John 15:19 Cross References - Geneva

19 If ye were of the worlde, the world woulde loue his owne: but because ye are not of ye world, but I haue chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

Luke 6:32

32 For if yee loue them which loue you, what thanke shall ye haue? for euen the sinners loue those that loue them.

John 15:16

16 Ye haue not chosen me, but I haue chosen you, and ordeined you, that ye goe and bring foorth fruite, and that your fruite remaine, that whatsoeuer ye shall aske of the Father in my Name, he may giue it you.

John 17:14-16

14 I haue giuen them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world. 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou keepe them from euill. 16 They are not of the worlde, as I am not of the world.

Ephesians 1:4-11

4 As hee hath chosen vs in him, before the foundation of the worlde, that we should be holy, and without blame before him in loue: 5 Who hath predestinate vs, to be adopted through Iesus Christ in him selfe, according to the good pleasure of his will, 6 To the prayse of the glory of his grace, wherewith he hath made vs freely accepted in his beloued, 7 By whom we haue redemption through his blood, euen the forgiuenes of sinnes, according to his rich grace: 8 Whereby he hath bene aboundant toward vs in all wisedome and vnderstanding, 9 And hath opened vnto vs the mysterie of his will according to his good pleasure, which he had purposed in him, 10 That in the dispensation of the fulnesse of the times, he might gather together in one all things, both which are in heauen, and which are in earth, euen in Christ: 11 In whom also we are chosen when we were predestinate according to ye purpose of him, which worketh all things after the counsell of his owne will,

Ephesians 2:2-5

2 Wherein, in times past ye walked, according to the course of this world, and after the prince that ruleth in the aire, euen the spirite, that nowe worketh in the children of disobedience, 3 Among whom we also had our conuersation in time past, in the lustes of our flesh, in fulfilling the will of the flesh, and of the minde, and were by nature the children of wrath, as well as others. 4 But God which is rich in mercie, through his great loue wherewith he loued vs, 5 Euen when we were dead by sinnes, hath quickened vs together in Christ, by whose grace ye are saued,

Titus 3:3-7

3 For wee our selues also were in times past vnwise, disobedient, deceiued, seruing the lustes and diuers pleasures, liuing in maliciousnes and enuie, hatefull, and hating one another: 4 But when that bountifulnesse and that loue of God our Sauiour toward man appeared, 5 Not by the woorkes of righteousnesse, which we had done, but according to his mercie he saued vs, by the washing of the newe birth, and the renewing of the holy Ghost, 6 Which he shed on vs aboundantly, through Iesus Christ our Sauiour, 7 That we, being iustified by his grace, should be made heires according to the hope of eternall life.

1 Peter 2:9-12

9 But yee are a chosen generation, a royall Priesthoode, an holy nation, a people set at libertie, that yee shoulde shewe foorth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darkenesse into his marueilous light, 10 Which in time past were not a people, yet are nowe the people of God: which in time past were not vnder mercie, but nowe haue obteined mercie. 11 Dearely beloued, I beseeche you, as strangers and pilgrims, abstaine from fleshly lusts, which fight against the soule, 12 And haue your conuersation honest among the Gentiles, that they which speake euill of you as of euill doers, may by your good woorkes which they shall see, glorifie God in the day of visitation.

1 Peter 4:3

3 For it is sufficient for vs that we haue spet the time past of ye life, after the lust of the Gentiles, walking in wantonnes, lustes, drunkennes, in gluttonie, drinkings, and in abominable idolatries.

1 John 3:12

12 Not as Cain which was of that wicked one, and slewe his brother: and wherefore slewe he him? because his owne workes were euill, and his brothers good.

1 John 4:4-5

4 Litle children, ye are of God, and haue ouercome them: for greater is he that is in you, then he that is in this world. 5 They are of this worlde, therefore speake they of this world, and this world heareth them.

1 John 5:19-20

19 We knowe that we are of God, and this whole world lieth in wickednesse. 20 But we know that that Sone of God is come, and hath giue vs a mind to know him, which is true: and we are in him that is true, that is, in that his Sone Iesus Christ: this same is that very God, and that eternal life.

Revelation 12:9

9 And the great dragon, that olde serpent, called the deuil and Satan, was cast out, which deceiueth all the world: he was euen cast into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Revelation 12:17

17 Then the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went and made warre with the remnant of her seede, which keepe the comaundements of God, and haue the testimonie of Iesus Christ. [ (Revelation of John 12:18) And I stood on the sea sand. ]

Revelation 20:7-9

7 And when the thousand yeres are expired, Satan shalbe loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceiue the people, which are in the foure quarters of the earth: euen Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battell, whose number is, as the sand of the sea. 9 And they went vp into the plaine of the earth, and they compassed the tents of the Saints about, and the beloued citie: but fire came downe from God out of heauen, and deuoured them.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.