23 and he props his hands on him and misvahs him as Yah Veh worded by the hand of Mosheh.
Numbers 27:23 Cross References - ECB
Numbers 27:19
19 and stand him at the face of El Azar the priest and at the face of all the witness; and misvah him in their eyes:
Deuteronomy 3:28
28 and misvah Yah Shua and strengthen him and toughen him: for he passes over at the face of this people and he has them inherit the land you see.
Deuteronomy 31:7-8
7 And Mosheh calls to Yah Shua and says to him in the eyes of all Yisra El, In strenthening, strengthen: for you go with this people to the land Yah Veh oathed to give their fathers to inherit:
8 and Yah Veh - he goes at your face; he is with you; he neither lets you loose nor forsakes you: neither awe nor terrify.