1 Samuel 16:3 Cross References - Great

3 And call Isai to the offerynge, and I wyll shewe the, what thou shalt do: And thou shalt anoynt hym whom I name vnto the.

Exodus 4:15

15 Therfore thou shalt speake vnto hym, and put these wordes in hys mouth, and I wylbe with thy mouth and wyth hys mouth, and wyll teache you what ye ought to do.

Deuteronomy 17:14-15

14 When thou art come vnto the lande whych the Lorde thy God geueth the, and enioyest it, and dwellest therin: & yf thou shalt saye. I wyll set a kynge ouer me lyke as all the nacyons that are aboute me: 15 Then thou shalt make hym kynge ouer the, whom the Lorde thy God shall chose: Euen one from amonge thy brethren shalt thou make kynge ouer the, and thou mayst not set a straunger ouer the, whych is not of thy brethren.

1 Samuel 9:12-13

12 And the maydens answered them, yee, beholde, he is before you. Make hast nowe, for he cam thys daye to the cyte for there is an offerynge of the people this daye in the hill. 13 When ye be come into the cytie, ye shall fynde hym strayght waye, yer he go vp to the hyll to eate: for the people wyll not eate vntyll he come, because he doth blesse the offering. And then eate they that be bydden to the feast. Nowe therfore get you vp, for this daye shall ye fynde hym.

1 Samuel 9:16

16 to morowe thys tyme I wyll sende the a man out of the lande of Ben Iamin, hym shalt thou anoynte to be captayne ouer my people Israel, that he maye saue my people out of the hande of the Philistines: for I haue loked vpon my people, and theyr crye is come vnto me.

1 Samuel 16:12-13

12 And he sent, & brought hym in. And he was browne, and of an excellent bewtye, & well fauored in syght. And the Lorde sayde: Aryse, and anoynt him, for this is he. 13 Therfore Samuel toke the horne wyth the oyntment, & anoynted him in the myddes of hys brethren. And the sprete of the Lorde came vpon Dauid, from that daye forwarde. And Samuel rose vp, and went to Rama.

2 Samuel 15:11

11 And with Absalom went two hundred men out of Ierusalem, that were called. And they went wt pure hertes, not knowinge of any thynge.

Matthew 22:1-4

1 And Iesus answered, & spake vnto them agayne by parables and sayde. 2 The kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a man that was a kynge, whych made a mariage for hys sonne 3 & sent forth his seruauntes, to call them that were byd to the weddynge, & they wolde not come. 4 Agayne, he sent forth other seruauntes sayinge: Tell them whych are bydden: beholde, I haue prepared my dynner: my oxen & my fatlynges are kylled, & all thinges are ready, come vnto the mariage.

Acts 9:6

6 And he both tremblynge, & astonyed sayde: Lorde, what wylt thou haue me to do? And the Lord sayd vnto hym: aryse, and go into the cytie, and it shalbe told the, what thou must do.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.