Exodus 19:6 Cross References - ECB

6 and you become to me a sovereigndom of priests and a holy goyim. These are the words you word to the sons of Yisra El. 2 Petros 2:9, Apocalypse 1:6

Leviticus 11:44-45

44 I - Yah Veh your Elohim: hallow yourselves and be holy; I - holy: foul not your souls with any teemer creeping on the earth. 45 I - Yah Veh who ascended you from the land of Misrayim, to become your Elohim: so you become holy; I - holy.

Leviticus 19:2

2 Word to all the witness of the sons of Yisra El and say to them, Be holy: for I Yah Veh your Elohim - holy.

Leviticus 20:24

24 But I say to you, Possess their soil and I give it to you to possess, a land flowing with milk and honey: I - Yah Veh your Elohim who separates you from people.

Leviticus 20:26

26 And be holy to me: for I - Yah Veh - holy; and separate you from people to become mine.

Leviticus 21:7-8

7 They neither take a woman whore or profane nor take they a woman expelled from her man: for he is holy unto his Elohim. 8 Hallow him; for he oblates the bread of thy Elohim: he is holy to you: for I - Yah Veh who hallows you - holy.

Leviticus 21:23

23 only he neither goes in to the veil nor comes near the sacrifice altar because he has a blemish; that he not profane my holies: for I - Yah Veh hallow them.

Deuteronomy 7:6

6 For you are a holy people to Yah Veh your Elohim: Yah Veh your Elohim chose you to be his peculiar people above all people on the face of the soil.

Deuteronomy 14:21

21 Eat not of any carcase: give it to the sojourner in your portals to eat; or sell it to a stranger: for you are a holy people to Yah Veh your Elohim. Stew not a kid in the milk of his mother.

Deuteronomy 26:19

19 and gives that you become most high above all goyim he worked - in halal and in name and in adornment; to become a holy people to Yah Veh your Elohim, as he worded.

Deuteronomy 28:9

9 Yah Veh raises you - a holy people to himself, as he oathed to you, when you guard the misvoth of Yah Veh your Elohim and walk in his ways:

Deuteronomy 33:2-4

2 and he says, Yah Veh comes from Sinay and rises from Seir to them; he shines from mount Paran and he comes with myriads of holy: from his right goes a decree of fire for them. 3 Yes, he cherishes the people; all his holy are in your hand: and they camp at your feet; every one bears of your words. 4 Mosheh misvahs us a torah, even the possession of the congregation of Yaaqov:

Isaiah 61:6

6 and you are called, Priests of Yah Veh: of you is said, The Ministers of Our Elohim: you consume the valuables of the goyim and exchange their honor:

Isaiah 62:12

12 And they call them, Holy People, Redeemed of Yah Veh: and call you, Sought Out, A City Not Forsaken.

Romans 12:1

So I beseech you, brothers, through the compassions of Elohim, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, well-pleasing to Elohim - your logical liturgy.

1 Corinthians 3:17

17 If anyone corrupts the nave of Elohim, him Elohim destroys; for the nave of Elohim, which you are, is holy.

1 Thessalonians 5:27

27 I oath you by Adonay to have this epistle read to all the holy brothers.

1 Peter 1:15-16

15 but as he who called you is holy, thus you be holy in all behavior: 16 because it is scribed, You, become holy; because I am holy.

1 Peter 2:5

5 and you yourselves, as living stones, are built a spiritual house - a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices, well-received to Elohim through Yah Shua Messiah.

1 Peter 2:9

9 But you are a select genos, a sovereign priesthood, a holy goyim, a peculiar acquisition to himself; to evangelize the exultation of him who called you from darkness into his marvellous light:

Revelation 1:6

6 and made us sovereigns and priests to Elohim and his Father; to him be glory and power to the eons of the eons. Amen.

Revelation 5:10

10 and made us sovereigns and priests to our Elohim to reign on the earth.

Revelation 20:6

Blessed and holy whoever has part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority: but they become priests of Elohim and of Messiah and reign with him a thousand years.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.