6 Behold, it is inscribed at my face: I hush not, but shalam; and into their bosom,
Isaiah 65:6 Cross References - ECB
Exodus 17:14
14 And Yah Veh says to Mosheh, Inscribe this in a scroll for a memorial and set it in the ears of Yah Shua: for in wiping out, I wipe out the memorial of Amaleq from under the heavens.
Deuteronomy 32:34
34 Is this not stored with me and sealed up among my treasures?
Psalms 50:3
3 Our Elohim comes and hushes not; a consuming fire at his face whirls mightily all around him.
Psalms 50:21
21 These you work, and I hush; you equate that I become as your; but I reprove you and line them up at your eyes.
Psalms 56:8
8 You scribe my wanderings - set my tears into your skin; are they not in your scroll?
Psalms 79:12
12 and return sevenfold to the bosom of our fellow tabernaclers - for the reproach wherewith they reproach you, O Adonay.
Isaiah 42:14
14 I hush eternally; I hush and refrain myself: I scream as a birthing woman; I puff and gulp together:
Isaiah 64:12
12 Refrain you yourself for these, O Yah Veh? You hush, and humble us mightily.
Jeremiah 16:18
18 And first I shalam double for their perversity and their sin; because they profaned my land - they filled my inheritance with the carcases of their abominations and abhorrences.
Ezekiel 11:21
21 As for them whose heart walks after the heart of their abominations and their abhorrences, I give their way on their own heads - an oracle of Adonay Yah Veh.
Ezekiel 22:31
31 and I pour my rage on them; I finished them off with the fire of my wrath: I give their own way on their heads - an oracle of Adonay Yah Veh.
Joel 3:4
4 Yes, and what do you with me, O Sor and Sidon and all the regions of Pelesheth? Deal you me shalam? And if you deal me, I return your dealing swiftly and quickly on your own head;
Malachi 3:16
Then they who awe Yah Veh word man to friend: and Yah Veh hearkens and hears and inscribes a scroll of remembrance at his face of them who awe Yah Veh and of them who fabricate his name.
Then they who awe Yah Veh word man to friend: and Yah Veh hearkens and hears and inscribes a scroll of remembrance at his face of them who awe Yah Veh and of them who fabricate his name.
Revelation 20:12
And I see the dead - minute and mega standing in sight of Elohim; and the scrolls are opened: and another scroll is opened - of life: and the dead are judged from that scribed in the scrolls according to their works.
And I see the dead - minute and mega standing in sight of Elohim; and the scrolls are opened: and another scroll is opened - of life: and the dead are judged from that scribed in the scrolls according to their works.