5 liberated among the dead as pierced lying in the tomb whom you remember no more: and they are cut off from your hand.
Psalms 88:5 Cross References - ECB
Genesis 8:1
1 And Elohim remembers Noach and every live being and all the animals with him in the ark: and Elohim passes a wind over the earth and the waters asswage;
Genesis 19:29
29 And so be it, as Elohim ruins the cities of the environs, Elohim remembers Abraham; and sends Lot from midst the overturning in overturning the cities in which Lot settled:
Job 6:9
9 O that Elohah wills to crush me - to loose his hand and cut me off!
Job 11:10
10 If he passes by, and shuts up or congregate, who then turns him back?
Psalms 31:12
12 I am forgotten as one dead of heart - as an instrument that destructs:
Psalms 31:22
22 And I - I say in my haste, I am cut off in front of your eyes! - surely you hear the voice of my supplications when I cry to you.
Psalms 88:16
16 your fuming passes over me; your terrors exterminate me;
Psalms 136:23
23 who remembered us in our lowliness; for his mercy eternal:
Isaiah 14:9-12
9 sheol from beneath quakes for you to meet you at your coming: it wakens the ghost for you all the he goats of the earth; it raises from their thrones all the sovereigns of the goyim.
10 They all answer and say to you, Become you also worn as we? Become you like us?
11 Your pomp is brought down to sheol with the sound of your bagpipes: the maggot spreads under you and the maggots cover you.
How you fell from the heavens, O Halaled one, son of the dawn - cut down to the earth: who vanquished the goyim!
How you fell from the heavens, O Halaled one, son of the dawn - cut down to the earth: who vanquished the goyim!
Isaiah 38:10-12
10 I - I say, in the severing of my days, I go to the portals of sheol: I overlooked the remnant of my years.
11 I say, I see not Yah - Yah in the land of the living: I scan humanity no more with the settlers of the deceased.
12 My generation pulls stakes and exiles from me as the tent of a tender: my life - severed as a weaver: he clips me from the thrum: from day to night you shalam me:
Isaiah 53:8
8 taken by restraint and by judgment: and who meditates his generation? For he is cut off from the land of the living: - plagued for the rebellion of my people.
Ezekiel 32:18-32
18 Son of humanity, lament for the multitude of Misrayim, and descend them - them and the daughters of the mighty goyim, to the nethermost of the earth, with them who descend into the well.
19 With whom have you been most pleasant? Descend and lie with the uncircumcised.
20 They fall in their midst - the pierced by the sword: she is given to the sword: they draw her and all her multitudes:
21 the el of the mighty words to him from midst sheol with them who help him: they descend; they lie uncircumcised; pierced by the sword.
22 There is Ashshur with all her congregation: surrounded by his tombs: all the pierced; the fallen by the sword:
23 whose tombs are given in the flanks of the well; and her congregation surrounds her tomb: all of the pierced; the fallen by the sword: who give terror in the land of the living.
24 There is Elam with all her multitude: surrounded her tomb, all of the pierced; the fallen by the sword: who descend the uncircumcised into the nethermost of the earth; who give their terror in the land of the living; yet they bear their shame with them who descend to the well.
25 They give her a bed midst the pierced with all her multitude: her tombs surround him: all of the uncircumcised; the pierced by the sword: for their terror is given in the land of the living, yet they bear their shame with them who descend to the well: he is given midst the pierced.
26 There is Meshech, Tubal, and all her multitude: surrounded by her tombs: all of the uncircumcised; the pierced by the sword for they give their terror in the land of the living:
27 and they not lie with the mighty - the fallen of the uncircumcised, who descend to sheol with their instruments of war: and they give their swords under their heads, and their perversities are on their bones, for the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.
28 Yes, you are broken among the uncircumcised, and lie with them who are pierced with the sword.
29 There is Edom, her sovereigns, and all her hierarchs, who in their might are given with the pierced by the sword: they lie with the uncircumcised, and with them who descend to the well.
30 These are the princes of the north - all of them and all the Sidonians who descend with the pierced in their terror; they shame of their might; and they lie uncircumcised with the pierced by the sword; and bear their shame with them who descend to the well.
31 Paroh sees them and sighs over all his multitude - Paroh and all his valiant pierced by the sword - an oracle of Adonay Yah Veh.
32 For I give his terror in the land of the living: and he lies among the uncircumcised with the pierced of the sword - Paroh and all his multitude - an oracle of Adonay Yah Veh.