16 And he goes to Nazareth where he was nurtured: and as his custom, he enters the synagogue on the day of the shabbaths and rises to read:
Luke 4:16 Cross References - ECB
Matthew 2:23
23 and he goes and settles in a city worded Nazareth: to fulfill/shalam that rhetorized through the prophets, He is called a Nazarene. cp Isaiah 11:1
Matthew 13:54-55
54 and comes to his fatherland and doctrinates in their synagogue, so that they are astonished, and word, Whence has this man this wisdom and these dynamis?
55 Is not this the son of the carpenter? Is not his mother indeed worded Miryam? And his brothers, Yaaqovos and Yoses and Shimon and Yah Hudah?
Mark 6:1-3
1 YAH SHUA DISHONORED IN HIS FATHERLAND And he goes from there, and comes to his fatherland; and his disciples follow him.
2 And so be it, shabbath; and he begins to doctrinate in the synagogue. And many hearing him are astonished, wording, Whence has this one all these? and, What wisdom is given him that even such dynamis becomes by his hands?
3 Is not this the carpenter the son of Miryam and brother of Yaaqovos and Yoses and Yah Hudah and Shimon? and, Are not his sisters here with us? - and they are scandalized at him.
Luke 1:26-27
Luke 2:39
39 And when they complete/shalam all according to the torah of Yah Veh, they return to Galiyl, to their own city Nazareth.
Luke 2:42
42 and when he becomes twelve years, they ascend to Yeru Shalem after the custom of the celebration
Luke 2:51
51 And he descends with them and they go to Nazareth; and he subjugates to them: and his mother thoroughly keeps all these rhemas in her heart:
Luke 4:15
15 and he doctrinates in their synagogues, being glorified by all.
Luke 4:21
21 And he begins to word to them, This day this scripture fulfills/shalams in your ears.
John 18:20
20 Yah Shua answers him, I spoke boldly to the cosmos; I ever taught in the synagogue and in the priestal precinct where the Yah Hudiym always come together; and I spoke naught in secret.
Acts 13:14-16
But they pass through from Perga and come to Antioch in Pisidia; and on the shabbath day enter the synagogue and sit. 15 And after the reading of the torah and the prophets, the synagogue archs apostolize to them, wording, Men and brothers, if you have any word of consolation for the people, word on. 16 And Paulos rises, signals with his hand, and says, Men - Yisra Eliym, and you who awe Elohim, hearken!
But they pass through from Perga and come to Antioch in Pisidia; and on the shabbath day enter the synagogue and sit. 15 And after the reading of the torah and the prophets, the synagogue archs apostolize to them, wording, Men and brothers, if you have any word of consolation for the people, word on. 16 And Paulos rises, signals with his hand, and says, Men - Yisra Eliym, and you who awe Elohim, hearken!
Acts 17:2
2 and as his custom, Paulos comes to them, and for three shabbaths reasons with them from the scriptures