Romans 7:9 Cross References - ECB

9 For formerly apart from the torah, I lived: but when the misvah came, sin relived and I died.

Psalms 40:12

12 For innumerable evils surround me; my perversities overtake me so that I am not able to see; - mightier than the hairs of my head; and my heart forsakes me.

Matthew 5:21-26

You heard it rhetorized to the ancients, Murder not; and whoever murders becomes subject to the judgment. 22 But I word to you, That everyone wroth with his brother in vain becomes subject to the judgment: and whoever says to his brother, Req! becomes subject to the sanhedrim: but whoever says, Fool! becomes subject to the fire of Gay Hinnom/the Valley of Burning. 23
So whenever you offer your oblation at the sacrifice altar, and there remember that your brother has somewhat against you; 24 release your oblation in front of the sacrifice altar, and go your way; first reconcile to your brother, and then come and offer your oblation. 25
Agree with your adversary quickly while you are with him in the way: lest ever the adversary deliver you to the judge; and the judge deliver you to the attendant; and cast you into a guardhouse. 26 Amen! I word to you, You never no way come from there, until you give back the final quarter.

Matthew 15:4-6

4 For Elohim misvahed, wording, Honor your father and mother: and, Whoever vilifies father or mother, deathify him to death. 5 But you word, Whoever says to his father or his mother, An oblation - by whatever you benefit by me; 6 and in no way honors his father or his mother. - thus you invalidate the misvah of Elohim for your tradition. Exodus 20:12, 21:17

Matthew 19:20

20 The youth words to him, I guarded all these from my youth: What lack I still?

Mark 7:8-13

8 For, forsaking the misvoth of Elohim you empower the tradition of humanity - as the baptism of pots and cups and you do many others like such. 9 And he words to them, You full well set aside the misvah of Elohim to guard your own tradition: 10 for Mosheh said, Honor your father and your mother; and, Whoever vilifies father or mother, dies the death. Exodus 20:12, 21:17, Leviticus 20:9 11 But you word, Whenever a human says to his father or mother, Qurban! which is, Oblation, by whatever you benefit; 12 and you allow him no more to do aught for his father or his mother; 13 invalidating the word of Elohim through your tradition - which you betray: and you do many like such.

Luke 10:25-29

And behold, a torahist rises, and tests him, wording, Doctor, what do I to inherit eternal life? 26 He says to him, What is scribed in the torah? How read you? 27 And he answers, saying, Love Yah Veh your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might and with all your mind - and your neighbor as yourself. 28 And he says to him, You answer straightforwardly: this do, and you live. 29 But he wills to justify himself, and says to Yah Shua, And who is my neighbor?

Luke 15:29

29 and he answers his father, saying, Behold, so many years I serve you, never ever passed I over your misvah: and yet you never ever gave me a goat to rejoice with my friends:

Luke 18:9-12

9 - and he says this parable to some who confide in themselves that they are just and belittle the rest: 10
Two humans ascend into the priestal precinct to pray; the one a Pharisee and the other a customs agent. 11 The Pharisee stands and prays these with himself, Elohim, I eucharistize you, that I am not exactly as the rest of humanity - plunderers, unjust, adulterers, or even as this customs agent: 12 I fast twice on the shabbath, I tithe all - as much as I possess.

Luke 18:21

21 And he says, I guarded all these from my youth.

Romans 3:19-20

19 Now we know, as much as the torah words, it speaks to those in the torah: that every mouth be sealed and all the cosmos become under judgment in front of Elohim. 20 Because by the works of the torah no flesh is justified in his sight: for through the torah is the knowledge of sin.

Romans 7:4

4 So my brothers, you also are deathified to the torah through the body of the Messiah; to become to another - to him who rose from the dead, so that we bear fruit to Elohim.

Romans 7:6

6 But now we are inactivated from the torah, being dead wherein we were held; to serve in newness of spirit and not in the antiquity of the scribing.

Romans 7:11

11 For sin, taking opportunity through the misvah, seduced me and thereby slaughtered me.

Romans 7:21-23

21 So I find the torah, that, when I will to do good, evil is present with me. 22 For I delight in the torah of Elohim after the inward human: 23 and I see another torah in my members, warring against the torah of my mind and capturing me to the torah of sin being in my members.

Romans 8:7

7 Because the thought of the flesh is enmity to Elohim: for it neither subjugates to the torah of Elohim nor indeed can.

Romans 10:5

5 For Mosheh scribes of the justness of the torah, That the human doing them, lives in them. Leviticus 18:5

Galatians 2:19

19 For through the torah I died to the torah to live to Elohim.

Galatians 3:10

For as many as are of the works of the torah are under the curse: for it is scribed, Cursed is everyone who abides not in all which are scribed in the scroll of the torah - to do them.

Philippians 3:5-6

5 circumcised the eighth day; of the genos of Yisra El; of the scion of Ben Yamin; a Hebrew of the Hebrews: as touching the torah, a Pharisee; 6 concerning zeal, persecuting the ecclesia; touching the justness in torah, become blameless.

James 2:10-11

10 For whoever guards the whole torah and still stumbles in one, becomes subject to all. 11 For he who says, Adulterize not! also says, Murder not! And if you adulterize not and still murder, you become a transgressor of the torah.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.