10 You, rejoice with Yeru Shalem, and twirl with her, all you who love her: rejoice for joy with her, all you who mourn for her:
Isaiah 66:10 Cross References - ECB
Deuteronomy 32:43
43 Shout, O you goyim, with his people: for he avenges the blood of his servants and returns avengement to his tribulators and kapars/atones to his soil and to his people.
Psalms 26:8
8 O Yah Veh, I love the habitation of your house and the place of the tabernacle of your honor.
Psalms 84:1-4
1 To His Eminence; On Gittith: A Psalm for the sons of Qorach. How beloved your tabernacles, O Yah Veh Sabaoth!
2 My soul yearns, yes, finishes off for the courts of Yah Veh; my heart and my flesh shout for the living El:
3 yes, the bird finds a house, and the swallow a nest for herself to set her chicks; your sacrifice altars, O Yah Veh Sabaoth, my Sovereign, my Elohim.
4 Blithe - they who settle in your house; they still halal you. Selah.
Psalms 122:6
6 Ask for the shalom of Yeru Shalem; they who love you are content:
Psalms 137:6
6 if I remember you not, my tongue adheres to my palate - if I ascend not Yeru Shalem, above the head of my cheer.
Isaiah 44:23
23 Shout, O you heavens; for Yah Veh worked it: shout, you nethermost earth: break forth into shouting, you mountains; O forest, and every tree therein: for Yah Veh redeems Yaaqov, and adorns himself in Yisra El.
Isaiah 61:2-3
2 to call out the year of pleasure of Yah Veh and the day of avengement of our Elohim: to sigh over all who mourn;
3 to set to them who mourn in Siyon; to give to them adornment for ashes; the oil of rejoicing for mourning; the mantle of halal for the spirit of heaviness; and he calls them, Mighty Oaks of Justness - the planting of Yah Veh to adorn.
Isaiah 65:18
18 But rejoice and twirl eternally in what I create: for behold, I create Yeru Shalem a twirling, and her people a joy:
Ezekiel 9:4
4 and Yah Veh says to him, Pass through midst the city - through midst Yeru Shalem; and tattoo a tattoo on the foreheads of the men who sigh and shriek for all the abhorrences worked in our midst.
John 16:20-22
20 Amen! Amen! I word to you, You weep and lament, but the cosmos cheers: and you sorrow, but your sorrow becomes cheer.
21 A woman, whenever she births, sorrows, because her hour is come: but whenever she bears the child, she remembers no more the anguish, for cheer that a human is birthed into the cosmos.
22 And so indeed, you now have sorrow: but I see you again, and your heart cheers, and no one takes your cheer from you:
Romans 15:9-12
9 and that the goyim glorify Elohim for his mercy; exactly as scribed, For this cause I avow to you among the goyim and psalm to your name. Psalm 18:49
10 And again he words, Rejoice, you goyim, with his people. Deuteronomy 32:43
11 And again, Halalu Yah, all you goyim; and halal him, all you people.
12 And again, Yesha Yah words, And so be it, a root of Yishay; and he rises to rule over the goyim: in him the goyim hope. Psalm 18:49, 117:1, Isaiah 11:1,10, 42:6,7
Revelation 11:3-15
And I give to my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days, arrayed in saq. 4 These are the two olives and the two menorah standing in sight of the Elohim of the earth. Zechariah 4:2-6, 11-14 5 And if anyone wills to injure them, fire proceeds from their mouth and consumes their enemies: and if anyone wills to injure them, thus must they be slaughtered. cp 11:13 6 These have authority to shut the heavens, so that the rain rains not in the days of their prophecy: and they have authority over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as ever they will. 7 And when they complete/shalam their witness, the beast ascends from the abyss makes war with them and triumphs over them and slaughters them: 8 and their carcasses are on the broadway of the megalopolis, which spiritually is called, Sedom and Misrayim - where also our Adonay was staked. 9 And they of the people and scions and tongues and goyim see their carcasses three and a half days and allow not to put their carcasses in tombs. 10 And they who settle on the earth cheer over them and rejoice; and send honorariums to one another; because these two prophets tortured them who settle on the earth. 11 And after three and a half days the spirit of life of Elohim enters into them and they stand on their feet; and mega awe falls on them who observe them. 12 And they hear a mega voice from the heavens wording to them, Ascend here! - and they ascend to the heavens in the cloud; and their enemies observe them. 13 And in that hour a mega quake becomes and the tenth of the city falls; and in the quake seven thousand names of humanity are slaughtered: and the rest become awestricken and give glory to the Elohim of the heavens. cp 11:5 14 The second woe is gone: and behold, the third woe comes quickly. 15
And the seventh angel trumps; and mega voices become in the heavens, wording, The sovereigndoms of this cosmos are become to Yah Veh and his the Messiah; and he reigns to the eons of the eons.
And I give to my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days, arrayed in saq. 4 These are the two olives and the two menorah standing in sight of the Elohim of the earth. Zechariah 4:2-6, 11-14 5 And if anyone wills to injure them, fire proceeds from their mouth and consumes their enemies: and if anyone wills to injure them, thus must they be slaughtered. cp 11:13 6 These have authority to shut the heavens, so that the rain rains not in the days of their prophecy: and they have authority over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as ever they will. 7 And when they complete/shalam their witness, the beast ascends from the abyss makes war with them and triumphs over them and slaughters them: 8 and their carcasses are on the broadway of the megalopolis, which spiritually is called, Sedom and Misrayim - where also our Adonay was staked. 9 And they of the people and scions and tongues and goyim see their carcasses three and a half days and allow not to put their carcasses in tombs. 10 And they who settle on the earth cheer over them and rejoice; and send honorariums to one another; because these two prophets tortured them who settle on the earth. 11 And after three and a half days the spirit of life of Elohim enters into them and they stand on their feet; and mega awe falls on them who observe them. 12 And they hear a mega voice from the heavens wording to them, Ascend here! - and they ascend to the heavens in the cloud; and their enemies observe them. 13 And in that hour a mega quake becomes and the tenth of the city falls; and in the quake seven thousand names of humanity are slaughtered: and the rest become awestricken and give glory to the Elohim of the heavens. cp 11:5 14 The second woe is gone: and behold, the third woe comes quickly. 15
And the seventh angel trumps; and mega voices become in the heavens, wording, The sovereigndoms of this cosmos are become to Yah Veh and his the Messiah; and he reigns to the eons of the eons.