47 for thus Yah Veh misvahed us: I place you, a light of the goyim, to be to salvation to the finality of the earth. Isaiah 42:6,7
Acts 13:47 Cross References - ECB
Psalms 22:27-29
27 All the finalities of the world remember and turn to Yah Veh; and all the families of the goyim prostrate at your face.
28 For the sovereigndom is to Yah Veh; he is the sovereign among the goyim.
29 All the fat on earth eat and prostrate; all they who descend to the dust kneel at his face; and none enlivens his own soul.
Psalms 67:2-7
2 That your way be known on earth and your salvation among all goyim.
3 The people spread hands to you, O Elohim; all the people spread hands to you:
4 the nations cheer and shout; for you judge the people straightly and lead the nations on earth. Selah.
5 The people spread hands to you, O Elohim; all the people spread hands to you:
6 the earth gives her produce; and Elohim - our Elohim, blesses us
7 - Elohim blesses us: and all the finality of the earth awes him.
Psalms 72:7-8
Psalms 96:1-2
Psalms 98:2-3
Psalms 117:1-2
Isaiah 2:1-3
1 THE LAST DAYS The word Yesha Yah the son of Amos saw concerning Yah Hudah and Yeru Shalem:
2 and so be it, in the last days, the mountain of the house of Yah Veh is established in the top of the mountains, and lifted above the hills; and all goyim flow to it.
3 And many people go and say, Come, and we ascend to the mountain of Yah Veh - to the house of Elohim of Yaaqov: and he teaches us of his ways, and we walk in his paths: for from Siyon the torah goes forth, and the word of Yah Veh from Yeru Shalem.
Isaiah 24:13-16
13 And so be it, midst the land among the people, as the shaking of an olive - as the gleanings when the crop finishes.
14 They lift their voice! They shout for the pomp of Yah Veh! They resound from the sea!
15 So honor Yah Veh in the flames, the name of Yah Veh Elohim of Yisra El in the islands of the sea.
16 From the uttermost wing of the earth we hear songs - the splendor of the just: and I say, My emaciation! My emaciation! Woe to me! the coverters covert; yes, the coverters covert:
Isaiah 42:1
Behold my servant, whom I uphold; my chosen, in whom my soul is pleased: I give my spirit on him; he brings judgment to the goyim:
Behold my servant, whom I uphold; my chosen, in whom my soul is pleased: I give my spirit on him; he brings judgment to the goyim:
Isaiah 42:6
6 I Yah Veh call you in justness and hold your hand and guard you; and give you for a covenant of the people and a light of the goyim:
Isaiah 42:9-12
9 Behold, the former becomes, and the new I tell: ere they sprout, I have you hear of them.
Sing to Yah Veh a new song and his halal from the end of the earth; you who descend to the sea, and its fulness; the islands, and the settlers. 11 The wilderness and the cities lift, Qedar settles the courts: the settlers of the rock shout; they shout from the top of the mountains: 12 they set honor to Yah Veh and tell his halal in the islands:
Sing to Yah Veh a new song and his halal from the end of the earth; you who descend to the sea, and its fulness; the islands, and the settlers. 11 The wilderness and the cities lift, Qedar settles the courts: the settlers of the rock shout; they shout from the top of the mountains: 12 they set honor to Yah Veh and tell his halal in the islands:
Isaiah 45:22
22 Face me, and be saved, all you finalities of the earth: for I - El; and there is no one else.
Isaiah 49:6
6 And he says, It is trifling that you become my servant to raise up the scions of Yaaqov; and to restore the guarded of Yisra El: I also give you for a light to the goyim, to become my salvation to the end of the earth.
Isaiah 52:10
10 Yah Veh strips his holy arm in the eyes of all the goyim; and all the finalities of the earth see the salvation of our Elohim.
Isaiah 59:19-20
Isaiah 60:3
3 And the goyim come to your light and sovereigns to the brilliance of your rising.
Jeremiah 16:19
19 O Yah Veh, my strength, and my stronghold; and my retreat in the day of tribulation, the goyim come to you from the finalities of the earth, and say, our fathers inherited falsehoods; vanity, wherein no one benefits.
Hosea 1:10
And the number of the sons of Yisra El is as the sand of the sea - neither measured nor scribed: and so be it, in the place where it says to them, Lo Ammi there it says to them, You are the sons of the living El:
And the number of the sons of Yisra El is as the sand of the sea - neither measured nor scribed: and so be it, in the place where it says to them, Lo Ammi there it says to them, You are the sons of the living El:
Amos 9:12
12 so that they possess the survivors of Edom and of all the goyim on whom my name is called - an oracle of Yah Veh who works this.
Micah 4:2-3
2 And many goyim come, and say, Come! Ascend to the mountain of Yah Veh and to the house of Elohim of Yaaqov; and he teaches us of his ways and we walk in his paths: for from Siyon comes a torah and the word of Yah Veh from Yeru Shalem:
3 and he judges among many people and reproves mighty goyim afar off: and they forge their swords into plowshares and their spears into psalmpicks: goyim neither lift a sword against goyim nor learn war any more:
Micah 5:7
7 And so be the survivors of Yaaqov among many people - as dew from Yah Veh - as the showers on the herbage, who neither awaits man nor awaits the sons of humanity.
Zephaniah 3:9-10
Zechariah 2:11
11 And many goyim join Yah Veh in that day, and become my people: and I dwell midst you; and you know that Yah Veh Sabaoth sent me to you:
Zechariah 8:20-23
20 Thus says Yah Veh Sabaoth: People and settlers of many cities still come:
21 and the settlers of one come to one, saying, We go speedily to stroke the face of Yah Veh and to seek Yah Veh Sabaoth: I go - even I.
22 Yes, many people and mighty goyim come to seek Yah Veh Sabaoth in Yeru Shalem and to stroke the face of Yah Veh.
23 Thus says Yah Veh Sabaoth: In those days, so be it, ten men from all tongues of the goyim, take hold - even take hold of the wing of a man - a Yah Hudiy, saying, We go with you: for we hear that Elohim is with you.
Malachi 1:11
11 For from the rising of the sun even to the entry of the same my name is great among the goyim; and in every place incense is brought to my name, and a pure offering: for my name is great among the goyim, says Yah Veh Sabaoth.
Matthew 28:19
19 So go and disciple all goyim, baptizing them in the name* of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:
Mark 16:15
And he says to them, Go into all the cosmos and preach the evangelism to all creation.
And he says to them, Go into all the cosmos and preach the evangelism to all creation.
Luke 2:32
32 a light of apocalypse to the goyim and the glory of your people Yisra El.
Luke 24:47
47 and that repentance and forgiveness of sins be preached in his name among all goyim beginning at Yeru Shalem.
Acts 1:8
8 but you take dynamis, at the coming of the Holy Spirit upon you; and you become my witnesses - both in Yeru Shalem and in all Yah Hudah and in Shomeron and to the finality of the earth.
Acts 9:15
15 And Adonay says to him, Go your way: for he is a selected vessel to me to bear my name in the sight of the goyim and sovereigns and the sons of Yisra El:
Acts 15:14-16
Acts 22:21
21 And he said to me, Depart: for I apostolize you far hence to the goyim.
Acts 26:17-18
Acts 26:23
23 - whether the Messiah suffer and whether he be the first to rise from the resurrection of the dead; and about to evangelize light to the people and to the goyim.