Job 21:10 Cross References - ECB

10 Their ox passes and loathes not; their heifer slips away and aborts not her calf.

Exodus 23:26

26 There is neither the aborted nor the sterile, in your land: the number of your days I fulfil.

Deuteronomy 7:13-14

13 and he loves you and blesses you and abounds you: and blesses the fruit of your belly and the fruit of your soil - your crop and your juice and your oil the fetus of your yoke and the riches of your flocks in the soil he oathed to your fathers to give you. 14 Blessed - you above all people: no sterile male or sterile female becomes among you, or among your animals:

Deuteronomy 28:11

11 and Yah Veh overflows you in goods - in the fruit of your belly and in the fruit of your animals and in the fruit of your soil - the soil Yah Veh oathed to your fathers to give you.

Psalms 144:13-14

13 our granaries fill up - producing species by species; our flocks bring forth a thousandfold and abound by the myriads in our outways; 14 our chiliarchs bear - neither breaching nor going out; nor cry out in our broadways.

Ecclesiastes 9:1-2

1 But all this - I gave in my heart to declare all this: that the just and the wise and their service are in the hand of Elohim; no human knows either love or hatred by all that is at their face. 2 All in all; one happening: to the just and to the wicked; to the good and to the pure and to the foul; to him who sacrifices and to him who sacrifices not; as the good, thus the sinner; he who oaths, as he who awes an oath.

Luke 12:16-21

16 And he words a parable to them, speaking, The region of a rich human bears well: 17 and he reasons within himself, wording, What do I? - because I have no room to gather my fruits. 18 And he says, I do this: I pull down my granaries and build greater; and there gather all my produce and my goods: 19 and say to my soul, Soul, you have vast goods laid for many years; Rest! Eat! Drink! Rejoice! 20 And Elohim says to him, Thoughtless! This night your soul is required of you: so whose are those that you prepared? 21 Thus is he who treasures for himself, and is not rich toward Elohim.

Luke 16:19

A rich human clothed in purple and white linen rejoices radiantly daily:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.