Micah 7:7 Cross References - ECB

And I - I watch to Yah Veh; I await Elohim of my salvation: my Elohim hears me.

Genesis 49:18

18 I await your salvation, O Yah Veh.

Psalms 4:2-3

2 O you sons of men, until when is my honor for shame - you who love vanity and seek after lies? Selah. 3 And know that Yah Veh set apart the mercied for himself; Yah Veh hears when I call to him.

Psalms 25:5

5 aim me in your truth and teach me; for you are Elohim of my salvation: I await you all the day.

Psalms 27:12-14

12 Give me not to the soul of my tribulators; for false witnesses rise against me - such as exhale violence. 13 I trusted not to see the goodness of Yah Veh in the land of the living. 14 Await Yah Veh! Prevail; and he strengthens your heart; yes, await Yah Veh.

Psalms 34:5-6

5 They look to him and sparkle; and their faces blushed not. 6 This humble one calls and Yah Veh hears and saves him from all his tribulations.

Psalms 37:7

7 Be still in Yah Veh and writhe for him; inflame not because of him who prospers in his way - because of the man who works intrigue.

Psalms 38:15

15 For in you, O Yah Veh, I await; answer, O Adonay my Elohim.

Psalms 40:1-3

1 To His Eminence; A Psalm by David. In awaiting, I await Yah Veh; he spreads to me and hears my cry: 2 and he ascends me from a roaring well - from the miry mire; and raises my feet on a rock and establishes my steps. 3 He gives a new song in my mouth, Halal to our Elohim! Many see and awe and confide in Yah Veh.

Psalms 50:15

15 call on me in the day of tribulation: I rescue you and you honor me.

Psalms 55:16-17

16 As for me, I call on Elohim; and Yah Veh saves me: 17 evening and morning and noon I meditate and roar; and he hears my voice.

Psalms 62:1-8

1 To His Eminence; Yeduthun/A Laudatory: A Psalm by David. Truly my soul is silent to Elohim; - from him is my salvation: 2 he only is my rock and my salvation; my secure loft; I totter not greatly. 3 Until when assail you against a man? you are murdered - all of you - as a wall spread - a wall overthrown. 4 Surely they counsel to drive him from his exaltation; they lie to please: with their mouth, they bless; but inwardly, abase. Selah. 5 My soul, hush only on Elohim; for my hope is from him: 6 Surely he is my rock and my salvation; my secure loft; I totter not: 7 in Elohim is my salvation and my honor; the rock of my strength: my refuge is in Elohim. 8 Confide in him at all times, you people; pour out your heart at his face: Elohim is our refuge. Selah.

Psalms 65:2

2 O you who hears prayer, to whom all flesh comes.

Psalms 109:4

4 instead of my love, they are my satans; but I - prayer:

Psalms 130:5

5 I await Yah Veh; my soul awaits: in his word I await.

Psalms 142:4-5

4 I look to the right and see; no one recognizes me: retreat destructs from me; no one seeks of my soul. 5 I cry to you, O Yah Veh; I say, You are my refuge and my allotment in the land of the living;

Isaiah 8:17

17 And I await Yah Veh who hides his face from the house of Yaaqov, and I await him.

Isaiah 12:2

2 Behold, El is my salvation; I confide, and fear not: for Yah Yah Veh is my strength and psalm; and he is my salvation.

Isaiah 25:9

9 And in that day, it is said, Behold, this our Elohim; we awaited him and he saves us: this is Yah Veh; we awaited him; we twirl and cheer in his salvation.

Isaiah 45:22

22 Face me, and be saved, all you finalities of the earth: for I - El; and there is no one else.

Lamentations 3:25-26

25 Yah Veh is good to them who await him - to the soul who seeks him: 26 - good to await - to silently await the salvation of Yah Veh.

Habakkuk 3:17-19

17 Although neither the fig tree blossoms nor produce among the vines; the labor of the olive deceives and the fields work no food; the flock is cut off from the fold, and there is no herd in the stalls: 18 yet I jump for joy in Yah Veh; I twirl in Elohim of my salvation. 19 Yah Veh Adonay is my valour and he sets my feet as the hinds; and he has me tread on my bamahs. To his eminence, with my strummers.

Luke 2:25-32

25 And behold, in Yeru Shalem, a human whose name is Shimon; and this human is just and well-received, awaiting the consolation of Yisra El: and the Holy Spirit is upon him. 26 And the Holy Spirit oracles to him that he not see death ere he sees the Messiah of Yah Veh. 27 And he comes in the Spirit into the priestal precinct: and the parents introduce the child Yah Shua, to do for him as accustomed by the torah. 28 And he receives him in his arms and eulogizes Elohim and says 29 Despotes, now release your servant in shalom, according to your rhema: 30 for my eyes see your salvation, 31 whom you prepared ` in front of the face of all people; 32 a light of apocalypse to the goyim and the glory of your people Yisra El.

Luke 6:11-12

11 And they fill full with mindlessness; and talk thoroughly one with another of what to do to Yah Shua. 12
And so be it, in those days, he goes to a mountain to pray, and continues all night in prayer to Elohim.

1 John 5:14-15

14 And this is the boldness we have toward him that if - whatever we ask according to his will, he hears us: 15 and whenever we know that he hears us - whatever we ask we know we have the requests we ask of him.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.