7 but we were tender amonge you, euen as a norsse cheryssheth her chyldren,
1 Thessalonians 2:7 Cross References - Great
Genesis 33:13-14
13 Iacob answered him: my Lorde, Thou knowest, that the chyldren are tendre, & the ewes & kyne wyth yonge vnder myne hande, which yf men shulde ouerdryue but euen one daye all the shepe wyll dye.
14 Oh let my Lorde goo before hys seruaunte, and I wyll dryue fayre and softly, accordynge as the catell that goeth before me and the chyldren be able to endure: vntyll I come to my Lorde vnto Seir.
Numbers 11:12
12 haue I conceaued all thys people? Or haue I begotten them:? hat thou shuldest saye vnto me? carie them in they bosome (as a nurse beareth the suckynge chylde) vnto the lande, which thou swarest vnto their fathers?
Isaiah 40:11
11 He shall fede his flock lyke an herdman. He shall gather the lambes together with hys arme, and carye them in his bosome, & shall kyndely intreate those that beare yonge.
Isaiah 49:23
23 For kinges shalbe thy nursyng fathers, and quenes shalbe thy nursing mothers. They shall fall before the wt theyr faces flatt vpon the earth: and lycke vp the dust of thy fete: that thou mayst knowe how that I am the Lorde. And who so putteth his trust in me, shall not be confounded.
Isaiah 66:13
13 For lyke as a chylde is comforted of his mother, so shall I comforte you, and ye shalbe comforted in Ierusalem.
Ezekiel 34:14-16
14 I will fede them in ryght good pastures and vpon the hie mountaynes of Israel shall there foldes be. There shal they lye in a good folde, and in a fat pasture shal they fede: euen vpon the mountaynes of Israell.
15 I will fede my shepe my selfe, and bringe them to their rest, sayeth the Lorde God.
16 Soch as be lost, will I seke: soch as go astraye: will I bring agayne: soch as be wounded, will I bynde vp: soch as be weake, will I make strong: soch as be fat & stronge, those will I rote oute, and fede them with the thing that is laufull.
Matthew 11:29-30
John 21:15-17
15 So when they had dyned, Iesus sayeth to Simon Peter: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me more then these? He sayd vnto him: ye Lord, thou knowest, that I loue the. He sayeth vnto him: fede my lambes.
16 He sayeth to him agayne the seconde tyme: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me? He saieth vnto him. Yee Lord, thou knowest that I loue the. He sayde vnto him: fede my shepe.
17 He sayde vnto him the thyrde tyme: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me? Peter was sory, because he sayde vnto hym the thyrde tyme: louest thou me, and he sayde vnto hym: Lord, thou knowest all thinges, thou knowest that I loue the, Iesus saieth vnto him: fede my shepe.
Acts 13:18
18 and about the tyme of fourtye yeares, suffred he theyr maners in the wyldernes.
1 Corinthians 2:3
3 And I was among you in weaknes, and in feare, and in moche tremblynge.
1 Corinthians 9:22
22 To the weake became I as weake, to wynne the weake: In all thinges I fasshyoned my selfe to all men, to saue at the least waye some.
2 Corinthians 10:1
1 I Paul my selfe beseche you by the mekenesse & softenesse of Christ, which whan I am present amonge you, am of no reputacyon: but am bolde towarde you beynge absent.
2 Corinthians 13:4
4 For though he was crucifyed in weaknes, yet liueth he thorowe the power of God. And we (no doute) are weake in hym: but we shall lyue with hym: by the myght of God amonge you.
Galatians 5:22-23
1 Thessalonians 2:11
11 as ye knowe, how that we bare soch affeccyon vnto euery one of you, as a father doth vnto chyldren, exhortynge, confortyng, and besechyng you,
2 Timothy 2:24-25
James 3:17
17 But the wysdome that is from aboue, is first pure, then peasable, gentle, & easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good frutes, without iudging, without simulacion: