And so be the word of Yah Veh to Yirme Yah after the sovereign burns the roll with the words Baruch inscribed at the mouth of Yirme Yah, saying,
28 Return, take another roll, and inscribe therein all the former words in the first roll that Yah Yaqim the sovereign of Yah Hudah burned:
29 and say to Yah Yaqim sovereign of Yah Hudah, Thus says Yah Veh: You burned this roll, saying, Why inscribed you therein, saying, In coming, the sovereign of Babel comes and ruins this land, and shabbathizes humanity and animal from it?
30 So thus says Yah Veh of Yah Yaqim sovereign of Yah Hudah; No one of his is to sit on the throne of David and his carcase is cast out - to the parchness in the day and to the frost in the night:
31 and I visit on him and his seed and his servants for their perversity; and I bring on them and on the settlers of Yeru Shalem and on the men of Yah Hudah all the evil I worded against them: and they hearken not.
32 And Yirme Yah takes another roll and gives it to Baruch the scribe the son of Neri Yah; who inscribes therein from the mouth of Yirme Yah all the words of the scroll Yah Yaqim sovereign of Yah Hudah burned in the fire: and added besides many like words to them.