21 And the kynge of Israel went out, and smote the horsses & charettes, & wyth a great slaughter slue he the Sirians.
1 Kings 20:21 Cross References - Great
Judges 3:28
28 And he sayde vnto them, folowe me: for the Lord hath delyuered youre enemyes, the Moabytes into youre hande. And they descended after him, and toke the passages of Iordan, towarde Moab, and soffered not a man to passe ouer.
Judges 7:23-25
23 And the men of Israel beynge geathered together out of the trybe of Nephthalim, of Aser, & of all Manasses folowed after the Madianites.
24 And Gedeon sent messengers vnto all mount Ephraim, saying: come downe against the Madianites, & take before them the waters vnto Bethbarath & to Iordan. Then all the men of Ephraim geathered together, & toke the waters vnto Bethbarath, & to Iordan.
25 And they toke two captaynes of the Madianites, Oreb and Zeb, and slew Oreb vpon the rocke Oreb, and Zeb at the presse Zeb, & folowed after Madian. And brought the heades of Oreb and Zeb, to Gedeon on the other syde Iordan.
1 Samuel 14:20-22
20 And Saul ioyned hymselfe vnto all the people that were with him, & they came to the battell. And beholde euery mannes swerde was agaynst his felowe, and there was a very greate rumore.
21 Moreouer, the Ebrues that were wyth the Philistines before that tyme, and were come with them in all partes of the hoste, turned, to be with the Israelites that were wyth Saul & Ionathas.
22 And all the men of Israel also, which had hidd them selues in mount Ephraim, as sone as they hearde howe that the Philistines were fledd, they folowed after them in the battell.
1 Samuel 17:52
52 And the men of Israel and of Iuda arose, and showted, & folowed after the Philistines, vntyll they came to the valeye, and vnto the gates of Akaron. And the Philistines fell downe wounded by the waye to Saaraiim, euen vnto Gath & Akaron.
2 Kings 3:18
18 And this is yet but a small thynge in the syght of the Lorde, for asmoch as he will geue ouer the Moabites also into youre handes.
2 Kings 3:24
24 And when they came to the Hoste of Israel, the Israelytes stode vp and smote the Moabites, so that they fledd before them, but they folowed vpon them, & smote Moab.