Genesis 1:20 Cross References - ECB

20 And Elohim says, Waters, teem with teemers having a living soul! And flyers, fly above the earth on the face of the expanse of the heavens!

Genesis 1:7

7 And Elohim works the expanse and separates the waters under the expanse from the waters above the expanse - and so be it:

Genesis 1:14

14 And Elohim says, Lights, be in the expanse of the heavens! - to separate between the day and between the night; and for signs and for seasons and for days and years:

Genesis 1:22

22 And Elohim blesses them, saying, Bear fruit and abound and fill the waters in the seas and abound flyers in the earth:

Genesis 1:30

30 and to every live being of the earth and to every flyer of the heavens and to every creeper on the earth wherein there is a living soul - every green herb for food: - and so be it.

Genesis 2:19

19 And from the soil Yah Veh Elohim forms every live being of the field and every flyer of the heavens; and brings to Adam to see what he calls them: and whatever Adam calls every living soul, is its name.

Genesis 8:17

17 bring every live being with you - of all flesh, flyers and of animals and of every creeper creeping on the earth; to teem in the earth and bear fruit and abound on the earth.

1 Kings 4:33

33 he words of trees from the cedar tree in Lebanon even to the hyssop emerging from the wall: he words of animals and of flyers and of creepers and of fishes:

Psalms 104:24-25

24 O Yah Veh, how your works abound by the myriads! In wisdom you worked them all; the earth is full of your chattel: 25 thus this great and wide hand of the sea wherein are creepers innumerable - both small and great live beings:

Psalms 148:10

10 live beings and all animals; creepers and birds of wing;

Ecclesiastes 2:21

21 For there is a human whose toil is in wisdom and in knowledge and in prosperity; yet he gives his allotment to a human who never toiled therein. This also is vanity and a great evil.

Acts 17:25

25 nor is cured by human hands - as though he needed aught; seeing he gives life and puffing and all to all;

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.