2 And Ieroboam sayde vnto hys wyfe: vp (I praye the) and disguyse thy selfe, that thou be not knowen to be the wyfe of Ieroboam, and get the to Silo. For ther is Ahia the Prophete which tolde me that I shulde be kynge ouer thys people.
1 Kings 14:2 Cross References - Great
Joshua 18:1
1 And the whole congregacion of the children of Israel came together at Silo, and set vp the tabernacle of witnesse there, and the lande was in subieccion before them.
1 Samuel 28:8
8 And Saul chaunged him self, and put on other rayment, & then went he & two men with hym, and they came to the woman by nyght. And he sayde: prophesye vnto me by the sprete, & bring me him vp whom I shall name vnto the.
2 Samuel 14:2
2 & he sent to Thekoa, and fett thence a wyse woman, and sayde vnto her: fayne thy selfe to be a mourner, and put on mournynge apparell. And anoynt not thy self with oyle. but be as a woman that had longe tyme mourned for some deed bodye.
1 Kings 11:29-38
29 And it chaunced at that ceason, that Ieroboam went out of Ierusalem, and the prophete Ahiah the Silonite mett him by the waye hauynge a newe mantell on hym, and they two were alone in the felde.
30 And Ahiah caught the newe mantell that was on hym and rent it in twelue peces,
31 and sayde to Ieroboam take the ten peces. For thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel: behold, I wyll rent the kyngdome oute of the handes of Salomon, and wyll geue ten tribes to the
32 and he shall haue one, for my seruaunte Dauids sake and for Ierusalem the cytie whyche I haue chosen out of all the trybes of Israel:
33 because they haue forsaken me, and haue worshypped vnto Astharoth the God of the Zidons, & Chamos the God of the Moabites, and Milcom the God of the chyldren of Ammon, and haue not walked in my wayes (to fulfyll my pleasure, my statutes and my lawes) as dyd Dauid hys father.
34 I wyll not take the whole kyngdome out of his hande: but wyll make hym chefe all hys lyfe longe, for Dauid my seruauntes sake, whom I chose: because he kepte my commaundementes and my statutes.
35 But I wyll take the kyngdome out of his sonnes hande, & wyll geue it vnto the, euen ten tribes of it:
36 and vnto hys sonne wyll I geue one trybe, that Dauid my seruaunt maye haue a lyght allwaye before me in Ierusalem, the cytie which I haue chosen me, to put my name there.
37 And I wyll take the, & thou shalt raygne accordynge to all that thy soule desyreth, & shalt be kynge ouer Israel.
38 And yf thou herken vnto all that I commaunde the, & wylt walke in my wayes & do that is ryght in my syght, that thou kepe my statutes and my commaundementes (as Dauid my seruaunt dyd) then wyll I be with the, & buylde the a sure house that shall contynewe, as I buylte for my seruaunt Dauid, and wyll geue Israel vnto the
1 Kings 14:5-6
5 And the Lorde sayde vnto Ahia: beholde, the wyfe of Ieroboam cometh, to aske a thinge of the for her sonne, for he is sycke. But thus shalt thou saye vnto her. And when she came in, she feyned her selfe to be a nother woman.
6 But when Ahia hearde the sounde of her fete as she came in at the dore, he sayde: come in thou wyfe of Ieroboam, why feynest thou thy selfe so, to be another? I am sent to the to shewe the heuy thinges.
1 Kings 22:30
30 And the kynge of Israel sayde to Iehosaphat: chaunge the, whan thou goest to warre: and put on thyne apparell. And the kyng of Israel chaunged hym selfe, and went to battell.
2 Chronicles 18:29
29 And the kyng of Israel sayde vnto Iehosaphat: I must chaunge me, when I go to the batatyll: but se that thou haue thyne awne apparell vpon the. And the kynge of Israel chaunged hym selfe, and they came to battayll.
Luke 12:2
2 For ther is nothynge couered, that shall not be vncouered: nether hyd, that shall not be knowen.