1 Corinthians 12:11 Cross References - Great

11 But these all worketh euen the selfe same sprete, diuidynge to euery man a seuerall gyfte, euen as he wyll.

Daniel 4:35

35 in comparyson of whom all they that dwell vpon the earth, are to be reputed as nothynge. He handleth according to his will, among the powers of heauen & amonge the inhabitours of the earth: and there is none that maye resyste his hande, or saye: what doest thou?

Matthew 11:26

26 verely father, euen so was it thy good pleasure.

Matthew 20:15

15 Is it not lawfull for me to do as me lysteth wt myne awne goodes? Is thyne eye euyll, because I am good?

John 3:8

8 The wynde bloweth where it lysteth, & thou hearest the sounde therof but canst not tell whence it commeth & whether it goeth. So is euery one that is borne of the sprete.

John 3:27

27 Iohn answered, & sayde: a man can receaue nothinge, except it be geuen him from heauen.

John 5:21

21 For lykewyse as the father rayseth vp the deed, and quyckeneth them, euen so the sonne quyckeneth whom he wyll

Romans 9:18

18 So hath he mercye on whom he wyll, and whom he wyll, he maketh harde herted.

Romans 12:6

6 Seynge that we haue diuers gyftes accordynge to the grace that is geuen vnto vs: yf eny man haue the gyft of prophesye, let him haue it that it be agreyng vnto the fayth.

1 Corinthians 7:7

7 For I wolde that all men were as I my selfe am: but euery man hath his proper gyfte of God, one after this manner, another after that.

1 Corinthians 7:17

17 but euen as God hath distributed to euery man. As the Lorde hath called euery man, so let hym walke: and so ordeyn I in all congregacyons.

1 Corinthians 12:4

4 Ther are diuersites of gyftes, yet but one sprete.

1 Corinthians 12:6

6 And ther are dyuers maners of operacyons, and yet but one God whych worcketh all in all.

2 Corinthians 10:13

13 But we will not reioyce aboue measure: but accordynge to the measure of the rule, which God hath distributed vnto vs, a measure to reache euen vnto you.

Ephesians 1:11

11 euen by hym by whom we are made heyres, and were therto predestinate accordynge to the purpose of hym by whose power all thynges are wrought accordinge to the purpose of hys awne wyll:

Ephesians 4:7

7 Unto euery one of vs is geuen grace, accordynge to the measure of the gyfte of Chryst.

Hebrews 2:4

4 God bearynge wytnes therto, both with sygnes & wonders also & with diuers myracles, & gyftes of the holy gooste, accordynge to hys awne wyll.

James 1:18

18 Of hys awne wyll begat he vs with the worde of trueth, that we shulde be the fyrst frutes of hys creatures.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.