1 Kings 11:30 Cross References - EJ2000

30 And Ahijah caught the new garment that was on him and rent it in twelve pieces;

1 Samuel 15:27-28

27 And as Samuel turned about to go away, he laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle, and it rent. 28 And Samuel said unto him, The LORD has rent the kingdom of Israel from thee today and has given it to a neighbour of thine that is better than thou.

1 Samuel 24:4-5

4 Then the men of David said unto him, Behold the day of which the LORD said unto thee, Behold, I will deliver thy enemy into thy hand that thou may do to him as it shall seem good unto thee. Then David arose and silently cut off the skirt of Saul’s robe. 5 And it came to pass afterward that David’s heart smote him because he had cut off Saul’s skirt.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.