13 As the cold of snow in the day of harvest, thus is a trustworthy ambassador to them who send him; for he restores the soul of his adonim.
Proverbs 25:13 Cross References - ECB
Proverbs 13:17
17 A wicked angel falls into evil; and a trustworthy ambassador is healing.
Proverbs 25:25
25 As cold waters to a languid soul, thus is a report from a far land.
Proverbs 26:6
6 He who sends word by the hand of a fool cuts off the feet and drinks violence.
Philippians 2:25-30
25 Yet I deemed it necessary to send you Epaphroditus, my brother and co-worker and co-warrior - and your apostle and minister to my need.
26 Since he yearned after you all and was distressed, because you heard he had been frail.
27 For indeed he was frail - close by death: but Elohim mercied him; and not only him, but also me, lest I have sorrow upon sorrow.
28 So I send him diligently, so that when you see him again, you cheer and that I also be ungrieving.
29 So receive him in Adonay with all cheer; and hold such honorable:
30 for, because of the work of Messiah he approached death, hazarding his soul, to fill full/shalam your lack of liturgy toward me.