11 And the seruauntes of Achis sayd of him: is not this Dauid the kyng of the lande? dyd they not syng vnto him, in daunses saying Saul hath slayne his thousand, & Dauid his ten thousand?
1 Samuel 21:11 Cross References - Great
1 Samuel 16:1
1 The Lorde sayde vnto Samuel: Howe longe wylt thou mourne for Saul, seynge I haue cast hym awaye from raygnynge ouer Israel? Fyll thyne horne with oyntment, and come, that I maye sende the to Isai the Bethlehemite, for I haue prouided me a kynge amonge hys sonnes.
1 Samuel 18:7-8
7 And the wemen answered one another in theyr playe, & sayde Saul hath slayne his thousande, and Dauid hys ten thousande.
8 And Saul was excedyng wroth, and the sayinge displeased him, and he sayde: they haue ascribed vnto Dauid ten thousande, and to me but a thousande, & what can he more haue, saue the kyngdome?
1 Samuel 29:5
5 Is not thys Dauid, to whom they sange in daunses: Saul slue hys thousande, and Dauid hys ten thousande?
Psalms 56:1-13
1 To the chaunter vpon the doue of him that was domme in a farre countreye: the badg (or armes) of Dauid, when the Philistines toke hym in Geth. Be mercyfull vnto me (O God) for man goeth about to deuoure me: he is dayly fyghtynge and troublyng me.
2 Myne enemyes are dayly in hande to swalowe me vp: for they be many that fyght agaynst me, o thou moost hyest.
3 Neuerthelesse, though I am some tyme afrayed yet put I my trust in the.
4 I wyll prayse God, because of hys worde, I haue put my trust in God, & wyll not feare, what flesh can do vnto me.
5 They dayly mistake my wordes: all that they ymagyne is to do me euell.
6 They holde all together, & kepe them selues close: & marcke my steppes, whan they laye wayte for my soule.
7 Shall they escape for theyr wyckednes? thou (O God) in thy dyspleasure shalt cast them downe.
8 Thou tellest my flyttynges, put my teares in thy botell: are not these thinges noted in thy booke?
9 When soeuer I call vpon the, then shal myne enemies be put to flyght: thys I knowe, for God is on my syde.
10 In Gods wordes wyll I reioyse, in the Lordes worde wyll I comforte me.
11 Yee, in God haue I put my trust, I wyll not be afrayed what man can do vnto me.
12 Unto the (O God) wyl I paye my vowes, vnto the wyll I geue thankes.
13 For thou hast delyuered my soule from death, and my fete from falling, that I maye walke before God in the lyght of the lyuynge.