23 If therfore, when all the congregacyon is come together, and all speake with tonges, ther come in they that are vnlearned, or they which beleue not: will they not saye, that ye are out of youre wittes?
1 Corinthians 14:23 Cross References - Great
Hosea 9:7
7 Be ye sure (O Israel) the tyme of visitacyon is come, the dayes of recompensynge are at hande. And then shall Israell knowe that they were deceyued by a prophete folyshe mad, and in a fransey: for the multitude of thyne iniquitye God shall multiplye enemyes agaynst the.
John 10:20
20 and many of them sayd: He hath the deuel, and is madd: why heare ye him?
Acts 2:13
13 Other mocked, sayinge: these men are full of new wyne.
Acts 26:24
24 As he thus spake for hym selfe: Festus sayde with a loude voyce: Paul, thou art besyde thy selfe. Moch learnynge doth make the madd.
1 Corinthians 11:18
18 For fyrst of all when ye come together in the congregacion, I heare that there is dyssencyon amonge you: and I partely beleue it.