54 And when Salomon had made an ende of prayinge all thys prayer and supplicacyon vnto the Lorde, he arose from before the aultare of the Lorde, and from knelynge on hys knees, and from stretchynge of his handes vp to heauen,
1 Kings 8:54 Cross References - Great
1 Kings 8:22
22 Salomon stode before the aultare of the Lorde in the syght of all the congregacyon of Israel, and stretched out hys handes towarde heauen,
2 Chronicles 6:12-13
12 And the kynge stode before the aulter of the Lorde in the presence of all the congregacyon of Israel, and stretched out his handes.
13 For nowe Salomon had made a brasen pulpyt of fyue cubytes longe & fyue cubytes broad, and thre of heyght, & had set it in the myddes of the great courte, & vpon it, he stode and kneled downe, vpon his knees before all the congregacyon of Israel & stretched out his handes towarde heauen,
2 Chronicles 7:1
1 And when Salomon had made an ende of prayinge, there came downe fyre from heauen, & consumed the burnte offerynge and the sacrifyces. And the house was fylled with the glorie of the Lorde,
Psalms 95:6
6 O come, let vs worshyppe & fall downe, and knele before the Lord oure maker.
Luke 11:1
1 And it fortuned as he was prayinge in a certayne place: when he ceased, one of his disciples sayde vnto hym: Lorde, teache vs to praye, as Iohn also taught hys disciples.
Luke 22:41
41 And he gate hym selfe from them, about a stones cast, and kneled downe, and prayed,
Luke 22:45
45 And whan he rose vp from prayer and was come to hys discyples, he founde them slepynge for heuynesse,
Acts 20:36
36 And when he had thus spoken, he kneled downe and prayed with them all.
Acts 21:5
5 And when the dayes were ended we departed and went oure waye, and they all brought vs on oure waye, with wyues and chyldren, tyll we were come out of the cytie. And we kneled downe in the shore and prayde.