Genesis 11:11 Cross References - EJ2000

11 And Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad five hundred years and begat sons and daughters.

Genesis 1:28

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every beast that moves upon the earth.

Genesis 5:4-32

4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years, and he begat sons and daughters; 5 and all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died. 6 ¶ And Seth lived one hundred and five years and begat Enos. 7 And Seth lived after he begat Enos eight hundred and seven years and begat sons and daughters; 8 and all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years, and he died. 9 And Enos lived ninety years and begat Cainan, 10 and Enos lived after he begat Cainan eight hundred and fifteen years and begat sons and daughters; 11 and all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years, and he died. 12 And Cainan lived seventy years and begat Mahalaleel; 13 and Cainan lived after he begat Mahalaleel eight hundred and forty years and begat sons and daughters; 14 and all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years, and he died. 15 And Mahalaleel lived sixty-five years and begat Jared; 16 and Mahalaleel lived after he begat Jared eight hundred and thirty years and begat sons and daughters; 17 and all the days of Mahalaleel were eight hundred ninety-five years and he died. 18 And Jared lived one hundred sixty-two years and he begat Enoch; 19 and Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred years and begat sons and daughters; 20 and all the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty-two years, and he died. 21 ¶ And Enoch lived sixty-five years and begat Methuselah; 22 And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years and begat sons and daughters; 23 and all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty-five years. 24 And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him. 25 ¶ And Methuselah lived one hundred eighty-seven years, and begat Lamech; 26 and Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred eighty-two years and begat sons and daughters; 27 and all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty-nine years, and he died. 28 ¶ And Lamech lived one hundred eighty-two years and begat a son; 29 and he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands because of the ground which the LORD has cursed. 30 And Lamech lived after he begat Noah five hundred ninety-five years and begat sons and daughters; 31 and all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy-seven years, and he died. 32 And Noah was five hundred years old; and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

Genesis 9:7

7 And you, be ye fruitful and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply therein.

Psalms 127:3-4

3 Behold, sons are a heritage of the LORD, and the fruit of the womb is to be desired. 4 As arrows in the hand of a mighty man, so are the young men.

Psalms 128:3-4

3 Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thy house; thy children like olive plants round about thy table. 4 Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed that fears the LORD.

Psalms 144:12

12 That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace;

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.