5 And in the wall of the house, he made chambers rounde about, (euen in the walles of the house) rounde about the temple & the queer: and made sydes rounde about.
1 Kings 6:5 Cross References - Great
Exodus 25:22
22 And from thence I wyll testifye vnto the and wyll comon with the from vpon the mercyseate: from betwene the two Cherubins which are vpon the arke of witnesse, of all thynge which I wyll geue the in commaundement vnto the chyldren of Israel.
Leviticus 16:2
2 speake vnto Aaron thy brother, that he come not at all tymes into the holy place wythin the vayle before the mercyseate, whych is vpon the arke, that he dye not. For I will appeare in the clowde vpon the mercyseate.
Numbers 7:89
89 And when Moses was gone into the tabernacle of wytnesse, to speke wyth hym, he harde the voyce of one speakynge vnto hym from of the mercyseate, that was vpon the arke of wytnesse betwene the two cherubyns, and he talked with hym.
1 Kings 6:16
16 And he syled .xx. cubytes in the sydes of the queer of the temple, both floore & walles with bordes of Cedar, & dressed it within in the secrete place of the temple, euen in the moost holye.
1 Kings 6:19-21
19 And the queer that was within the temple, he prepared, to set there the arcke of the appoyntement of the Lorde:
20 And the queer before was twentye cubites longe, and twenty cubites in bredth, and twentye cubytes in heygth. And he syled it with pure golde, and borded the aultare with Cedar.
21 And Salomon also syled the house within with pure golde. And he made golden barres runne alonge the queer, which he had couered with golde.
1 Kings 6:31
31 And in the enteryng of the queer he made two dores of Olyue tree. And both the vpper & two syde postes were .v. square. The two dores also were of Oliue tree,
1 Chronicles 9:26
26 For the Leuites (which had the ouersyght of the vestryes & treasures of the house of God) were vnder the custody of foure notable porters:
1 Chronicles 23:28
28 the Leuites were nombred from twentye yere and aboue, and their offyce was vnder the hande of the sonnes of Aaron, for the seruice of the house of the Lorde, in the courtes & celles, and in the purifyinge of all holye thynges, and in the worcke of the seruice of the house of God.
1 Chronicles 28:11
11 And Dauid gaue Salomon his sonne the paterne of the porche & of the houses that longed therto, of the store houses, upper chambres, ynner parloures, & of the house of the mercyeseate:
2 Chronicles 4:20
20 Moreouer, the candelstickes with their lampes (to burne after the maner before the quere) and that of precious golde:
2 Chronicles 5:7
7 And the preastes brought the Arcke of the appoyntement of the Lorde vnto his place, euen into the quere of the temple within the place most holye, and set it vnder the wynges of the cherubs,
2 Chronicles 5:9
9 And the barres of the Arcke, were so longe, that the heades of the barres were sene without the Arcke within the quere, but not without. And there the Arcke remayned vnto this daye.
2 Chronicles 31:11
11 And Hezekia bad prepare the chambres in the house of the Lord. And they dyd prepare them,
Nehemiah 10:37
37 and that we shuld bryng the fyrstlynges of oure dowgh, and of oure heueofferynges, and the frutes of all maner of trees, of wyne also and of oyle, vnto the preastes to the chestes of the house of oure God. And the tythes of our lande vnto the Leuites, that the Leuytes myght haue the tithes in all the cyties of oure minystracyon.
Nehemiah 12:44
44 At the same tyme were there men appoynted ouer the treasure houses (wherin were the Heue offerynges, the fyrstlynges & the tythes) that they shulde geather them out of the feldes aboute the cytyes, to destribute them vnto the preastes & Leuites according to the lawe: for Iuda was glad of the preastes, & Leuites, that they stode & wayted
Nehemiah 13:5-9
5 & had made him a great chambre, & there had they afore tyme layed the offeringes, frankencense, vessell, & the tythes of corne, and wyne and oyle (accordyng to the commaundement geuen to the Leuites, syngers and porters) and the heueofferynges of the preastes:
6 But in all this tyme was not I at Ierusalem: for in the two & thyrtie yeare of Artaxerses kyng of Babylon, came I vnto the kyng, and after certayne dayes optayned I lycence of the kyng
7 to come to Ierusalem. And I gat knowlege of the euell that Eliasib dyd vnto Tobia, in that he had made him a chambre in the court of the house of God,
8 and it greued me sore, & I cast forth all the vessels of the house of Tobia out of the chambre,
9 and commaunded them to clense the chambres. And thither brought I agayne the vessels of the house of God, with the meatoffering, and the incense.
Psalms 28:2
2 Heare the voyce of my humble peticyons, when I crye vnto the, whan I holde vp my, handes towarde the mercyseate of thy holy temple.
Song of Songs 1:4
4 drawe thou me vnto the: we wyll runne after the. The kynge hath brought me into hys preuy chambres. We wyll be glad & reioyce in the, we thynke more of thy loue then of wyne. They that be ryghteous loue the.
Jeremiah 35:4
4 and brought them to the house of the Lorde into the closet of the chyldren of Hanan the sonne of Iegedaliah the man of God: which was by the closet of the Princes that is aboue the closet of Maasiah the sonne of Selum, which is the treasurer.
Ezekiel 40:44
44 On the out syde of the innermer dore were the syngers chambers in the inwarde court besyde the north dore oueragaynst the south. There stode one also, besyde the east dore northwarde.
Ezekiel 41:5-11
5 He measured also the wall of the house, which was .vi. cubites. The chambres that stode rounde about the house, were euery one .iiij. cubites wyde:
6 and one stode harde vpon another, wherof ther were .xxxiij. ther stode postes beneth by the walles rounde about the house, to beare them vp: but in the wall of the house, they were not fastened.
7 The syde chambres were, the hyer the wyder, & had steppes thorowe them rounde about the house. Thus was it wyder aboue, that from the lowest men myght go to the hyest by the mydd chambres.
8 I sawe also that the house was very hye rounde aboute. The foundacyon of the syde chambres was a meterodde, that is .vi. cubites broade.
9 The thicknes of the syde wall without, conteined .v. cubites, and so dyd the outwall of the chambres in the house.
10 Betwene the chambres was the wydenes .xx. cubites rounde about the house.
11 The chambre dores stode ouer agaynst the outwall, the one dore was toward the north, the other towarde the south: and the thycknesse of the outwall was .v. cubites rounde about
Ezekiel 42:3-12
3 oueragaynst the .xx. cubytes of the ynnermer court, and agaynst the paued worke that was in the court, besyde all these thre, ther stode pillers, one oueragaynst another:
4 And before thys chambre there was a walkyng place of .x. cubites wyde, and within was a waye of one cubite wyde and their dores towarde the north.
5 Thus the hyest chambres were alwaye narower then the lowest and myddelmost of the buyldynge:
6 for they bare chambre vpon chambre, and stode thre together one vpon another, not hauyng pillers lyke the fore court: therfore were they smaller then those beneth and in the middest to reken from the grounde vpwarde.
7 The wall without that stode by the chambres towarde the vtmost court vpon the fore syde of the chambres, was .l. cubytes longe:
8 for the length of the vtmost chambres in the fore court was .l. cubytes also: but the length therof before the temple was an .C. cubytes.
9 These chambres had vnder them an intraunce of the east syde, wherby a man myght go in to them out of the fore court,
10 thorowe the thicke wall of the fore court towarde the east, ryght oueragaynst the separated buylding.
11 Before the same buyldyng vpon thys syde, there were chambres also which had a waye vnto them, lyke as the chambre on the north syde of the same length and wydenesse. Theyr intraunce, fashyon and dores were also of the same maner.
12 Yee, euen lyke as the other chambre dores were: so were those also of the south syde. And before the waye towarde the syngers steppes on the east syde, there stode a dore to go in at.