24 Some mennes synnes are open before hande, and go before vnto iudgement: & some mennes synnes folowe after.
1 Timothy 5:24 Cross References - Great
Jeremiah 2:34
34 Upon thy wynges is founde the bloude of poore and innocent people, & that not in corners & holes only, but openly in all these places.
Acts 1:16-20
16 Ye men & brethren, thys scripture must haue nedes ben fulfylled, which the holy goost thorowe the mouth of Dauid spake before of Iudas, which was gyde to them that toke Iesus.
17 For he was noumbred with vs, and had obtayned felowshypp in thys mynystracyon.
18 And the same hath now possessed a plat of grounde with the rewarde of iniquite: and when he was hanged, he burst a sondre in the myddes, and all his bowels gusshed out.
19 And it is knowen vnto all the inhabiters of Ierusalem: in so moch that the same felde is called in their mother tonge, Acheldama, that is to saye, the bloude felde.
20 For it is wrytten in the boke of Psalmes: hys habitacyon be voyde, and no man be dwellynge therin: and his Bysshoprycke let another take.
Acts 5:1-11
1 A certayne man named Ananias with Saphyra his wyfe solde a possession,
2 and kepte awaye parte of the pryce (hys wyfe also beynge of counsell) and brought a certayne parte, and layde it downe at the Apostles fete.
3 But Peter sayde: Ananias, how is it, that Sathan hath fylled thyne hert, that thou shuldest lye vnto the holy goost, and kepe awaye parte of the pryce of the lande?
4 Pertayned it not vnto the onely? & after it was solde, was it not in thyne awne power? Why hast thou conceaued this thinge in thyne herte? Thou hast not lyed vnto men, but vnto God.
5 When Ananias herde these wordes, he fell downe, and gaue vp the goost. And great feare came on all them that hearde these thinges.
6 And the yonge men rose vp, and put hym a parte, and caryed hym out, and buried hym.
7 And it fortuned, that (as it were aboute the space of thre houres after) his wyfe came in, ignoraunt of that which was done.
8 And Peter sayde vnto her: Tell me, Solde ye not the lande for so moch? And she sayd: yee, for so moch.
9 Then Peter sayde vnto her: why haue ye agreed together, to tempt the sprete of the Lorde? Beholde, the fete of them which haue buried thy husband, are at the dore, and shall cary the out.
10 Then fell she downe strayght waye at his fete, and yelded vp the goost. And the yonge men came in, and founde her deed, & caryed her out, & buryed her by her husbande.
11 And great feare came on all the congregacyon, and on as many as hearde it.
Acts 8:18
18 When Simon sawe that thorow laying on of the apostles handes, the holy ghost was geuen, he offered them money,
Galatians 5:19-21
19 The dedes of the flesshe are manyfeste, which are these: aduoutery, fornicacion, vnclennes, wantannes,
20 worshypping of ymages, witchcraft, hatred, variaunce, zele, wrathe, stryfe, sedicyons, sectes,
21 enuyinge, murther, dronkennes, glottonye, and soche lyke: of the which I tell you before as I haue told you in tyme past, that they which commyt soch thinges shall not be inheritours of the kyngdome of God.
2 Timothy 4:10
10 For Demas hath forsaken me, and loueth thys present worlde, and is departed vnto Thessalonica. Crescens is gone to Galacia, Tytus vnto Dalmacia.
2 Peter 2:20-21
20 For yf they (after they haue escaped from the fylthynes of the worlde thorow the knowledge of the Lord and the sauyour Iesu Christ) are yet tangled againe therin, and ouercome then is the latter ende worse wyth them then the begynninge.
21 For it had bene better for them, not to haue knowne the waye of ryghteousnes, then after they haue knowen it, to turne from the holy commaundement that was geuen vnto them: