12 Wherefore my beloued, as ye haue alwayes obeyed me, not as in my presence only, but now much more in mine absence, so make an end of your owne saluation with feare and trembling.
Philippians 2:12 Cross References - Geneva
Ezra 10:3
3 Now therfore let vs make a couenant with our God, to put away all the wiues (and such as are borne of them) according to the counsell of the Lord, and of those that feare the commandements of our God, and let it be done according to the Lawe.
Psalms 2:11
11 Serue the Lord in feare, and reioyce in trembling.
Psalms 119:120
120 My flesh trembleth for feare of thee, and I am afraide of thy iudgements.
Proverbs 10:16
16 The labour of the righteous tendeth to life: but the reuenues of the wicked to sinne.
Proverbs 13:4
4 The sluggard lusteth, but his soule hath nought: but the soule of the diligent shall haue plentie.
Isaiah 66:2
2 For all these things hath mine hand made, and all these things haue bene, sayth the Lord: and to him will I looke, euen to him, that is poore, and of a contrite spirite and trembleth at my wordes.
Isaiah 66:5
5 Heare the worde of the Lord, all ye that tremble at his worde, Your brethren that hated you, and cast you out for my Names sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified: but he shall appeare to your ioy, and they shall be ashamed.
Matthew 11:12
12 And from the time of Iohn Baptist hitherto, the kingdome of heauen suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
Matthew 11:29
29 Take my yoke on you, and learne of me that I am meeke and lowly in heart: and ye shall finde rest vnto your soules.
Luke 13:23-24
John 6:27-29
27 Labour not for ye meate which perisheth, but for the meate that endureth vnto euerlasting life, which the Sonne of man shall giue vnto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.
28 Then sayde they vnto him, What shall we doe, that we might worke the workes of God?
29 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto them, This is the woorke of God, that yee beleeue in him, whome he hath sent.
Acts 9:6
6 He then both trembling and astonied, sayd, Lord, what wilt thou that I doe? And the Lord sayd vnto him, Arise and goe into the citie, and it shall be tolde thee what thou shalt doe.
Acts 16:29
29 Then he called for a light, and leaped in, and came trembling, and fell downe before Paul and Silas,
Romans 2:7
7 That is, to them which through patience in well doing, seeke glorie, and honour, and immortalitie, euerlasting life:
Romans 13:11-14
11 And that, considering the season, that it is now time that we should arise from sleepe: for now is our saluation neerer, then when we beleeued it.
12 The night is past, and the day is at hande, let vs therefore cast away the workes of darkenesse, and let vs put on the armour of light,
13 So that wee walke honestly, as in the day: not in gluttonie, and drunkennesse, neither in chambering and wantonnes, nor in strife and enuying.
14 But put yee on the Lord JESUS CHRIST, and take no thought for the flesh, to fulfill the lustes of it.
1 Corinthians 2:3
3 And I was among you in weakenesse, and in feare, and in much trembling.
1 Corinthians 4:14
14 I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloued children I admonish you.
1 Corinthians 9:20-27
20 And vnto the Iewes, I become as a Iewe, that I may winne the Iewes: to them that are vnder the Lawe, as though I were vnder the Lawe, that I may winne them that are vnder the Lawe:
21 To them that are without Lawe, as though I were without Lawe, (when I am not without Lawe as pertaining to God, but am in the Lawe through Christ) that I may winne them that are without Lawe:
22 To the weake I become as weake, that I may winne the weake: I am made all thinges to all men, that I might by all meanes saue some.
23 And this I doe for the Gospels sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.
24 Knowe ye not, that they which runne in a race, runne all, yet one receiueth the price? so runne that ye may obtaine.
25 And euery man that proueth masteries, abstaineth from all things: and they do it to obtaine a corruptible crowne: but we for an vncorruptible.
26 I therefore so runne, not as vncertainely: so fight I, not as one that beateth the ayre.
27 But I beate downe my body, and bring it into subiection, lest by any meanes after that I haue preached to other, I my selfe should be reproued.
1 Corinthians 15:58
58 Therefore my beloued brethren, be ye stedfast, vnmoueable, aboundant alwayes in the worke of the Lord, forasmuch as ye knowe that your labour is not in vaine in the Lord.
2 Corinthians 7:15
15 And his inwarde affection is more aboundant toward you, when he remembreth the obedience of you all, and howe with feare and trembling ye receiued him.
Galatians 6:7-9
7 Be not deceiued: God is not mocked: for whatsoeuer a man soweth, that shall hee also reape.
8 For hee that soweth to his flesh, shall of the flesh reape corruption: but hee that soweth to the spirit, shall of the spirit reape life euerlasting.
9 Let vs not therefore be weary of well doing: for in due season we shall reape, if we faint not.
Ephesians 6:5
5 Seruants, be obedient vnto them that are your masters, according to the flesh, with feare and trembling in singlenesse of your hearts as vnto Christ,
Philippians 1:5
5 Because of the fellowship which ye haue in the Gospel, from the first day vnto nowe.
Philippians 1:27
27 Onely let your conuersation be, as it becommeth the Gospel of Christ, that whether I come and see you, or els be absent, I may heare of your matters that ye continue in one Spirit, and in one mind, fighting together through the faith of the Gospel.
Philippians 1:29
29 For vnto you it is giuen for Christ, that not onely ye should beleeue in him, but also suffer for his sake,
Philippians 2:19
19 And I trust in the Lord Iesus, to sende Timotheus shortly vnto you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I knowe your state.
Philippians 3:13-14
Philippians 4:1
1 Therefore, my brethre, beloued and longed for, my ioy and my crowne, so continue in the Lord, yee beloued.
Philippians 4:15
15 And yee Philippians knowe also that in the beginning of the Gospell, when I departed from Macedonia, no Church communicated with me, concerning the matter of giuing and receiuing, but yee onely.
1 Thessalonians 1:3
3 Without ceasing, remembring your effectuall faith, and diligent loue, and the patience of your hope in our Lord Iesus Christ, in the sight of God euen our Father,
2 Timothy 2:10
10 Therefore I suffer all things, for the elects sake, that they might also obtaine the saluation which is in Christ Iesus, with eternall glorie.
Hebrews 4:1
1 Let vs feare therefore, least at any time by forsaking the promise of entring into his rest, any of you should seeme to be depriued.
Hebrews 4:11
11 Let vs studie therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same ensample of disobedience.
Hebrews 5:9
9 And being consecrate, was made the authour of eternall saluation vnto all them that obey him:
Hebrews 6:10-11
Hebrews 12:1
1 Wherefore, let vs also, seeing that we are compassed with so great a cloude of witnesses, cast away euery thing that presseth downe, and the sinne that hangeth so fast on: let vs runne with patience the race that is set before vs,
Hebrews 12:28-29
1 Peter 2:11
11 Dearely beloued, I beseeche you, as strangers and pilgrims, abstaine from fleshly lusts, which fight against the soule,
2 Peter 1:5-10
5 Therefore giue euen all diligence thereunto: ioyne moreouer vertue with your faith: and with vertue, knowledge:
6 And with knowledge, temperance: and with temperance, patience: and with patience, godlines:
7 And with godlines, brotherly kindnes: and with brotherly kindnes, loue.
8 For if these things be among you, and abound, they will make you that ye neither shalbe idle, nor vnfruitfull in the acknowledging of our Lord Iesus Christ:
9 For he that hath not these things, is blinde, and can not see farre off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his olde sinnes.
10 Wherefore, brethren, giue rather diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye doe these things, ye shall neuer fall.
2 Peter 3:18
18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ: to him be glory both now and for euermore. Amen.