35 And they haue not serued thee in their kingdome, and in thy great goodnesse that thou shewedst vnto them, and in the large and fat lande which thou diddest set before them, and haue not conuerted from their euill workes.
Nehemiah 9:35 Cross References - Geneva
Deuteronomy 8:7-10
7 For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land in the which are riuers of water and fountaines, and depthes that spring out of valleis and mountaines:
8 A land of wheate and barley, and of vineyards, and figtrees, and pomegranates: a land of oyle oliue and hony:
9 A land wherein thou shalt eate bread without scarcitie, neither shalt thou lacke any thing therein: a land whose stones are yron, and out of whose mountaines thou shalt digge brasse.
10 And when thou hast eaten and filled thy selfe, thou shalt blesse the Lord thy God for the good land, which he hath giuen thee.
Deuteronomy 28:47
47 Because thou seruedst not the Lord thy God with ioyfulnesse and with a good heart for the abundance of all things.
Deuteronomy 31:21
21 And then when many aduersities and tribulations shall come vpon them, this song shall answere them to their face as a witnesse: for it shall not be forgotte out of the mouthes of their posteritie: for I knowe their imagination, which they goe about euen now, before I haue brought them into the lande which I sware.
Deuteronomy 32:12-15
12 So the Lord alone led him, and there was no strange god with him.
13 He caryed him vp to the hie places of the earth, that he might eate the fruites of the fieldes, and he caused him to sucke hony out of the stone, and oyle out of the hard rocke:
14 Butter of kine, and milke of sheepe with fat of the lambes, and rammes fed in Bashan, and goates, with the fat of the graines of wheat, and the red licour of the grape hast thou drunke.
15 But he that should haue bene vpright, when he waxed fat, spurned with his heele: thou art fat, thou art grosse, thou art laden with fatnes: therefore he forsooke God that made him, and regarded not the strong God of his saluation.
Nehemiah 9:25
25 And they tooke their strong cities and the fat lande, and possessed houses, full of all goods, cisternes digged out, vineyardes, and oliues, and trees for foode in abundance, and they did eate, and were filled, and became fat, and liued in pleasure through thy great goodnesse.
Jeremiah 5:19
19 And when ye shall say, Wherefore doeth the Lord our God doe these things vnto vs? then shalt thou answere them, Like as ye haue forsaken me and serued strange gods in your land, so shall ye serue strangers in a land that is not yours.