1 Chronicles 12:38 Cross References - Great

38 All these were men of warre, kepynge the forefront of the batell with perfect hart, and came to Hebron to make Dauid kynge ouer all Israel. And all the rest of Israel was of one accorde, to make Dauid king.

Genesis 49:8-10

8 Iuda thou art he, whom thy brethren shall prayse. Thy hande shalbe in the necke of thyne enymies, thy fathers chyldren shall stoupe before the. 9 Iuda is a lyons whelpe, From thy spoyle my sonne thou art come an hye. He layde hym downe and couched hym selfe as a lyon, and as a lionesse. Who wyll stere hym vp? 10 The sceptre shall not departe from Iuda, and a lawgeuer from betwene hys fete, vntyll. Sylocome. And vnto hym shall the gatherynge of the people be.

2 Samuel 5:1-3

1 Then cam all the trybes of Israel to Dauid, vnto Hebron and sayd, Beholde, we are of thy bone, and of thy fleshe. 2 And in tyme past when Saul was oure kynge, thou leddest Israel in and oute. And the Lorde hath sayd to the: thou shalt fede my people Israell, and thou shalt be a captayne ouer Israel. 3 And so all the elders of Israel came to the kynge to Hebron. And kyng Dauid made a couenaunt wyth them in Hebron before the Lord. And they annoynted Dauid kyng ouer Israell.

1 Kings 8:61

61 Let youre herte therfore be perfecte with the Lord oure God, that ye walke in hys statutes, and kepe hys commaundementes, as thys daye.

1 Kings 11:4

4 For it came to passe, when Salomon was olde, hys wyues turned his herte after other Gods: and his herte was not perfecte with the Lord his God, as was the herte of Dauid his father:

2 Kings 20:3

3 I beseche the nowe, O Lorde, remembre howe I haue walked before the in trueth and with a perfecte herte, and haue done that which is good in thy syght, and Hezekia wepte sore.

1 Chronicles 12:17-18

17 And Dauid went out to mete them and answered, and sayde vnto them, If ye be come peasablye vnto me, to helpe me, myne hert shalbe knytt vnto you. But and yf you come to betraye me to myne aduersaryes (seynge ther is no wyckednes in myne handes) the God of oure fathers loke theron and rebuke it. 18 And the spiryte came vpon Amasai which was the chefe amonge thyrtye, and he sayde, thyne are we Dauid, and on thy syde thou sonne of Iesai: Peace, peace be vnto the, and peace be to thyne helpers, for thy God is thine helpe. Then Dauid receaued them, and made them heedes of companyes of the men of warre.

1 Chronicles 12:33

33 And of Zabulon that went out to the battayll and proceded forth to the warre, wt all maner of instrumentes of warre, fyftye thousand that were prepared to the warre, without anye dublenesse of hart.

2 Chronicles 30:12

12 And the hande of God was in Iuda, so that he gaue them one hert, to do the commaundement of the kyng and of the rulers, accordyng to the worde of the Lorde.

Psalms 101:2

2 O let me haue vnderstandynge in the waye of godlynesse: Whan wylt thou come vnto me? I wyll walcke in my house with a perfecte herte.

Psalms 110:3

3 In the daye of thy power shall thy people offre the frewyll offrynges wt an holy worshippe, the dewe of thy byrth is of the wombe of the mornyng.

Ezekiel 11:19

19 And I wyll geue you one hert, and I wyll plante a newe sprete wythin your bowels. That stony herte will I take out of your body, and geue you a flesshy herte?

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.