Job 38:39 Cross References - Geneva

Job 4:10-11

10 The roaring of the Lion, and the voyce of the Lionesse, and the teeth of the Lions whelpes are broken. 11 The Lyon perisheth for lacke of pray, and the Lyons whelpes are scattered abroade.

Psalms 34:10

10 The lyons doe lacke and suffer hunger, but they, which seeke the Lord, shall want nothing that is good.

Psalms 104:21

21 The lions roare after their praye, and seeke their meate at God.

Psalms 145:15-16

15 The eyes of all waite vpon thee, and thou giuest them their meate in due season. 16 Thou openest thine hand, and fillest all things liuing of thy good pleasure.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.