James 4 Cross References - Etheridge

1 From whence are there among you wars and strifes? Is it not from the lusts which war in your members? 2 You desire, and have not; you kill and are emulous, yet it cometh not into your hands; you strive and make wars, and nothing have because you do not ask; 3 you ask and receive not, because you ask wickedly, as that you may cherish your lusts. 4 Adulterers, know you not that the friendship of this world is enmity with Aloha? He, therefore, who willeth to be the friend of this world, hath become the enemy of Aloha. 5 Or do you vainly think that the scripture saith, that In emulation desireth the Spirit who dwelleth in us? 6 But more excellent grace hath our Lord given unto us. Wherefore he saith, Aloha humbleth the proud, and to the humble he giveth grace. 7 BE subject, therefore, unto Aloha; withstand Satana, and he will flee from you; 8 and draw nigh unto Aloha, and he will be nigh you. Purify your hands, sinners, and sanctify your hearts, divided of soul. 9 Be humbled and sorrowful, and let your laughter be turned into grief, and your gladness into anxiety. 10 Be humbled before the Lord, and he will exalt you. 11 Speak not against one another, my brethren; for he who speaketh against his brother, or judgeth his brother, speaketh against the law, and judgeth the law. And if the law thou judgest, thou art not a doer of the law, but the judge of it. 12 For one is the appointer [Soem-nomoso.] of the law and the Judge, who can save and destroy. But thou, who art thou, who judgest thy neighbour? 13 But what shall we say of them who say, To-day or tomorrow we will go to this city, or that, and work there one year, and negotiate, and make gain? 14 and they know not what shall be on the morrow: for what is our life, but a vapour which for a little while is seen, and vanisheth and endeth? 15 For instead they should say, If the Lord will, and we live, we will do this or that. 16 They glory in their pride. All glorying such as this is from the Evil. 17 And he who knoweth the good and doeth it not, sin is to him.

Matthew 4:3-11

3 And he who tempteth approached and said, If the Son thou art of Aloha, say that these stones shall become bread. 4 But he answered and said, It is written that not by bread alone liveth the Son of man, but by every word which proceedeth from the mouth of Aloha. 5 Then the Accuser taketh him to the holy city, and caused him to stand on the pinnacle of the temple; 6 and said to him, If the Son thou art of Aloha, throw thyself down; for it is written that his angels he shall command concerning thee, and upon their hands they shall bear thee, that thou strike not against a stone thy foot. 7 Jeshu said to him, Again it is written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy Aloha. 8 Again the Accuser took him to a mountain which is exceeding high, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; 9 and said to him, These all to thee will I give, if thou wilt fall and worship me, 10 Then said Jeshu to him, Away with thee, Satana! for it is written that the Lord thy Aloha thou shalt worship, and him only thou shalt serve. 11 Then the Accuser left him, and, behold, the angels drew nigh and ministered unto him.

Matthew 5:4

4 Blessed the mourners, for they shall be comforted.

Matthew 6:24

24 No man can serve two lords; for the one he will hate, and the other he will love, or the one he will honour, and the other he will neglect: you cannot serve Aloha and riches.

Matthew 7:1-2

1 JUDGE not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment that you judge, you shall be judged; and with the measure that you mete, it shall be measured to you.

Matthew 7:7-8

7 Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 8 For every one who asketh receiveth, and he who seeketh findeth; and to him who knocketh it is opened.

Matthew 10:28

28 And fear not them who kill the body, but the soul cannot kill; but fear rather One who the soul and the body can destroy in gihano.

Matthew 11:29

29 Bear my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am peaceful and lowly in my heart, and you shall find repose for your souls.

Matthew 12:33

33 Or make the tree good, and the fruits (will be) good; or make the tree evil, and the fruits (will be) evil: for by the fruits the tree is known.

Matthew 12:39

39 But he answered them and said, A generation depraved and adulterous requireth a sign; but a sign shall not be given to it, but the sign of Jaunon the prophet;

Matthew 13:12

12 For unto him who hath, it shall be given, and it shall be increased to him: but [as] to him who hath not, that also which he hath shall be taken from him.

Matthew 15:2

2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders, and wash not their hands when they eat bread?

Matthew 15:19

19 For from the heart proceed evil thoughts, adultery, murder, fornication, robbery, false witness, blasphemy.

Matthew 16:4

4 A depraved and adulterous race requireth a sign, but a sign shall not be given to it, save the sign of Jaunon the prophet; and he left them, and went away.

Matthew 20:22

22 Jeshu answered and said, You know not what you ask: are you able to drink the cup of which I am about to drink, or with the baptism with which I am baptized will you be baptized? They say unto him, We are able!

Matthew 23:12

12 For whosoever will exalt himself shall be humbled; and whosoever will abase himself shall be exalted.

Matthew 23:25-26

25 Woe to you, scribes and Pharishee, hypocrites! who cleanse the outside of the cup and dish (which) within are full of rapine and injustice. 26 Sightless Pharishee! cleanse first the inside of the cup and the dish, that their outside also may be clean.

Matthew 27:24

24 Then Pilatos, when he saw that nothing availed, but that the tumult became greater, took waters (and) washed his hands before [In the eye of the assembly.] the assembly, and said, I am expiated from the blood of this Just One. You shall know.

Mark 7:21-23

21 For from within, from the heart of the sons of men, go forth evil thoughts, adultery, fornication, 22 robbery, murder, rapacity, malice, fraud, obscenity, an evil eye, blasphemy, vain-glory, folly; 23 all these evils come from within, and they defile a man.

Mark 10:38

38 But he said to them, You know not what you ask: can you drink the cup that I drink? and (with) the baptism that I am baptized (with) can you be baptized?

Luke 1:52

52 He hath scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He hath overturned the mighty from their thrones, and hath exalted the humble.

Luke 4:2-13

2 to be tempted forty days by the accuser.[Akelkartsa.] And he ate nothing in those days; and when they were fulfilled, afterwards he hungered. 3 And the accuser said to him, If thou art the Son of Aloha, tell this stone to become bread. 4 Jeshu answered and said to him, It is written, It is not by bread alone that the son of man liveth, but by every word of Aloha. 5 And Satana carried him up into a high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the earth in a little time. 6 And the accuser [Akelkartsa.] said to him, To thee will I give all this power and the glory of it, which to me is delivered; and to whomsoever that I will, I give it unto him. 7 If therefore thou wilt worship before me, thine shall be all. 8 But Jeshu answered and said to him, It is written, That the Lord thy Aloha thou shalt worship, and him only shalt thou serve. 9 And he caused him to be at Urishlem, and to stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him, If thou art the Son of Aloha, throw thyself from hence beneath: 10 for it is written, His angels he shall charge concerning thee to keep thee, 11 and upon their arms to bear thee up, that thou strike not thy foot against a stone. 12 But Jeshu answered and said to him, It is spoken, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy Aloha. 13 And when the accuser had accomplished all his temptations, he removed from him for a time.

Luke 6:21

21 Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.

Luke 6:25

25 Woe to you (who are) full, for you shall hunger. Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall weep and lament.

Luke 6:37

37 JUDGE not, and you shall not be judged; condemn not, and you shall not be condemned; release,[Or, absolve.] and you shall be released;

Luke 11:9-13

9 I say also to you, Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. 10 For every one who asketh receiveth, and who seeketh findeth, and who knocketh hath it opened to him. 11 For what father (is there) among you who, if his son shall ask bread, will reach to him a stone? or should he ask a fish, how instead of a fish will he reach to him a serpent? 12 or if an egg he shall ask, will he a scorpion reach to him? 13 And if you, who are evil, know to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father from the heavens give the Spirit of Holiness to those who ask him!

Luke 11:39-40

39 But Jeshu said to him, Now you Pharishee cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish, but within you are full of rapine and wickedness. 40 Wanting in understanding! did not he who made that which is without, make also that which is within?

Luke 12:5

5 but I will show you whom you shall fear; [Or, of whom you shall be fearful, of Him, &c.] Him who, after he hath killed, hath power to cast into gihana, yes, I say to you, Fear this (one).

Luke 12:17-20

17 And he thought within himself, and said, What shall I do? for I have not where to collect my provisions. 18 And he said, This will I do: I will destroy my house of stores, and will build and enlarge it; and there will I collect all my provender and my good things: 19 and I will say to my soul, My soul, thou hast many good things laid up for many years: be at ease, eat, drink, and be merry. 20 But Aloha said to him, Reasonless (man)! [Chasir reyona, wanting reason.] this night thy soul they shall require of thee; and then, (the things) which thou hast prepared, whose shall they be?

Luke 12:47-48

47 And that servant who knew the will of his lord, and prepared not himself according to his will, shall be beaten with many. 48 But he who knew not, and did that which was worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For every one to whom much is given, much will be required from him; and to whom much is committed, the more will they require at his hand.

Luke 14:11

11 For every one who exalteth himself shall be humbled; and every one who humbleth himself shall be exalted.

Luke 15:13

13 And after a few days the minor son gathered together his all whatsoever, and went into a distant country, and there dispersed his substance in living profusely.

Luke 15:30

30 But this thy son, when he hath wasted thy substance with harlots, and hath come, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.

Luke 16:1-2

1 AND he spake a parable to his disciples: There was a certain rich man who had a house-chief;[Rab-baitho.] and he was accused to him that his substance he wasted. 2 And his lord called him, and said to him, What is this that I hear of thee? give me the account of thy house-headship; for thou canst no longer be house-chief unto me.

Luke 16:25

25 Abraham said to him, My son, remember that thou didst receive thy goods in thy life, and Loózar his evils, and now, behold, he reposeth here, and thou art tormented.

Luke 18:14

14 I tell you that this one went down justified to his house, rather than that Pharisha. For every man who exalteth himself shall be humbled, and every one who humbleth himself shall be exalted.

Luke 19:27

27 But those adversaries who would not that I should reign over them, bring them, and slay them before me.

John 4:10

10 Jeshu answered and said to her, If thou hadst known the gift of Aloha, and who He is who hath said to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked of him, and he had given thee living waters.

John 7:7

7 The world cannot hate you: but me it hateth, because I bear witness against it that the works of it are evil.

John 7:42

42 Hath not the scripture said, That from the seed of David, and from Beth-lechem the town of David, cometh the Meshicha?

John 8:44

44 You are from your father the accuser, and the desires of your father you are willing to do. He from the beginning was the killer of men, and in the truth he stood not; therefore the truth is not in him. And when he speaketh a lie, of his own he speaketh, because of falsity he is also the father.

John 9:41

41 Jeshu saith to them, If blind you were, you would have no sin; but now you say, We see: therefore your sin is confirmed.

John 10:35

35 If them he calleth Alohee, because with them was the word of Aloha, and the scripture cannot be loosed,

John 13:17

17 If these you know, happy are you if you do them.

John 15:19

19 And if of the world you were, the world its own would have loved; but you are not of the world, for I have chosen you from the world; on which account the world hateth you.

John 15:22

22 If I had not come and spoken with them, they had not had sin; but now have they no pretext for their sins.[Or, no cause on the faces of their sins.] 23 He who hateth me, my Father also hateth. 24 And if the works I had not done before their eyes which no other man hath done, they had not had sin; but now they have seen and hated both me and my Father;[Also me, and also my Father.]

John 16:24

24 Hitherto you have not asked any thing in my name:* ask, and receive, that your joy may be full. [* Some copies add here, Velo medem, and not any thing.]

John 17:14

14 I have given them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world.

John 19:37

37 And again another scripture which said, They shall look upon him whom they pierced.

Acts 7:9

9 And these our fathers were incited against Jauseph, and sold him into Mitsreen. And Aloha was with him:

Acts 9:6

6 but arise, go into Darmsuk, and there it will be spoken with thee concerning what thou must do.

Acts 15:9

9 And nothing distinguished between us and them, because he had purified by faith their hearts.

Acts 16:29-31

29 And he kindled for himself a lamp, and sprang, and came, perturbed, and fell at the feet of Paulos and of Shilo: 30 and he brought them without, and said to them, My lords, what behoveth me to do that I may be saved? 31 And they said to him, Believe in our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

Acts 18:21

21 for he said, It behoveth me faithfully to perform the feast which cometh at Urishlem; and if Aloha willeth, I will come again to you.

Acts 26:19

19 Wherefore, king Agripos, I withstood not with perversity the heavenly vision,

Romans 1:10

10 And I pray that from now there may be opened unto me the way, by the will of Aloha, to come to you.

Romans 1:20-21

20 For the occult things [Kasyotheh d'Aloha.] of Aloha from the foundations of the world, unto his creatures by intelligence are apparent, and his power and his Godhead eternal, that they may be without excuse. 21 For when they knew Aloha, they did not as Aloha glorify him and praise him, but became vain in their imaginations, and their heart was darkened, that they understood not.

Romans 1:29

29 being filled with all wickedness, and uncleanness, and rancour, and malice, and rapacity, and envy, and murder, and contention, and deceit, and evil imaginings,

Romans 1:32

32 who, knowing the judgment of Aloha, that they who these things do, unto death are condemned, (yet) not only do them, but also participate with those who do them.

Romans 2:1

1 Wherefore thou hast no excuse, O man, who judgest thy neighbour; for in that for which thou judgest thy neighbour, thou condemnest thyself; for in those which thou judgest, thou also art conversant.

Romans 2:13

13 For not the hearers of the law are righteous before Aloha, but the doers of the law are justified.

Romans 2:17-23

17 But if thou (who) a Jihudoya art called, and reposest on the law, and boastest in Aloha, 18 because thou knowest his will, and distinguishest the things that are fitting, because thou art learned from the law; 19 and confidest upon thyself that thou art a guide of the blind, and a light to those who are in darkness, 20 and an instructor of the wanting-in-mind, and a teacher of children, and hast a type of knowledge and of truth in the law: 21 Thou, then, who teachest others, dost thou not teach thyself? and who preachest that men should not steal, dost thou steal? 22 and who sayest they should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? And thou who condemnest idols, dost thou despoil the sanctuary?[The house of holiness.] 23 And thou who boastest of the law, in this that thou transgressest against the law, Aloha himself despisest thou?

Romans 5:10

10 For if, while we were adversaries, Aloha was reconciled with us through the death of his Son, how much more, then, in reconciliation with him,[Or, in his reconciliation.] shall we be saved by his life?

Romans 7:5

5 For while we were in the flesh, the affections of sin, which are against [Compare the same particle, 2Co 7:2.] the law, wrought powerfully in our members to yield fruits unto death;

Romans 7:7

7 What then, say we the law is sin? Not so. But sin I had not learned (to know) but by the law: for I had not known concupiscence (to be sinful), but (by) the law, which hath said, Thou shalt not covet.

Romans 7:12-13

12 The law therefore is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. 13 The good, then, unto me, unto death was made? Not so. But sin, that it might be seen what sin is, by the good (law) effected death in me, that sin might be the more condemned by the commandment.

Romans 7:13

13 The good, then, unto me, unto death was made? Not so. But sin, that it might be seen what sin is, by the good (law) effected death in me, that sin might be the more condemned by the commandment.

Romans 7:23

23 but I see another law in my members, which warreth against the law of my mind, making me captive to the law of sin that is in my members.

Romans 8:7

7 Because the mind of the flesh is enmity towards Aloha; for to the law of Aloha it is not subject, for it cannot be;

Romans 9:17

17 For it is said in the scripture to Pherun, For this I have raised thee up, that I might show in thee my power, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.

Romans 9:20

20 Who then art thou, O man, who givest answer against Aloha? Will the mass say to him who formeth it, Why thus hast thou formed me?

Romans 10:3

3 But the righteousness of Aloha they know not, but seek the righteousness of themselves to establish, and on this account to the righteousness of Aloha they have not become subject.

Romans 14:3-4

3 But let not him who eateth despise him who eateth not; and he who eateth not, let him not judge him who eateth; for Aloha hath received him. 4 Who art thou that judgest a servant who is not thine? who, if he stand, unto his Lord he standeth, and if he fall, falleth unto his Lord. But standing, he standeth; for there is power in the hands of his Lord to make him stand.

Romans 14:4

4 Who art thou that judgest a servant who is not thine? who, if he stand, unto his Lord he standeth, and if he fall, falleth unto his Lord. But standing, he standeth; for there is power in the hands of his Lord to make him stand.

Romans 14:10-12

10 But thou, why dost thou judge thy brother? Or thou, also, why despisest thou thy brother? For we shall all stand before the tribunal of the Meshiha: 11 as it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, unto me every knee shall bow, and to me shall every tongue confess.

Romans 14:11-12

11 as it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, unto me every knee shall bow, and to me shall every tongue confess. 12 Therefore, every one of us the answer for himself shall give unto Aloha. 13 Then judge not one another, but this determine [Or, judge.] rather, to lay not a stumbling-block for thy brother.

Romans 15:32

32 and I may come to you with joy in the will of Aloha, and be rested with you.

1 Corinthians 4:5

5 Therefore, do not judge before the time, until the Lord come, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and reveal the thoughts of hearts. Then will there be praise to each man from Aloha.

1 Corinthians 4:7-8

7 For who distinguisheth thee? Or, what hast thou which thou hast not received? And if thou hast received, why dost thou boast as if thou hadst not received? 8 Now you are satiated, and are rich, and without us have reigned. But I would that you did reign, that we might also reign with you!

1 Corinthians 4:19

19 But if the Lord will, quickly come I unto you; and I will know not the words of them who exalt themselves, but their power.

1 Corinthians 5:6

6 MY brethren, your boasting is not seemly. Know you not that a little leaven the whole mass leaveneth?

1 Corinthians 6:19

19 Or, know you not that your body is the temple of the Spirit of Holiness, who dwelleth in you, (even) Him whom you have received from Aloha? And you are not your own,

1 Corinthians 7:30

30 and they who weep, as not weeping; and they who rejoice, as not rejoicing; and they who buy, as not possessing;

1 Corinthians 16:7

7 For I will not now see you as I pass the way; for I hope to abide a time with you, if my Lord permit me.

2 Corinthians 6:16

16 Or what union hath the temple of Aloha with (that) of demons? For you are the temple of Aloha the living; as it is written, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be to me a people.

2 Corinthians 7:1

1 Because then we have these promises, my beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all impurity of the flesh and of the spirit, and accomplish sanctification in the fear of Aloha.

2 Corinthians 7:10-11

10 For the sorrow that is for the sake of Aloha worketh soul-penitence,* which turneth not and converteth, unto salvation; but the sorrow of the world worketh death. [* Animae conversionem operatur. SCHAFF, as also TREMELLIUS. The Paris Polyglot and WALTON have paenitentiam animae effecit; and the Antwerp, Paenitentem animam effecit.] 11 For, behold, (in) this very (case) that you were made contrite for the sake of Aloha; what carefulness it wrought in you, and vindication, and displeasure, and fear, and love, and zeal, and punishment! And [thus] by every thing have you shown yourselves to be [now] pure in this matter.

2 Corinthians 12:20

20 For I fear lest, when I come to you, I should not find you as I wish, but should find you what you would not wish: lest there be contention and envy, and wrath and angry talk, and accusations and murmurings, and pompousness and agitation:

Galatians 1:10

10 For now do I persuade men, or Aloha? or do I seek to please men? For if until now I had pleased men, I should not have been the servant of the Meshiha.

Galatians 3:8

8 For Aloha who knew before that he would justify the Gentiles through faith, evangelized before unto Abraham; as saith the holy scripture: In thee all the nations shall be blessed:

Galatians 5:17

17 For the flesh desireth that which is repugnant to the Spirit, and the Spirit desireth that which is repugnant to the flesh; and the two are adverse one to the other, that not any thing that you will you may do.

Ephesians 4:27

27 and give no place to the accuser.

Ephesians 4:31

31 Let all bitterness, and heat, and anger, and clamour, and scandal be taken from you, with all malice;

Ephesians 5:21

21 And be subject one to another in the love of the Meshiha.

Ephesians 6:11-12

11 And clothe you in all the armour of Aloha, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the accuser. 12 For your wrestling is not with flesh and blood (only), but with princes, and with powers, and with the possessors of this dark world, and with the evil spirits who are under heaven.

Colossians 3:5

5 Put to death, then, your members that are upon the earth: fornication, uncleanness, and passions, and evil desires, and covetousness, which itself is idolatry.

1 Timothy 2:8

8 I wish then for men to pray in every place, uplifting their hands purely and without wrath and without disputations.

1 Timothy 3:11

11 Thus also must the woman be chaste, and they shall be vigilant (in their) minds, and faithful in every thing; and they shall not be accusers.

1 Timothy 6:4-10

4 this (is one) who extolleth himself while knowing nothing, but is infirm with disputation and questioning of words, from which are envy, and contention, and evil speaking, and supposition in the evil mind,[Masom b'reyono bisho.] 5 and conflicts of men whose minds are corrupt and deprived of the truth, and who consider that gain is the fear of Aloha. But thou, remove thyself from them. 6 For our gain is great which is the fear of Aloha, with the use of our sufficiency.[Bachshachtho demesthan.] 7 For nothing brought we into the world, and we know that nothing we are able to take from it. 8 Therefore sufficient to us are food and raiment. [Or, covering.] 9 But they who will be rich fall into temptations and snares, and many lusts which befool and injure, and which plunge men into destruction and perdition. 10 For the root of all evil is the love of money; and there are who have coveted it, and from the faith have erred, and have made themselves enter into many sorrows.

2 Timothy 3:3

3 calumniators, subjected to lust, brutal, haters of the good,

Titus 2:3

3 And so also the aged women, that they be in behaviour what becometh the fear of Aloha, and not slanderers, nor enslaved to much wine, and that they teach good things;

Titus 3:3

3 For we also were afore-time without understanding, and disobedient and erring, and were subjected to various lusts; and in malice, and in envy we conversed, and were hateful, and also hating one another.

Titus 3:9

9 But from foolish disputations, and from tales of genealogies, and from contentions, and strifes of the sophree,[Scribes.] withdraw; for profit is not in them, and they are vain.

Hebrews 6:3

3 If the Lord permit, we will do this.

Hebrews 7:19

19 For the law perfected nothing: but instead of it a hope has entered which is more excellent, (and) by which we are brought nigh unto Aloha.

Hebrews 7:25

25 And he is able to save for eternity them who approach by him unto Aloha; for he liveth through all time, and offereth up prayers on their behalf.

Hebrews 10:22

22 Let us, therefore, draw near with a confirmed heart, and the full security of faith, with our hearts sprinkled and cleansed from an evil conscience, and our body washed with pure waters;

Hebrews 12:9

9 And if (when) the fathers of the flesh have chastised us we have revered them, how much more are we bound to be subject to our spiritual fathers,* that we may live?[* Abothain däruchotho, a very questionable reading.]

James 1:5

5 If any of you be deficient in wisdom, let him ask of Aloha, who giveth to all expansively, and upbraideth not, and it is given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, not wavering.[Or, not being divided.] For he who wavereth is like the waves of the sea which the wind disturbeth. 7 And let not that man expect to receive any thing from the Lord, 8 who is divided in his mind, and disturbed in all his ways.

James 1:10

10 and the rich in his humility; for as the flower of an herb, so he passeth.

James 1:14

14 But each man from his concupiscence tempteth himself, and desireth, and is drawn away.

James 1:22-23

22 BUT be doers of the word, and not hearers only, neither deceive yourselves. 23 For if a man be a hearer of the word and not a doer of it, this (man) is like one who vieweth his face in a mirror;

James 1:25

25 But every one who looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he is not a hearer of the hearing of forgetfulness, but a doer of works; and this shall be blessed in his work.

James 1:27

27 For the service [Teshmeshtho, ministry.] which is pure and true before Aloha the Father, is this, to visit the orphans and widows in their afflictions, and that a man keep himself from the world without blemish.

James 3:14-18

14 But if you have bitter envy among yourselves, or contention be in your hearts, be not inflated against the truth, nor lie;

James 3:14

14 But if you have bitter envy among yourselves, or contention be in your hearts, be not inflated against the truth, nor lie; 15 because this wisdom from above descendeth not; but is earthly, from the reasonings of the soul, and from demons. 16 For where there are envy and contention, there also are tumult and every thing that is evil. 17 But the wisdom that is from above is pure, and full of peace, and meekness, and obedience, and full of mercies and good fruits, and is without division, and faces accepteth not. 18 But the fruits of righteousness in quietness are sown by them who make peace.

James 4:1

1 From whence are there among you wars and strifes? Is it not from the lusts which war in your members?

James 4:3

3 you ask and receive not, because you ask wickedly, as that you may cherish your lusts.

James 4:6-7

6 But more excellent grace hath our Lord given unto us. Wherefore he saith, Aloha humbleth the proud, and to the humble he giveth grace. 7 BE subject, therefore, unto Aloha; withstand Satana, and he will flee from you;

James 5:1-5

1 O rich men, howl and weep for the miseries which are coming upon you.

James 5:1-2

1 O rich men, howl and weep for the miseries which are coming upon you.

James 5:1

1 O rich men, howl and weep for the miseries which are coming upon you. 2 Your riches are corrupt and stink, and your vestments are eaten of the moth,

James 5:2-2

2 Your riches are corrupt and stink, and your vestments are eaten of the moth, 3 and your gold and your silver rusteth, and the rust of them is for a witness against you, and is to eat your flesh. You have gathered fire for you for the last days! 4 Lo, the hire of the labourers who have reaped your lands, which you have refused, clamoureth, and the cry of the harvests to the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth hath ascended. 5 For you have lived daintily on the earth, and have been wanton, and have nourished your bodies, as for the day of slaughter.

James 5:9

9 Groan [Lo tetanchun.] not one against another, my brethren, that you be not judged; for, behold, the Judge standeth before the door.

1 Peter 1:14

14 as obedient children, and not partaking again of the former desires which you desired when ignorant.

1 Peter 1:22

22 Let your souls be sanctified in obedience to the truth, and be filled with the charity which respecteth not persons, that with a pure heart and perfect you may love one another,

1 Peter 1:24

24 Because all flesh is grass, and all its beauty as the flower of the field. The grass withereth and the flower drieth up,

1 Peter 2:1

1 MAKE to cease therefore from you all malice and all guile, and dissimulation, and envy, and slander;

1 Peter 2:11

11 MY beloved, I beseech you as strangers and as sojourners, be separate from all the lusts of the body which make wars against the soul.

1 Peter 2:13

13 And be subject to all men for the sake of Aloha: to kings, on account of their authority;

1 Peter 3:21

21 After which very type also you are saved in baptism,[B'mahmuditho.] not while you cleanse the body from filth, but while you make confession of [Or, in.] Aloha with a pure conscience, and of [Or, in.] the resurrection of Jeshu Meshiha;

1 Peter 4:2-3

2 that henceforth to the lusts of men he should not live, what time he is in the body, but to the will of Aloha. 3 For the time which hath passed sufficeth to have served the will of the Gentiles in indulgence, in drunkenness, in vileness, in revellings, and in the service of demons.

1 Peter 4:7

7 BUT the end of all cometh; therefore be sober, and watch unto prayer.

1 Peter 5:5

5 And you younger, be subject to your presbyters, and be clothed carefully [Or, closely.] with humility of mind towards one another; because Aloha is against those who exalt themselves, and to the humble he giveth grace. 6 Be humbled, therefore, under the mighty hand of Aloha, that he may exalt you at the right time.

1 Peter 5:8-9

8 Watch, and be mindful, because your adversary Satana, as a lion, roareth and walketh and seeketh whom he may devour. 9 Withstand him then, being confirmed in the faith; and know that upon your brethren also who are in the world, these same sufferings come.

2 Peter 2:18

18 For while they speak scoffing words of vanity, they allure with impure desires of the flesh those who almost escaped from them who have their conversation in error.

2 Peter 2:21

21 For it had been more tolerable for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, when they knew, to turn backward from the holy commandment delivered to them.

2 Peter 3:3

3 This first know you, that there will come in the last of the days deriders who will deride, as after their own lusts they walk,

1 John 2:15-17

15 Love not the world, nor any thing which is in it; for whoever loveth the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

1 John 2:15-16

15 Love not the world, nor any thing which is in it; for whoever loveth the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For every thing that is in the world, is the lust of the body, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of the world. These which are not of the Father, but they are from the world itself.

1 John 2:16-16

16 For every thing that is in the world, is the lust of the body, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of the world. These which are not of the Father, but they are from the world itself. 17 And the world passeth, (both) it and its lusts; but he who doeth the will of Aloha, continueth for ever.

1 John 2:17

17 And the world passeth, (both) it and its lusts; but he who doeth the will of Aloha, continueth for ever.

1 John 3:3

3 And every one who hath in him this hope, purifieth himself, as He is pure.

1 John 3:22

22 And whatever we ask, we shall receive from him, because we keep his commandments, and do the things which are beautiful [Shaphirthö.] before him.

1 John 5:14

14 And this is the assurance that we have toward him, that all that we ask of him according to his will, he heareth us.

Jude 1:16-18

16 These are they who murmur and complain of every thing, while walking according to their own desires; their mouth speaking portentous things, and extolling persons for the sake of gain. 17 But you, my beloved, remember those words which before were spoken by the apostles of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, 18 who told you that in the last times there would be those who scoff, who according to their own desires go after wickedness.

Revelation 12:9-11

9 And the great dragon was cast down, the old serpent, who is called the Deceiver, and the Adversary, which seduceth the whole habitable world. And he was cast upon the earth, and his angels with him were cast. 10 And I heard a great voice in heaven saying, Now is there salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Meshiha; because the accuser of our brethren is cast down, who accused them before Aloha day and night. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of his testimony. But they loved not their lives unto death.

Revelation 18:7-8

7 How much she hath pleased herself to be wanton, all this give her suffering and sorrow. For she said in her heart, I sit the queen, and am not a widow, and sorrow I see not.

Revelation 18:7

7 How much she hath pleased herself to be wanton, all this give her suffering and sorrow. For she said in her heart, I sit the queen, and am not a widow, and sorrow I see not. 8 Therefore in one day will come these her plagues, death and sorrow and hunger; and in fire she will burn, for mighty is the Lord God who judgeth her.

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