Luke 4:9 Cross References - Geneva

9 Then hee brought him to Hierusalem, and set him on a pinacle of the Temple, and said vnto him, If thou be the Sonne of God, cast thy selfe downe from hence,

2 Chronicles 3:4

4 And the porch, that was before the length in the front of the breadth was twentie cubits, and the height was an hundreth and twentie, and he ouerlayd it within with pure golde.

Job 2:6

6 Then the Lord said vnto Satan, Lo, he is in thine hand, but saue his life.

Matthew 4:5-6

5 Then the deuil tooke him vp into the holy Citie, and set him on a pinacle of the temple, 6 And said vnto him, If thou be the Sonne of God, cast thy selfe downe: for it is written, that he wil giue his Angels charge ouer thee, and with their hands they shall lift thee vp, lest at any time thou shouldest dash thy foote against a stone.

Matthew 8:29

29 And beholde, they cryed out, saying, Iesus the sonne of God, what haue we to do with thee? Art thou come hither to tormet vs before ye time?

Luke 4:3

3 Then the deuil saide vnto him, If thou be the Sonne of God, commaund this stone that it be made bread.

Romans 1:4

4 And declared mightily to be the Sonne of God, touching the Spirit of sanctification by the resurrection from the dead)

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.