Philemon 1:10 Cross References - Goodspeed

10 I appeal to you for my child Onesimus, whose father I have become here in prison.

Mark 9:17

17 One of the crowd answered, "Master, I brought my son to you, for he is possessed by a dumb spirit,

1 Corinthians 4:15

15 For no matter how many guides you may have in the Christian life, you will not have many fathers; for in this matter of union with Christ, I became your father, through preaching the good news to you.

Galatians 4:19

19 my children—you for whom I am enduring a mother's pains again, until Christ is formed in you.

Colossians 4:9

9 And with him I send my dear, faithful brother Onesimus, who is one of your own number. They will tell you all about matters here.

1 Timothy 1:2

2 to Timothy, my true child in faith; God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord bless you and be merciful to you, and give you peace.

Titus 1:4

4 to Titus, my true child in our common faith; God our Father and Christ Jesus our Savior bless you and give you peace.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.