Mark 10:2 Cross References - Etheridge

2 And the Pharishee drew nigh, tempting him, and demanding whether it were lawful for a man to dismiss his wife.

Matthew 5:31-32

31 It hath been said, that he who looseth his wife should give her a writing of divorcement. 32 But I say unto you, that whosoever looseth his wife, except on account of fornication, maketh her to commit adultery; and whosoever taketh her who is sent away, committeth adultery.

Matthew 9:34

34 But the Pharishee said, By the chief of the devils he casteth out devils.

Matthew 15:12

12 Then drew near his disciples, saying to him, Knowest thou that the Pharishee who heard this word were offended?

Matthew 16:1

1 And there came Pharishee and Zadukoyee, tempting him, and demanding that he would show them a sign from heaven.

Matthew 19:3

3 And the Pharishee approached him, and, tempting him, propounded to him whether it was lawful for a man to send away his wife for every cause.

Matthew 22:35

35 And one from them, who was skilful in the law, questioned him, tempting him,

Matthew 23:13

13 WOE to you, scribes and Pharishee, hypocrites! because you devour the houses of widows, with the pretext of prolonging your prayers; on account of which you shall receive the greater judgment.

Mark 8:11

11 AND there came forth Pharishee, and began to question with him, and they demanded of him the sign from heaven, tempting him.

Mark 8:15

15 And he counselled them, and said to them, Look and beware of the leaven of the Pharishee, and of the leaven of Herodes.

Luke 5:30

30 And the Sophree and Pharishee murmured, saying to his disciples, Why with tribute-takers and sinners eat you and drink?

Luke 6:7

7 and the Sophree and Pharishee watched him, if he would heal on the shabath, that they might accuse him.

Luke 7:30

30 But the Pharishee and Sophree rejected against themselves the will of Aloha, because they were not baptized of him.)

Luke 11:39

39 But Jeshu said to him, Now you Pharishee cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish, but within you are full of rapine and wickedness.

Luke 11:53-54

53 And while he spoke these (words) to them, the Sophree and Pharishee began to be displeased, and they were wrathful, and controverted his words, 54 and enticed him on many (points), seeking to lay hold on something from his mouth that they might be able to accuse him.

Luke 16:14

14 But the Pharishee, when they heard all these things, because they loved money, derided him.

John 7:32

32 The Pharishee heard the assembly, that they said these things of him, and the chief priests sent officers to apprehend him.

John 7:48

48 Have any of the heads, or of the Pharishee, believed in him?

John 8:6

6 ...

John 11:47

47 AND the chief priests and Pharishee assembled, and said, What shall we do? because this man doeth many signs;

John 11:57

57 But the chief priests and Pharishee had commanded that if any man knew where (he was), he should declare it to them, as that they might apprehend him.

1 Corinthians 7:10-11

10 But those who have wives I command, yet not I, but my Lord, that the wife from her husband separate not. 11 Yet, if she separate, let her remain without a man, or unto her husband be reconciled. And let not a man put away his wife.

1 Corinthians 10:9

9 nor tempt the Meshiha, as also (some) of them tempted, and perished by serpents.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.