1 Kings 22:23 Cross References - Great

23 Now therfore beholde the Lord hath put a lyenge sprete in the mouth of all these thy prophetes: and the Lorde hath spoken euell towarde the.

Exodus 4:21

21 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: when thou art entred & come into Egypte agayne, se that thou doo all the wondres before Pharao which I haue put in thy hande: but I wyll holde hys herte, and he shall not let the people goo.

Exodus 10:20

20 And the Lorde hardened Pharaos herte, so that he wolde not lett the children of Israel go.

Numbers 23:19-20

19 God is not a man that he shulde lye, nether the sonne of a man that he shulde repent: shulde he saye, and not doo? or shulde he speake, and not make it good? 20 beholde, I haue taken vpon me to blesse, for he hath blessed, and it is not in my power to alter it.

Numbers 24:13

13 If Balac wolde geue me his house full of syluer and golde, I cannot passe the worde of the Lorde, to do ether good or bad of myne awne mynde? But what the Lorde sayeth, that am I compelled to speake.

Deuteronomy 2:30

30 But Sehon the kynge of Hesbon wolde not let vs passe by him, for the Lord thy God hardened his sprete, & made his herte tough, because he wolde delyuer him into thy hande, as it is come to passe thys daye.

1 Kings 20:42

42 And he sayde vnto him. thus sayth the Lorde: because thou hast lett go a man that is in my cursse, thy lyfe shall go for his lyfe, and thy people for his people.

1 Kings 21:19

19 And therfore shalt thou saye vnto him thus sayth the Lorde: hast thou kylled, & gotten possession? And thou shalt speake vnto him sayeng: thus sayth the Lorde in the place where dogges lycked the bloud of Naboth, shall dogges licke euen thy bloud also.

1 Kings 22:8-11

8 And the kyng of Israel sayd vnto Iehosaphat: there is yet one man (Michea the sonne of Iimla,) by whom we maye aske councell of the Lorde. But I hate hym: for he doth not prophesye good vnto me, but euel. And Iehosaphat sayde: let not the kyng saye so. 9 Then the kynge of Israel called a chamberlayn and sayde: fet Michea the sonne of Iimla hyther at once. 10 And the kynge of Israel and Iehosaphat the kyng of Iuda set ether in hys seat and theyr apparell on them, in a voyde place besyde the entrynge in of the gate of Samaria, and all the Prophetes prophesyed before them. 11 And Zedekia the sonne of Canaana made hornes of yron, and sayd: thus sayth the Lorde: wyth these hornes shalt thou pusshe the Syrians, vntyll thou haue made an ende of them.

2 Chronicles 25:16

16 And it chaunced, that as the prophete talked with hym the kynge sayde vnto hym: haue men made the of the kynges councell? cease, why wylt thou be beaton? And the prophete ceased and sayde: I am sure that God is mynded to destroye the, because thou hast done this, and agreest not vnto my councell.

Isaiah 3:11

11 But wo be to the vngodly and vnryghteous, for they shalbe rewarded after theyr worckes.

Isaiah 6:9-10

9 And he sayde, go, and tell this people: ye shall heare in dede, but ye shall not vnderstande: ye shall playnely se, and not perceaue. 10 Harden the harte of this people, stoppe theyr eares, and shut theyr eyes, that they se not with theyr eyes, heare not with theyr eares, and vnderstand not with theyr hertes, and conuerte and be healed.

Isaiah 44:20

20 Thus he doth but lese hys laboure, and hys herte which is disceaued, doth turne hym asyde: so that none of them can haue a fre conscience to thincke: maye not Ierre?

Ezekiel 14:3-5

3 Thou sonne of man, these men beare their vnclennes in theyr hertes, and go purposly vpon the stomblynge blocke of theyr awne wyckednesse: shulde I then answer at their request? 4 Therfore speake vnto them, & saye: thus sayeth the Lorde God: Euery man of the house of Israel that beareth hys vncleane Idols in hys herte, purposynge to stomble in hys awne wyckednesse, and commeth to a prophet, to enquere eny thinge at me by him: vnto that man wyll I the Lorde myselfe geue answere, accordynge to the multitude of hys Idols: 5 that the house of Israel maye be snared in their awne hertes, because they be clene gone fro me, for their abhominacions sakes.

Ezekiel 14:9

9 and yf that Prophete be disceaued, when he telleth hym a worde: then I the Lorde my selfe haue disceaued that Prophet, and wyll stretch forth myne hande vpon hym, to rote hym out of my people of Israel:

Matthew 13:13-15

13 Therfore speake I to them by similitude: for they seinge, se not: and hearinge, they heare not: nother do they vnderstand. 14 And in them is fulfylled the prophecie of Esaias, which sayth: with the eares ye shall heare, and shall not vnderstand and seinge ye shall se, and shall not perceaue. 15 For these peoples hertes is wexed grosse, and their eares are dull of hearynge, and theyr eyes haue they closed, lest at any tyme they shuld se with their eyes, and heare with their eares, & shuld understand with their herte, & be conuerted, that I also myght heale them.

Matthew 24:24-25

24 For there shall aryse false Chrystes, and false prophetes and shall shew great miracles, & wondres. In so moch (that yf it were possyble) the verie electe shuld be deceaued: 25 behold, I haue tolde you before.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.