbs 23:7

7 for he doth as a man that pescribeth a mesure to the in his herte. He sayth vnto the: eate & dryncke, where as his herte is not wt the.

Acts 5:4

4 Pertayned it not vnto the onely? & after it was solde, was it not in thyne awne power? Why hast thou conceaued this thinge in thyne herte? Thou hast not lyed vnto men, but vnto God.

Hebrews 4:12

12 For the worde of God is quycke, and myghty in operacion, and sharper then eny two edged swearde: & entreth through, euen vnto the diuidynge a sonder of the soule and the sprete, and of the ioyntes and the mary: and is a discerner of the thoughtes and of the intentes of the herte:

James 3:13

13 So can no fountayne geue bothe salt water & fresshe also. Yf eny man be wyse & endued wt knowledge amonge you, let hym shewe his workes out of good conuersacion with mekenes of wysdome.

James 3:17

17 But the wysdome that is from aboue, is first pure, then peasable, gentle, & easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good frutes, without iudging, without simulacion:

2 Chronicles 9:22

22 And kyng Salomon passed all the kynges of the earth in rychesse and wysedome.

Ecclesiastes 2:9

9 And I was greater and in more worshipe, then all my predecessours in Ierusalem. For wisdome remained with me:

Matthew 6:33

33 But rather seke ye fyrst the kyngdome of God, and the ryghteousnesse therof, and al these thinges shalbe ministred vnto you.

Ephesians 3:20

20 Unto hym that is able to do exceadynge aboundantly aboue all that we aske or thynke accordynge to the power that worketh in in vs,

1 Kings 4:24-25

24 For he ruled in all the region on the other side Euphrates, from Thiphsah to Aza; ouer all the kynges on the other syde the ryuer. And he had peace with all hys seruauntes on euery syde. 25 And Iuda and Israel dwelt without feare, euery man vnder hys vyne and vnder hys fygg tre, from Dan to Beerseba, all the dayes of Salomon.

2 Chronicles 1:3

3 And so Salomon & all the congregacyon with him went to the hye place that was at Gibeon: for there was the tabernacle of the witnesse of God, which Moses the seruaunte of the Lorde made in the wildernesse.

Deuteronomy 17:16

16 But he shall not multiplye horses to him selfe, ner brynge the people agayne to Egypte thorowe the multitude of horses, for as moche as the Lord hath sayde vnto you: ye shall hence forth go no moare agayne that waye.

1 Kings 4:26

26 And Salomon had .xl.M. stalles of horses for charrettes, and .xij.M. horsmen.

1 Kings 9:19

19 and all the treasure cyties that Salomon had, and cyties for hys charettes, & cyties for hys horsemen, and all that Salomon desyred and wolde buylde in Ierusalem, in Libanon, and in all the lande of hys dominyon.

1 Kings 10:16

16 And kynge Salomon made two hundred bucklers of beaten gold, syxe hundred sycles of gold went to a buckler.

1 Kings 10:26-29

26 And Salomon gathered together charettes and horsmen: and he had a thousande and foure hundred charettes, & twelue thousande horsemen, whom he bestowed in the charette cyties, and with the kynge at Ierusalem. 27 And the kynge made syluer in Ierusalem as plenteous as stones, & Cedar as plenteouse as the wylde fygge trees that growe aboundauntly in the feldes. 28 The bryngyng of horses also out of Egypte: & the collection of the wares: dyd the kynges marchauntes take agayne, and sold the stuffe for a pryce. 29 A charet came vp out of Egypte for syxe hundred sycles of syluer: that is one horsse for an hundred and fyftye. And euen so so for all the kinges of the Hethithes and for the kynges of Syria, dyd they brynge them oute thorowe theyr handes.

2 Chronicles 9:25

25 And Salomon had foure thousande stalles for horses and charettes, & twelue thousande horsemen, whom he bestowed in the charet cyties, & some were with the kyng at Ierusalem.

2 Chronicles 1:12

12 wysdome and knowledge is graunted vnto the, and I will geue the treasure, and rychesse, and glorye: so that amonge the kynges that haue bene before the or after the, none was or shalbe lyke the.

2 Chronicles 9:27

27 And the kynge made syluer in Ierusalem as plenteous as stones, and Cedar trees as plenteous, as the mulbery trees that growe in the valleyes.

Job 22:24-25

24 Thou shall make golde as plentifull as the dust, and the golde of Ophir as the flyntes of the ryuers. 25 Yee, Almightye God hys awne selfe shalbe thy defence, and thou shalt haue plentye of syluer.

Isaiah 9:10

10 The tyle worcke is fallen downe, but we will buylde it wt squared stones. The Molbery tymbre is broken, but we shall sett it vp agayne with Cedre.

Isaiah 60:17

17 For brasse, wyll I geue the golde, and for yron syluer: for wod brasse, & for stones yron. I will torne thyne oppressyon into peace, & thyne exactyons into ryghteousnes.

Amos 7:14

14 Amos answered, and sayde to Amasiah: As for me I am nether prophet, ner prophetes sonne: but a keper of catell. Now as I was breakynge downe molberies, & going after the catell,

2 Chronicles 9:28

28 And they brought vnto Salomon horses out of Egypt, & out of al landes.

2 Kings 10:29

29 But from the synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which made Israel to synne: Iehu departed not, nether from folowing of them the golden calues that were in Bethel and in Dan.

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