7 & sayde to Abiathar the preste Ahimelechs sonne: I pray the, bring me the Ephod. And Abiathar brought the Ephod to Dauid.
1 Samuel 30:7 Cross References - Great
1 Samuel 22:20-21
1 Samuel 23:2-9
2 Therfore Dauid asked the Lords aduyse, saying: shall I goo and smyte these Philistines? And the Lorde answered vnto Dauid: go and smyte the Philistines, and saue keilah.
3 And Dauids men that were with him, sayd vnto him: se, we be afrayed here in Iuda: how much more then yf we come to keila agaynst the host of the Philistynes?
4 Then Dauid asked the Lorde agayne. And the Lord answered him and sayde: Aryse, & go downe to keila, for I will delyuer the Philistines in to thyne hande.
5 And so Dauid and his men went to keila, and fought with the Philistynes, & droue awaye their catell, and smote them with a great slaughter. And so Dauid saued the enhabiters of keila.
6 And it chaunced, when Abiathar the sonne of Ahimelech fled to Dauid to keila, that he brought an Ephod with him in his hande.
7 And it was tolde Saul, that Dauid was come to keila. And Saul sayde: God hath delyuered him into myne hand. For he is shut in now that he is come into a towne that hath gates & barres.
8 And Saul called all the people together to warre, for to go downe to keila, and to besege Dauid & his men.
9 And Dauid hauing knowlege that Saul imagened myschef against him, sayd, to Abiathar the preast: Bryng the Ephod.
1 Kings 2:26
26 And vnto Abiathar the preste, sayde the kynge: get the to Anatoth vnto thyne awne feldes: for thou arte worthy of deeth: but I wyll not at this tyme kyll the, because thou barest the arcke of the Lorde God before Dauid my father, and because thou hast suffred with my father in all hys affliccyons.
Mark 2:26
26 How he went into the house of God in the dayes of Abiathar the hye Preast, and dyd eate the shewbread, (whych is not lawfull to eate, but for the Prestes onely) & gaue also to them whych were wyth hym?