Job 3 Cross References - ECB

After this Iyob opens his mouth and abases his day; 2 and Iyob answers and says, 3 Destroy the day I was birthed; and the night that says, A mighty child is conceived; 4 O that that day be darkness: that Elohah neither require it from above, nor the light shine on it; 5 that darkness and the shadow of death redeem it; that a cloudiness tabernacle on it; that the eclipses of the day frighten it; 6 as for that night, O that darkness take it; that it not rejoice to the days of the year; that it not come into the number of the moons. 7 Behold, O that that night be sterile, that no shout come therein; 8 that they curse, who curse the day who are ready to waken a leviathan; 9 O that the stars of the evening breeze darken; that it await light, but have none; that it not see the eyelids of the dawn; 10 because it neither shut the doors of my belly, nor hide toil from my eyes. 11 Why died I not from the womb? - expire when I came from the belly? 12 Why did the knees anticipate me? Or why the breasts I suck? 13 For now I lie down and rest; had I slept, then had I been at rest, 14 with sovereigns and counsellors of the earth, who build parched areas for themselves; 15 or with governors who have gold - who fill their houses with silver; 16 or I had not been as a hidden miscarriage - as infants who never see light. 17 There the wicked cease from commotion; and there the wearied of force rest; 18 there the bound relax together; they hear not the voice of the exactor; 19 the small and great are there; and the servant is liberated from his adoni. 20 Why gives he light to him in misery and life to the bitter soul; 21 who await death, and so be it not; and dig for it more than for hid treasures; 22 who cheer and twirl and rejoice, when they can find the tomb? 23 - to the mighty whose way is hid whom Elohah hedges in? 24 For my sighing comes at the face of my bread and my roarings pour as the waters. 25 For the dread I dreaded comes on me and what I feared comes to me. 26 I neither serenified, nor had I rest, nor rested I; yet commotion came.

Genesis 20:18

18 For in restraining, Yah Veh restrains all the wombs of the house of Abi Melech for sake of the word of Sarah the woman of Abraham.

Genesis 29:31

31 And when Yah Veh sees that Leah is hated, he opens her womb: and Rachel is sterile:

Genesis 30:3

3 And she says, Behold my maid Bilhah, go in to her; and she births on my knees that I also have children by her.

Genesis 50:23

23 And Yoseph sees the sons of Ephrayim to the third: also the sons of Machir the son of Menash Sheh birthed on the knees of Yoseph.

Exodus 5:6-8

6 And the same day, Paroh misvahs the exactors of the people and their officers, saying, 7 Never again give the people straw for brickmaking, as three yesters ago: let them go and gather straw for themselves: 8 and set on them the quantity of bricks they worked three yesters ago: diminish naught thereof, for they are lazy: so they cry, saying, Let us go and sacrifice to our Elohim.

Exodus 5:15-19

15 Then the officers of the sons of Yisra El come and cry to Paroh, saying, Why work you thus with your servants? 16 They give no straw to your servants and they say to us, Work brick! And behold, your servants are smitten; but the sin is in your own people. 17 And he says, Lazy, lazy: so you say, Let us go and sacrifice to Yah Veh. 18 And now, go; serve: and no straw is given you: yet you give the gauge of bricks. 19 And the officers of the sons of Yisra El see that they are in evil, saying, Diminish not bricks of your day by day word.

Exodus 10:22-23

22 And Mosheh spreads his hand toward the heavens; and there becomes a darkened darkness in all the land of Misrayim three days: 23 they neither see man to brother nor rise any from his place for three days: but all the sons of Yisra El have light in their settlements.

Numbers 11:15

15 And if you work thus with me, slaughter me! I beseech you, slaughter me! if I find charism in your eyes; that I not see my evil.

Numbers 22:18

18 And Bilam answers and says to the servants of Balaq, If Balaq give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot trespass the mouth of Yah Veh my Elohim, to work less or greater:

Deuteronomy 4:11

11 And you approached and stood under the mountain; and the mountain kindled with fire to the heart of the heavens with darkness, clouds and dripping darkness:

Deuteronomy 11:12

12 a land Yah Veh your Elohim searched out: the eyes of Yah Veh your Elohim are continually thereon - from the beginning of the year even to the end of the year.

Judges 4:3

3 And the sons of Yisra El cry to Yah Veh: for he has nine hundred chariots of iron; and he strongly oppresses the sons of Yisra El twenty years.

Judges 18:14

14 Then the five men who go to spy out the land of Laish answer and say to their brothers, Know you, that in these houses, there are an ephod and a teraphim and a sculptile and a molten? Now perceive what to work.

1 Samuel 1:5

5 and he gives one double faced portion to Hannah; because he loves Hannah: and Yah Veh shut her womb;

1 Samuel 1:10

10 and she is bitter of soul and prays to Yah Veh: and in weeping, she weeps;

1 Kings 2:10

10 So David lies down with his fathers entombed in the city of David:

1 Kings 10:27

27 and the sovereign gives silver in Yeru Shalem as stones and gives cedars as the sycomore trees in the lowland for abundance:

1 Kings 11:43

43 And Shelomoh lies down with his fathers entombed in the city of David his father: and Rechab Am his son reigns in his stead.

1 Kings 19:4

4 and goes by himself a journey of a day into the wilderness and comes and settles under one juniper: and he asks for his soul to die; and says, Enough now, O Yah Veh, take away my soul; for I am no better than my fathers.

2 Kings 4:27

27 And when she comes to the man of Elohim to the mountain, she holds him by the feet: and Gay Chazi approaches to expel her. And the man of Elohim says, Release her; for her soul is embittered: and Yah Veh concealed it from me and told me not.

2 Chronicles 35:25

25 and Yirme Yah laments for Yoshi Yah: and all the songsters and songstresses say of Yoshi Yah in their lamentations to this day and gives them for a statute in Yisra El: and behold, they are inscribed in the lamentations.

Job 1:5

5 And so be it, as the days of banqueting revolve, Iyob sends and hallows them; and starts early in the morning and holocausts holocausts according to their number; for Iyob says, Perhaps my sons have sinned, yet blessed Elohim in their hearts. - thus worked Iyob continually.

Job 1:11

11 And yet, spread your hand, I beseech, and touch all that he has, whether he blesses you to your face.

Job 1:22

22 In all this Iyob neither sinned nor attributed Elohim with frivolity.

Job 2:5

5 but spread your hand, I beseech and touch his bone and his flesh, whether he blesses you to your face.

Job 2:9-10

9 And his woman says to him, You still uphold your integrity! Bless Elohim and die. 10 And he says to her, You word as one of the foolish word. yes, take we good at the hand of Elohim - and not take evil? - in all this Iyob sinned not with his lips.

Job 3:3

3 Destroy the day I was birthed; and the night that says, A mighty child is conceived;

Job 3:16

16 or I had not been as a hidden miscarriage - as infants who never see light.

Job 6:2-3

2 Oh that in weighing, my vexation were weighed and my calamity lifted in the balances together! 3 For now it is heavier than the sand of the sea; so I gulp my words;

Job 6:7

7 What my soul refuses to touch is as my bloody bread.

Job 6:9

9 O that Elohah wills to crush me - to loose his hand and cut me off!

Job 7:8-10

8 The eye of him who sees me lurks not; your eyes are on me, and I am not. 9 the cloud finishes off and goes; thus he who descends to sheol ascends not again; 10 he neither returns to his house, nor his place recognizes him again.

Job 7:14

14 and you terrify me with dreams and frighten me through visions; 15 so that my soul chooses strangling and death rather than my bones. 16 I spurn; I live not eternally; let me decease; for my days are vanity.

Job 7:19

19 Until when look you not from me? - nor loose me until I swallow my spit?

Job 7:21

21 And why lift you not my rebellion and pass away my perversity? for now I lie in the dust; and you seek me early - but I am not.

Job 10:1

1 My soul loathes life; I forsake my self-meditation; I word in the bitterness of my soul.

Job 10:18-19

18 Why then brought you me forth from the womb? Oh that I had expired and no eye had seen me! 19 As not being I became; - brought from the belly to the tomb.

Job 10:21-22

21 - ere I go and not return to the land of darkness and the shadow of death; 22 - a land of darkness as darkness; of the shadow of death without any order where the shining is as darkness.

Job 10:22

22 - a land of darkness as darkness; of the shadow of death without any order where the shining is as darkness.

Job 12:14

14 Behold, he breaks down and no one builds; he shuts a man and no one opens.

Job 12:17

17 He walks counsellors away stripped and has the judges halal;

Job 12:21

21 he pours disrespect on volunteers and loosens the girdle of the gatherers;

Job 14:10-12

10 the mighty dies and decays; yes, humanity expires - and where is he? 11 The waters gad about from the sea and the flood parches and dries: 12 thus man lies down and rises not; until the heavens be no more they waken not - waken not from their sleep. 13 Who gives, that you hide me in sheol? - that you secret me, until your wrath turns? - that you set me a statute and remember me?

Job 15:28

28 and he tabernacles in cut off cities and in houses which no man settles - ready to be heaped.

Job 16:16

16 my face foams with weeping and on my eyelids is the shadow of death;

Job 17:13

13 If I await, sheol is my house; I spread my bed in the darkness.

Job 17:16

16 They descend to the veins of sheol, we rest together in the dust.

Job 19:6

6 know now that Elohah twisted me and surrounded me with his lair.

Job 19:8

8 he walls in my way so I cannot pass; and sets darkness in my paths:

Job 19:12

12 His troops come together and raise their way against me and encamp around my tent:

Job 19:27

27 - see for myself - my eyes see and not a stranger; though my reins finish off within my bosom.

Job 21:13

13 they wear away - finish off their days in good; and in a blink, descend to sheol.

Job 21:23

23 One dies in the integrity of his bones, wholly serene and secure:

Job 22:25

25 Yes, Shadday becomes your diggings and silver your strengths.

Job 23:2

2 Even today my meditation is rebellious - my hand heavier than my sighing.

Job 24:17

17 when they are together morning is as the shadow of death; if one recognizes them they are in the terrors of the shadow of death.

Job 27:9

9 Hears El his cry when tribulation overcomes him?

Job 27:16-17

16 though he heaps silver as the dust and prepares robes as the clay: 17 he prepares, and the just enrobe; and the innocent allot the silver:

Job 28:3

3 He sets an end to darkness and probes all conclusion - the stones of darkness and the shadow of death.

Job 30:15

15 Terrors turn on me; they pursue my reputation as the wind; and my salvation passes as a thick cloud.

Job 30:23

23 For I know that you return me to death and to the house of the congregation of all the living.

Job 30:26

26 When I awaited good, evil came; when I waited for light, darkness came:

Job 31:23

23 for calamity from El is a dread to me and by reason of his exalting I am not able.

Job 33:20

20 his life loathes bread and his soul food of desire;

Job 33:28

28 he redeems my soul from passing into the pit of ruin and my life sees the light.

Job 33:30

30 to return his soul from the pit of ruin; to enlighten with the light of the living.

Job 35:16

16 and Iyob gasps his mouth in vain; he weaves utterances without knowledge.

Job 38:17

17 Expose you the portals of death? See you the portals of the shadow of death?

Job 39:7

7 He ridicules the multitude of the city; he hears not the clamorings of the exactor;

Job 41:1

1 You - draw you leviathan with a hook? Drown his tongue with a cord?

Job 41:10

10 None is so fierce that he wakens him. Who then sets at my face?

Job 41:18

18 By his sneezings a light halals and his eyes are as the eyelids of the dawn;

Job 41:25

25 He swells; the mighty dodge him; they purify themselves from breakings;

Psalms 22:1-2

1 To His Eminence; On the Hind of the Dawn: A Psalm by David. My El, my El, why forsake you me? - so far from my salvation and from the words of my roaring? 2 O my Elohim, I call by day, and you answer not; and by night, and am not silent.

Psalms 22:9-10

9 For you are he who gushed me from the belly; to confide in you at the breasts of my mother. 10 I was cast on you from the womb; you are my El from the belly of my mother.

Psalms 23:4

4 Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I awe no evil; for you are with me; your scion and your crutch sigh over me:

Psalms 31:8

8 And you shut me not in the hand of the enemy; you stand my feet in an expanse:

Psalms 32:3

3 When I hush, my bones become worn through my roaring all day long:

Psalms 38:8

8 I am exhausted and mighty crushed; I roar from the growling of my heart:

Psalms 39:2-3

2 I am mute with silence; I hush from good; and my pain troubles me: 3 my heart heats within me; as I meditate, the fire burns. I word with my tongue,

Psalms 42:3-4

3 My tears are my bread day and night, while all day they say to me, Where is your Elohim? 4 When I remember these, I pour my soul within me; I pass with the multitude - walk gently with them to the house of Elohim with the voice of shouting and spread hands - with a multitude who celebrate.

Psalms 44:19

19 though you crushed us in the place of monsters and covered us with the shadow of death.

Psalms 49:2

2 Both sons of humanity and sons of man! Rich and needy, together!

Psalms 49:6-10

6 They who confide in their valuables - in the abundance of their riches halal themselves. 7 In redeeming, man neither redeems his brother, nor gives Elohim a koper/an atonement for him; 8 and esteemed is the redemption of their soul: and ceases eternally; 9 and still he lives in perpetuity and sees not the pit of ruin. 10 For he sees wise men die; the fool and the stupid destruct together and leave their valuables to others.

Psalms 49:14

14 As a flock they set themselves in sheol; death tends them: and the straight subjugate them in the morning; and their form wears out: sheol is their residence.

Psalms 49:14-20

14 As a flock they set themselves in sheol; death tends them: and the straight subjugate them in the morning; and their form wears out: sheol is their residence. 15 Surely Elohim redeems my soul from the hand of sheol; for he takes me. Selah. 16 Awe not when man enriches - when the honor of his house abounds: 17 for when he dies he takes naught; his honor descends not after him. 18 For while he lives he blesses his soul; and they spread hands to you when you well-please yourself. 19 He goes to the generation of his fathers; never to see light in perpetuity. 20 Humanity in esteem who discerns not, is as the beasts that perish.

Psalms 55:5-8

5 awe and trembling come on me and horror covers over me. 6 And I say, Oh that they give me pinions as a dove! for then I fly and tabernacle! 7 Behold, then I wander afar and stay overnight in the wilderness! Selah. 8 I hasten my escape from the rushing wind and storm.

Psalms 58:8

8 as a snail dissolving, they pass away; as the miscarriage of a woman, they see not the sun.

Psalms 71:6

6 - from the belly - who cut me from the inwards of my mother; my halal is continually of you.

Psalms 80:5

5 You feed them bread of tears and give them triple tears to drink;

Psalms 88:8

8 You far removed them whom I know; you place me an abhorrence to them - restrained - I come not forth:

Psalms 89:48

48 What mighty lives and sees not death? - rescues his soul from the hand of sheol? Selah.

Psalms 102:9

9 For I eat ashes as bread and mix my drink with weeping

Psalms 106:33

33 for they rebelled against his spirit so that he babbled with his lips:

Psalms 107:10

10 - such as settle in darkness and in the shadow of death - bound in humiliation and iron:

Psalms 107:14

14 he brings them from darkness and the shadow of death; and tears their bands.

Psalms 139:13-16

13 For you - you chattelized my reins; you covered me in the belly of my mother: 14 I spread hands to you; for I am awesomely distinguished; marvellous are your works - and my soul knows that right well. 15 My might was not concealed from you, when I was covertly worked and embroidered in the nethermost of the earth: 16 your eyes saw my embryo; and in your scroll they were inscribed in the days they were formed - and no one among them.

Psalms 143:11

11 Enliven me, O Yah Veh, for sake of your name; for sake of your justness bring my soul from tribulation:

Proverbs 2:4

4 if you seek her as silver and search for her as hid treasures

Proverbs 31:6

6 Give intoxicants to those destructing and wine to the bitter of soul

Ecclesiastes 6:3-5

3 If a man births a hundred and lives many years so that the days of his years be many and his soul satisfies not with good and also he has no tomb: I say, a miscarriage is better than he:

Ecclesiastes 6:3

3 If a man births a hundred and lives many years so that the days of his years be many and his soul satisfies not with good and also he has no tomb: I say, a miscarriage is better than he: 4 for he comes in vanity and goes in darkness - his name covered with darkness: 5 he neither sees the sun; nor knows aught: this rests more than that;

Ecclesiastes 8:8

8 Neither is a human potentate over the spirit to restrain the spirit; nor has he power in the day of death: neither shooting in that war; nor wickedness to rescue its masters.

Ecclesiastes 9:10

10 Whatever your hand finds to work, work with your force; for there is no work, or machination, or knowledge, or wisdom in sheol, where you go.

Ecclesiastes 11:10

10 Turn vexation from your heart and pass evil from your flesh; for childhood and dawn are vanity.

Ecclesiastes 12:5

5 and they awe the heights with terrors in the way; and the almond tree flourishes; and the locust becomes a burden; and desire breaks down because humanity goes to his eternal house and the choppers turn around the streets:

Ecclesiastes 12:7

7 and the dust returns to the earth as it was; and the spirit returns to Elohim who gave.

Isaiah 2:7

7 and the land is filled with silver and gold - no end of their treasures; and the land is filled with horses, - no end of their chariots:

Isaiah 5:8

Ho to them who touch house to house, who approach field to field, until the final place, to settle alone midst the earth!

Isaiah 9:2

The people, walking in darkness, see a great light: settlers in the land of the shadow of death, upon them the light illuminates.

Isaiah 13:20-22

20 - neither to settle therein in perpetuity nor to tabernacle therein from generation to generation: neither the Arabiy tent there; nor the tenders crouch there: 21 and desert dwellers crouch there; and their houses are filled by howlers; and daughters of the owls tabernacle there, and bucks dance there: 22 and the island howlers answer in their abandonments, and monsters in their manses of luxury: and her time comes near, and her days are not drawn out.

Isaiah 14:3-4

3 And so be it, in the day Yah Veh rests you from your contortion, and from your quivering, and from the hard service served on you 4 - to lift this proverb against the sovereign of Babel, and say, How the exactor shabbathizes! The extortioners of gold shabbathize!

Isaiah 14:10-16

10 They all answer and say to you, Become you also worn as we? Become you like us? 11 Your pomp is brought down to sheol with the sound of your bagpipes: the maggot spreads under you and the maggots cover you. 12
How you fell from the heavens, O Halaled one, son of the dawn - cut down to the earth: who vanquished the goyim! 13 For you said in your heart, I ascend into the heavens: I exalt my throne above the stars of El: and I sit upon the mount of the congregation in the flanks of the north: 14 I ascend above the bamahs of the thick clouds - like Elyon. 15 Surely you are brought down to sheol - to the flanks of the well. 16 They who see you peer at you, discerning, Is this the man who quakes the earth? Who quakes sovereigndoms?

Isaiah 24:8

8 the joy of tambourines shabbathizes; the uproar of them who jump for joy ceases; the joy of the harp shabbathizes:

Isaiah 40:27

27 Why, O Yaaqov, say you, and, O Yisra El, word you, My way is hid from Yah Veh; and from my Elohim my judgment passes over?

Isaiah 46:3

3 Hearken to me, O house of Yaaqov, and all survivors of the house of Yisra El - who are loaded from the belly; who are raised from the womb:

Isaiah 57:1-2

The just destruct and no man sets it to heart: and merciful men gather and no one discerns that the just are gathered from the face of the evil. 2 He enters into shalom; they rest in their beds - each walking in straightforwardness.

Isaiah 58:12

12 And from you they build the original parched areas: and you raise the foundations of generation and generation; and they call you, The waller of the breach! The restorer of paths to settle!

Isaiah 59:11

11 we roar as bears - we all; and in cooing, coo as doves: we await judgment, and there is none; for salvation, and it removes far from us.

Isaiah 66:12

12 For thus says Yah Veh, Behold, I spread her shalom as a river, and the honor of the goyim as a flowing wadi: and you suck, borne on her sides, and stroked on her knees.

Jeremiah 2:6

6 And said not, Where is Yah Veh who ascended us from the land of Misrayim? Who carried us through the wilderness - a land of plains and of chasms - a land of parch and of the shadow of death - a land where no man passed through and where no human settled?

Jeremiah 4:28

28 for this the earth mourns and the heavens above darken - because I worded it; I intrigued: and I neither sigh nor turn back therefrom.

Jeremiah 7:34

34 Then I shabbathize from the cities of Yah Hudah, and from the outways of Yeru Shalem, the voice of rejoicing and the voice of cheerfulness; the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride - for the land becomes parched.

Jeremiah 8:15

15 We await shalom, and there is no good; for a time of healing, and behold, fright!

Jeremiah 9:17-18

17 Thus says Yah Veh Sabaoth, You, discern; and call for the lamenters to come; and send for the wise to come: 18 Hasten them to lift a lamentation for us so that our eyes drip with tears and our eyelids flow with waters.

Jeremiah 13:16

Give honor to Yah Veh your Elohim ere he causes darkness; and ere your feet stub on the evening breeze of the mountains: and while you look for light, he sets it into the shadow of death and places dripping darkness:

Jeremiah 15:10

10 Woe is me, my mother, that you birthed me - a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth! I neither lent on usury nor men lent to me on usury; every one of them abases me.

Jeremiah 20:14-15

14 Curse the day I was birthed; bless not the day my mother birthed me.

Jeremiah 20:14-18

14 Curse the day I was birthed; bless not the day my mother birthed me. 15 Curse the man who evangelized to my father, saying, A male son is birthed to you; in cheering, cheer him:

Jeremiah 20:15-18

15 Curse the man who evangelized to my father, saying, A male son is birthed to you; in cheering, cheer him: 16 so be that man, as the cities Yah Veh turned against and sighed not - to hear the cry in the morning, and the shout at noon time: 17 because he executed me not from the womb that my mother become my tomb and her womb eternally great.

Jeremiah 20:17

17 because he executed me not from the womb that my mother become my tomb and her womb eternally great. 18 Why came I forth from the womb - to see toil and grief? To finish off my days with shame?

Jeremiah 20:18

18 Why came I forth from the womb - to see toil and grief? To finish off my days with shame?

Lamentations 3:7

7 he walls me in so I cannot get out; he weights my copper: 8 also when I cry and shout, he shuts out my prayer; 9 he walls in my ways with hewn; he bends my paths:

Ezekiel 16:4-5

4 and as for your kindred, in the day you were birthed, neither was your navel cut nor were you baptized in water for inspection; in salting, you were not salted; in swathing, you were not swathed: 5 no eye spared you, to work one of these to you - to compassion you; but you were cast out in the face of the field, to the loathing of your soul, in the day you were birthed.

Ezekiel 26:20

20 when I descend you with them descending into the well - to the original people, and settle you in the nethermost of the earth - in the original parched areas with them descending to the well, so that you not settle; and I give splendor in the land of the living.

Ezekiel 27:18-32

18 Dammeseq is your merchant in the abundance of the wares of your making, for the abundance of all wealth; in the wine of Helbon and white wool. 19 Vedan and Yavan gad about, and in your markets they give bright iron, cassia, and stalks in your merchandise. 20 Dedan is your merchant in clothes of liberation for chariots. 21 Arabia and all the hierarchs of Qedar, merchandise in lambs and rams and he goats: these are the merchants of your hand. 22 The merchants of Sheba and Raamah are your merchants: and in your markets they give all head spices, and all esteemed stones, and gold. 23 Haran, and Kanneh, and Eden, the merchants of Sheba, Ashshur, and Kilmad, are your merchants: 24 these are your merchants of splendor in blue robes and embroidery and in chests of rich damasks - bound with cords and of cedar, among your merchandise. 25 The ships of Tarshish stroll in your merchandise: and fulfill you and mightily honor you in the heart of the seas. 26 Your paddlers bring you into great waters: the east wind breaks you in the heart of the seas: 27 your wealth, and your markets, your merchandise, your mariners, and your sailers, your breach holders, and the pledgers of your merchandise, and all your men of war - in you and in all your congregation among you fall into the heart of the seas in the day of your ruin. 28 The suburbs quake at the voice of the cry of your sailers: 29 and all who manipulate the oar - the mariners and all the sailers of the sea descend from their ships; they stand on the land: 30 and hearken their voice against you and cry bitterly and ascend dust on their heads: they wallow themselves in the ashes: 31 and in balding, they balden themselves for you, and gird themselves with saq; and they weep for you with bitterness of soul and bitter chopping: 32 and in their lamentation they lift a lamentation for you and lament over you, What is as Sor - as the severed midst the sea?

Ezekiel 30:3

3 - for the day is near - the day of Yah Veh is near; a day of clouds; it is the time of the goyim:

Ezekiel 34:12

12 as a tender searches his drove in the day he is among his flock who scatter; thus I search my flock and rescue them from all places they scatter in the day of cloud and dripping darkness:

Hosea 2:6

6 so behold, I hedge your way with thorns, and wall a wall that she not find her paths:

Hosea 9:14

14 Give them, O Yah Veh! What give you? Give them an aborting womb and dry breasts.

Joel 2:2

2 a day of dripping darkness and of darkness; a day of clouds and of thick darkness as the dawn spread on the mountains: a great people and a mighty; neither became the like eternally nor adds to become afterward to the years of generation and generation.

Amos 5:8

8 seek him who works Kimah and Kesil and turns the shadow of death into the morning and makes the day dark with night: who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them on the face of the earth: Yah Veh is his name:

Amos 5:16

So, thus says Yah Veh Elohim Sabaoth Adonay: Chopping is in all streets; and in all the outways, they say, Hah! Hah! and they call the cultivator to mourning and such as know lamentation to chopping:

Amos 5:18

18 Ho to you who desire the day of Yah Veh! To what end is it for you? The day of Yah Veh is darkness, and not light

Amos 8:10

10 and I turn your celebrations into mourning and all your songs into lamentation; and I ascend saq on all loins and baldness on every head; and I set it as the mourning of an only one and the end as a bitter day.

Jonah 4:3

3 and now, O Yah Veh, I beseech you, take my soul from me; for it is better for me to die than to live.

Jonah 4:8

8 and so be it, when the sun rises, Elohim numbers a vehement east wind; and the sun smites on the head of Yonah so that he languishes; and asks of his soul to die, and says, It is better for me to die than to live.

Zephaniah 1:18

18 Even their silver, even their gold cannot rescue them in the day of the wrath of Yah Veh; and in the fire of his jealousy consumes the whole land: for he even works a hasty final finish of all who settle in the land.

Zechariah 9:3

3 and Sor builds herself a rampart; and heaps silver as the dust and ore as the mire of the outways.

Matthew 4:16

16 the people sitting in darkness see a mega light; and to them sitting in the region and shadow of death light rises. Isaiah 9:1, 2

Matthew 10:28

28 And awe not them who slaughter the body, but are not able to slaughter the soul: but rather awe him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gay Hinnom/the Valley of Burning.

Matthew 11:17

17 and wording, We flute to you and you dance not; we lament to you and you chop not.

Matthew 27:45

45 And from the sixth hour darkness becomes over all the earth to the ninth hour:

Mark 5:38

38 and he comes to the house of the arch of the synagogue; and observes the tumult and them who weep and haloo much.

Luke 1:79

79 to appear on them who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death; to direct our feet in the way of shalom.

Luke 12:4

4 And I word to you my friends, Awe not them who slaughter the body, and after can do no more superabundantly:

Luke 16:22-23

22 And so be it, the beggar dies, and is borne by the angels to the bosom of Abraham: the rich man also dies and is entombed; 23 and in sheol/hades, being in torments, he lifts his eyes, and sees Abraham afar off and El Azar in his bosom.

Acts 27:20

20 And neither sun nor stars appear in many days, and no small downpour lies on us, and all hope to be saved is finally taken away.

1 Corinthians 15:8

8 and last of all I saw him, just as thoughas one miscarried:

2 Thessalonians 1:6-7

6 whenever it is just with Elohim to recompense tribulation to them who tribulate you; 7 and you who are tribulated, to relax with us, in the apocalypse of Adonay Yah Shua of the heavens, with his angels of dynamis,

Hebrews 4:9

9 So a shabbatism remains to the people of Elohim.

Hebrews 4:11

11 So be diligent to enter that shabbath, lest anyone fall in the same example of trustlessness.

Hebrews 9:27

27 And as it is laid out for humanity to die once and after this the judgment:

Hebrews 12:18

For you come not to the mount touched and burned with fire and to clouds of gloom and darkness and tempest

2 Peter 2:8

8 for that just one dwelling among them, seeing and hearing, tortured his just soul day by day with their untorahed works;

Revelation 9:6

6 And in those days humanity seeks death and finds not; and pants to die and death flees from them.

Revelation 14:13

And I hear a voice from the heavens wording to me, Scribe, Blessed - the dead who die in Yah Veh henceforth: Yes, words the Spirit, that they rest from their labors; and their works follow with them.

Revelation 16:10

And the fifth angel pours his phial on the throne of the beast; and his sovereigndom becomes dark; and they gnaw their tongues from pain;

Revelation 18:22-23

22 and the voice of citherists and musicians and of flutists and trumpeters are never ever no way still heard in you; and any technician of whatever technique, are never ever no way still found in you; and the voice of a millstone are never ever no way still heard in you; 23 and the light of a candle are never ever no way still manifested in you; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride are never ever no way still heard in you: because your merchants are the magistrates of the earth; because in your pharmacies all goyim are seduced:

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