2 And he had seue sonnes, and three daughters.
Job 1:2 Cross References - Geneva
Esther 5:11
11 And Haman tolde them of the glory of his riches, and the multitude of his children, and all the things wherein the King had promoted him, and how that he had set him aboue the princes and seruants of the King.
Job 13:13
13 Holde your tongues in my presence, that I may speake, and let come vpon what will.
Job 42:13
13 He had also seue sonnes, and three daughters.
Psalms 107:38
38 For he blesseth them, and they multiplie exceedingly, and he diminisheth not their cattell.
Psalms 127:3-5
3 Beholde, children are the inheritance of the Lord, and the fruite of the wombe his rewarde.
4 As are the arrowes in the hand of ye strong man: so are the children of youth.
5 Blessed is the man, that hath his quiuer full of them: for they shall not be ashamed, when they speake with their enemies in the gate.
Psalms 128:3
3 Thy wife shalbe as the fruitfull vine on the sides of thine house, and thy children like the oliue plantes round about thy table.