Matthew 22:19 Cross References - ECB

19 Show me the tribute coin. - and they offer him a denarion.

Matthew 18:28

28 But the same servant goes and finds one of his co-servants who is indebted a hundred denarion: and he overpowers him and strangles him, wording, Give me your debt.

Matthew 20:2

2 and he symphonizes with the workers for a denarion a day; and apostolizes them to his vineyard.

Revelation 6:6

6 And I hear a voice midst the four live beings, wording, A choinix of grain for a denarion and three choinixes of barley for a denarion; and injure not the olive oil and the wine.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.