4 but as we were alowed of God, that the Gospell sholde be commytted vnto vs: euen so we speake, not as they that please men, but God, whych tryeth oure hertes.
1 Thessalonians 2:4 Cross References - Great
Numbers 27:16
16 let the Lorde God of the spretes of all fleshe sett a man ouer the congregacyon,
1 Kings 8:39
39 heare thou then in heauen, euen in thy dwellynge place, and be mercyfull, and worke, and geue euery man accordinge to all hys wayes (euen as thou that only knowest his hert, for thou onely knowest the hertes of all the chyldren of men:)
1 Chronicles 29:17
17 (I wote also my God) that thou tryest the hertes, and hast pleasure in vnfaynednesse. And in the unfaynednesse of myne herte. I haue willinglye offred all these thinges. And nowe haue I sene thy people which are founde here, to offer vnto the willyngly and wyth gladnesse.
Psalms 7:9
9 Oh let the wyckednes of the vngodly come to an ende: but guyd thou the iust.
Psalms 17:3
3 Thou hast proued & visyted myne herte in the nyght season: thou haste tryed me and shalt fynde no wyckednesse in me: for I am vtterly purposed, that my mouth shall not offende.
Psalms 44:21
21 If we haue forgotten the name of oure God, & holden vp our handes to eny straung God. Shall not God search it out? for he knoweth the very secretes of the hert.
Psalms 139:1-2
Proverbs 17:3
3 Lyke as syluer is tryed in the fyre, and golde in the fornace, euen so doth the Lorde proue the hertes.
Jeremiah 17:10
10 Euen I the Lorde searche out the grounde of the herte, and trye the reynes, & rewarde euery man accordynge to his wayes, and accordynge to the frute of his workes.
Jeremiah 32:19
19 Thou art the greate and mightye God, whose name is the Lorde of hoostes: greate in councell, and excellent in worcke. Thyne eyes loke vpon all the wayes of mens chyldren, to reward euery one after his waye: & according to the frutes of his inuencions.
Luke 12:42
42 And the Lorde sayde: who is a faythfull and wise stewarde, whom his Lorde shall make ruler ouer his housholde, to geue them their duetie of meat in due season:
Luke 16:11
11 So then, yf ye haue not ben faythfull in the vnryghteous mammon, who wyll beleue you in that which is true?
John 2:24-25
John 21:17
17 He sayde vnto him the thyrde tyme: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me? Peter was sory, because he sayde vnto hym the thyrde tyme: louest thou me, and he sayde vnto hym: Lord, thou knowest all thinges, thou knowest that I loue the, Iesus saieth vnto him: fede my shepe.
Romans 8:27
27 And he that searcheth the hertes knoweth, what is the meanynge of the spryte: for he maketh intercercessyon for the sayntes according to the pleasure of God.
1 Corinthians 2:4-5
1 Corinthians 4:1-2
1 Corinthians 7:25
25 As concernynge virgins, I haue no commaundement of the Lorde: yet geue I counsell, as one that hath obtayned mercye of the Lord, to be faythfull.
1 Corinthians 9:17
17 If I do it wt a good will, I haue a reward. But yf I do it against my will, an office is committed vnto me.
2 Corinthians 4:2
2 but haue cast from vs the clokes of vnhonestye, and walke not in craftynes, nether handle we the worde of God disceatfully, but open the trueth, & reporte oure selues to euery mannes conscience in the syght of God
2 Corinthians 5:11
11 Seynge then that we knowe, how the Lorde is to be feared, we fare fayre wyth men. For we are knowen well ynough vnto God. I trust also that we are knowen in youre consciences.
2 Corinthians 5:16
16 Wherfore, hence forth knowe we no man after the flesshe. In so moch though we haue knowen Christ after the flesshe, now yet hence forth knowe we him so nomoare.
Galatians 1:10
10 Do I now perswade men, or God? Other do I seke to please men? For yf I had hythereto studyed to please men, I were not the seruaunt of Christ.
Galatians 2:7
7 But contrary wyse, when they sawe that the gospell ouer the vncircumcision was committed vnto me, as the gospell ouer the circumcisyon was commytted vnto Peter.
Ephesians 3:8
8 Unto me the least of all saynctes is this grace geuen, that I shulde preache amonge the Gentyls the vnsearcheable riches of Christ
Ephesians 6:6
6 not doynge seruice vnto the eye, as they that go about to please men: but as the seruauntes of Christ, doynge the wyll of God from the herte
Colossians 3:22
22 Ye seruauntes be obedient vnto them that are youre bodyly masters in all thinges: not with eye seruice as men pleasers, but in synglenes of herte, fearynge God.
1 Timothy 1:11-13
11 accordynge to the Gospell of the glory of the blessed God, whych Gospell is commytted vnto me.
12 And I thanke Chryst Iesus oure Lorde, whych hath made me stronge: for he counted me true, and put me in offyce
13 where as before I was a blasphemer, and a persecuter, & a Tyraunt. But yet I obtayned mercy, because I dyd it ignorauntly thorowe vnbelefe.
1 Timothy 6:20
20 O Timothe, saue that which is geuen the to kepe, and avoyde vngostly vanyties of voyces and opposycyons of science falsly so called:
2 Timothy 1:14
14 That good thynge, whych was committed to thy kepynge, holde fast thorowe the holy goost, which dwelleth in vs.
2 Timothy 2:2
2 and in the thynges that thou hast hearde of me by many wytnesses. The same commytte thou to faythfull men, which shalbe apte to teach other also.
Titus 1:3
3 but hath opened his worde at the tyme appoynted thorowe preachinge, which is commytted vnto me, accordynge to the commaundement of God oure saueoure.
Hebrews 4:13
13 nether is ther eny creature that is not manifest in the syght of him: But all thinges are naked and open vnto the eyes of him, of whom we speake.
Revelation 2:23
23 And I wyll kyll her chyldren with deeth. And all the congregacyons shall knowe, that I am he which searcheth the reynes & hertes. And I wyll geue vnto euery one of you acordynge vnto hys workes.