25 And behold, in Yeru Shalem, a human whose name is Shimon; and this human is just and well-received, awaiting the consolation of Yisra El: and the Holy Spirit is upon him.
26 And the Holy Spirit oracles to him that he not see death ere he sees the Messiah of Yah Veh.
27 And he comes in the Spirit into the priestal precinct: and the parents introduce the child Yah Shua, to do for him as accustomed by the torah.
28 And he receives him in his arms and eulogizes Elohim and says
29 Despotes, now release your servant in shalom, according to your rhema:
30 for my eyes see your salvation,
31 whom you prepared ` in front of the face of all people;
32 a light of apocalypse to the goyim and the glory of your people Yisra El.