2 Chronicles 20 Cross References - ECB

And so be it, after this, the sons of Moab and the sons of Ammon and of the Ammoniy with them, come against Yah Shaphat to war. 2 And some come who tell Yah Shaphat, saying, A great multitude comes against you from beyond the sea on this side Aram; and behold, they are in Haseson Tamar - En Gedi. 3 And Yah Shaphat awes and gives his face to seek Yah Veh; and calls a fast over all Yah Hudah: 4 and Yah Hudah gathers to seek Yah Veh - even from all the cities of Yah Hudah they come to seek Yah Veh. 5 And Yah Shaphat stands in the congregation of Yah Hudah and Yeru Shalem in the house of Yah Veh at the face of the new court, 6 and says, O Yah Veh Elohim of our fathers, Are you not Elohim in the heavens? Yes, you reign over all the sovereigndoms of the goyim! And force and might are in your hand so that no one is able to withstand you! 7 Are not you our Elohim who dispossessed the settlers of this land at the face of your people Yisra El? And gave it to the seed of Abraham your beloved eternally? 8 And they settle therein and build you a holies for your name, saying, 9 If, evil comes on us, as the sword, judgment or pestilence or famine we stand at the face of this house and at your face - for your name is in this house and cry to you in our tribulation; and you hear and save. 10 And now, behold, the sons of Ammon and Moab and mount Seir, whom you gave not Yisra El to invade when they came from the land of Misrayim - for they turned aside from them and desolated them not: 11 - and behold, how they deal us, to come to expel us from the possession you gave us to possess. 12 O our Elohim, judge you them not? We have no force at the face of this great multitude who comes against us; and we know not what to work: but our eyes are on you. 13 And all Yah Hudah stands at the face of Yah Veh, with their toddlers, their women and their sons: 14 and the Spirit of Yah Veh comes upon Yachazi El the son of Zechar Yah the son of Bena Yah the son of Yei El the son of Mattan Yah - a Leviy of the sons of Asaph midst the congregation; 15 and he says, Hearken, all Yah Hudah, and you, settlers of Yeru Shalem, and you, sovereign Yah Shaphat: thus says Yah Veh to you: Neither awe nor terrify at the face of this great multitude; for the war is not to you, but to Elohim: 16 tomorrow descend against them: behold, they ascend by the ascent of Sis; and you find them at the end of the wadi at the face of the wilderness of Yeru El. 17 Fight not in this: Set yourselves! Stand! See the salvation of Yah Veh with you, O Yah Hudah and Yeru Shalem: neither awe nor terrify: tomorrow go out at their face and Yah Veh is with you. 18 And Yah Shaphat bows with nostrils to the earth: and all Yah Hudah and the settlers of Yeru Shalem fall at the face of Yah Veh, and prostrate to Yah Veh: 19 and the Leviym of the sons of the Qehathiy and of the sons of the Qorachiy rise to halal Yah Veh Elohim of Yisra El with a great voice on high. 20 And they start early in the morning and go to the wilderness of Teqoha: and as they go Yah Shaphat stands and says, Hear me, O Yah Hudah and you settlers of Yeru Shalem; Trust in Yah Veh your Elohim, amenable; trust his prophets, prosper. 21 And he counsels with the people, and he stands singers to Yah Veh to halal the majesty of holiness as they go from the face of the equipped saying, Spread hands to Yah Veh; for his mercy eternal. 22 And at the time they begin to shout and to halal Yah Veh lurks against the sons of Ammon, Moab and mount Seir, who come against Yah Hudah; and they smite one another: 23 and the sons of Ammon and Moab stand against the settlers of mount Seir to devote and desolate them: and they finish off the settlers of Seir, and each man helps to ruin his friend. 24 And Yah Hudah comes to Mispeh in the wilderness, and they face the multitude, and behold, their carcases fallen to the earth; and none escape. 25 And Yah Shaphat and his people come to plunder the spoil; and among the carcases, they find in abundance, both acquisitions and desirable instruments which they strip for themselves, without burden: and for three days they plunder the spoil - it is so much: 26 and on the fourth day they congregate in the valley of Berachah/Blessing; and there they bless Yah Veh: so they call the name of the place, The valley of Berachah/Blessing, to this day. 27 Then they return - every man of Yah Hudah and Yeru Shalem with Yah Shaphat at their head - return to Yeru Shalem with cheer; for Yah Veh cheers them over their enemies: 28 and they come to Yeru Shalem with bagpipes and harps and trumpets to the house of Yah Veh: 29 and the fear of Elohim is on all the sovereigndoms of those lands, when they hear that Yah Veh fights against the enemies of Yisra El: 30 and the sovereigndom of Yah Shaphat rests: for his Elohim rests him all around. 31
And Yah Shaphat reigns over Yah Hudah: he is a son of thirty-five years when he begins to reign: and he reigns twenty-five years in Yeru Shalem: and the name of his mother, Azubah the daughter of Shilchi. 32 And he walks in the way of Asa his father and turns not aside; working straight in the eyes of Yah Veh. 33 Only, he turns not aside the bamahs: for as yet the people prepared not their hearts to the Elohim of their fathers. 34 And the rest of the words of Yah Shaphat - first and last, behold, they are inscribed in the words of Yah Hu the son of Hanani, who ascends in the scroll of the sovereigns of Yisra El. 35 And after this, Yah Shaphat sovereign of Yah Hudah joins himself with Achaz Yah sovereign of Yisra El who works wickedly: 36 and he joins himself with him to work ships to go to Tarshish: and they work the ships in Esyon Geber. 37 And Eli Ezer the son of Doda Yah of Mareshah prophesies against Yah Shaphat, saying, Because you join yourself with Achaz Yah Yah Veh breaches your works. And the ships break up, so that they retain not to go to Tarshish.

Genesis 12:7

7 And Yah Veh is seen by Abram, and says, To your seed I give this land! - and there he builds a sacrifice altar to Yah Veh, who is seen by him.

Genesis 13:15

15 for all the land you see, I give to you and to your seed unto eternity:

Genesis 14:3

3 these all joined together in the valley of Siddim - the salt sea.

Genesis 14:6

6 and the Horiy in their mount Seir unto El Paran by the wilderness. 7 And they return and come to En Mishpat - Qadesh and smite all the field of the Amaleqiy and also the Emoriy settling in Haseson Tamar.

Genesis 17:7

7 and I raise my covenant between me and between you and your seed after you in their generations for an eternal covenant, to become Elohim to you and to your seed after you:

Genesis 24:26

26 And the man bows and prostrates to Yah Veh:

Genesis 28:19

19 and he calls the name of that place Beth El: but the name of that city was Luz at first.

Genesis 32:7-11

7 And Yaaqov awes mightily and is depressed: and he halves the people with him and the flocks and oxen and the camels into two camps; 8 and says, If Esav comes to the one camp and smites it, then the other camp which survives escapes. 9 And Yaaqov says, O Elohim of my father Abraham and Elohim of my father Yischaq, Yah Veh who says to me, Return to your land and to your kindred and I well-please you: 10 I am less than the least of all the mercies and of all the truth, you worked to your servant; for with my staff I passed over this Yarden; and now I become two camps: 11 rescue me, I beseech you, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esav: for I awe him, lest he comes and smites me and the mother with the sons.

Genesis 32:20

20 and also say, Behold, your servant Yaaqov is behind us: for he says, I kapar/atone at his face with the offering that goes at my face and afterward, I see his face: perhaps he lifts at my face.

Genesis 32:24-28

24 And Yaaqov remains alone; and there a man wrestles with him until the ascending of the dawn: 25 and when he sees that he prevails not against him, he touches the hollow of his flank; and the hollow of the flank of Yaaqov dislocates as he wrestles with him: 26 and he says, Send me away, for the dawn ascends. And he says, I send you not away, unless you bless me.
YAAQOV NAMED YISRA EL 27 And he says to him, What is your name? And he says, Yaaqov. 28 And he says, Your name is said no more Yaaqov, but Yisra El: for you prevail with Elohim and with men - and prevail.

Genesis 35:5

5 and they pull stakes: and the terror of Elohim on the cities surrounding them; and they pursue not after the sons of Yaaqov.

Genesis 36:8-9

8 Thus Esav settles in mount Seir: Esav - Edom. 9 And these are the generations of Esav the father of the Edomiy in mount Seir.

Genesis 44:4

4 and when they go from the city, not yet far removed, Yoseph says to his house steward, Rise! Pursue after the men! And when you overtake them, say to them, Why shalam you evil for good?

Exodus 3:6

6 And he says, I - Elohim of your father; Elohim of Abraham; Elohim of Yischaq and Elohim of Yaaqov. And Mosheh hides his face; for he awes to look on Elohim.

Exodus 3:15-16

15 And again Elohim says to Mosheh, Say thus to the sons of Yisra El, Yah Veh Elohim of your fathers, Elohim of Abraham, Elohim of Yischaq and Elohim of Yaaqov, sends me to you: this is my name eternally and this is my memorial generation to generation. 16 Go and gather the elders of Yisra El and say to them, Yah Veh Elohim of your fathers, Elohim of Abraham, of Yischaq and of Yaaqov, was seen by me, saying, In visiting, I visit you, - what is worked to you in Misrayim:

Exodus 3:22

22 but every woman asks of her fellow tabernacler and of her who sojourns in her house, instruments of silver and instruments of gold and clothes: and put them on your sons and on your daughters; and you strip the Misrayim.

Exodus 4:31

31 and the people trust: and when they hear that Yah Veh visits the sons of Yisra El and that he sees their humiliation, they bow and prostrate.

Exodus 6:7

7 and I take you to me - a people and I - to you - Elohim: and you know - I - Yah Veh your Elohim, who brings you out from under the burdens of the Misrayim:

Exodus 12:35-36

35 And the sons of Yisra El work according to the word of Mosheh; and they ask of the Misrayim instruments of silver, instruments of gold and clothes: 36 and Yah Veh grants the people charism in the eyes of the Misrayim, - asking and stripping the Misrayim.

Exodus 14:13-14

13 And Mosheh says to the people, Awe not! Stand still and see the salvation of Yah Veh which he works to you today: for the Misrayim whom you see today, you see them never again any more eternally: 14 Yah Veh fights for you - and you hush.

Exodus 14:25

25 and clogs* their chariot wheels so that they drive them with heaviness: so that the Misrayim say, Let us flee from the face of Yisra El; for Yah Veh fights for them against the Misrayim. *clogs: see Lamsa

Exodus 14:30

30 and that day, Yah Veh saves Israel from the hand of the Misrayim; and Yisra El sees the Misrayim die on the sea edge: 31 and Yisra El sees the great hand Yah Veh worked on the Misrayim: and the people awe Yah Veh and trust Yah Veh and his servant Mosheh.

Exodus 15:1-19

Then Mosheh and the sons of Yisra El sing this song to Yah Veh, and say, saying, I sing to Yah Veh, for in triumphing, he triumphs: he hurls the horse and rider into the sea. 2 Yah becomes my strength and song and he becomes my salvation: my El; and I rest in his habitation: Elohim of my father; and I exalt him. 3 Yah Veh is a man of war: Yah Veh is his name. 4 The chariots of Paroh and all his valiant he pours into the sea: and his chosen tertiaries drown in the Reed sea: 5 the abysses cover them: they descend into the deep as a stone. 6 Your right, O Yah Veh, becomes mighty in force: your right, O Yah Veh, disintegrates the enemy. 7 And in the abundance of your pomp you demolish all who rise: you send your fuming to consume them as stubble. 8 And with the spirit/wind of your nostrils the waters heap: the flows stand upright as a heap and the abysses curdle in the heart of the sea. 9 The enemy says, I pursue! I overtake! I allot the loot! My soul is filled of them: I draw my sword; my hand dispossesses them. 10 You puff your spirit/wind; the sea covers them: they sink as lead in the mighty waters. 11 Who is like you, O Yah Veh, among the el? Who is like you, mighty in holiness? - awesome in halals, working marvels? 12 You spread your right; the earth swallows them: 13 you in your mercy lead the people you redeem: you guide them in your strength to your holy habitation of rest. 14 The people hear and quiver: pangs take hold on them who settle Pelesheth:

Exodus 15:14-16

14 The people hear and quiver: pangs take hold on them who settle Pelesheth: 15 Then the chiliarchs of Edom terrify; the mighty of Moab, trembling, take hold on them; all who settle Kenaan melt away.

Exodus 15:15-16

15 Then the chiliarchs of Edom terrify; the mighty of Moab, trembling, take hold on them; all who settle Kenaan melt away. 16 Terror and fear fall on them; by the greatness of your arm they become as still as a stone; until your people pass over, O Yah Veh, until the people you chattel pass over.

Exodus 15:16-16

16 Terror and fear fall on them; by the greatness of your arm they become as still as a stone; until your people pass over, O Yah Veh, until the people you chattel pass over. 17 You bring them in and plant them in the mountain of your inheritance - in the establishment, O Yah Veh, which you made for you to settle in - in the Holies, O Adonay, which your hands established. 18 Yah Veh reigns eternally and eternally. 19 For the horse of Paroh goes in; with his chariots and with his cavalry into the sea: and Yah Veh returns the waters of the sea on them; and the sons of Yisra El go on dry midst the sea.

Exodus 17:15

15 And Mosheh builds a sacrifice altar and calls the name thereof Yah Veh Nissi:

Exodus 19:5-7

5 and now, if in hearing, you hear my voice and guard my covenant, then you - you become to me a peculiar possession above all people: for all the earth is mine: 6 and you become to me a sovereigndom of priests and a holy goyim. These are the words you word to the sons of Yisra El. 2 Petros 2:9, Apocalypse 1:6 7 And Mosheh comes and calls for the elders of the people and in front of their faces sets all these words Yah Veh misvahed him.

Exodus 20:2

2 I - Yah Veh your Elohim, who brought you from the land of Misrayim, from the house of servants.

Exodus 20:24

24 but work to me a sacrifice altar of soil and sacrifice thereon your holocausts and your shelamim - your flocks and your oxen in all places wherever I memorialize my name I come to you and I bless you:

Exodus 23:21

21 Guard at his face and hear his voice, embitter him not; for he bears not your rebellions: for my name is in him.

Exodus 23:27

27 I send my fear at your face and agitate all the people to whom you come and I give so that all your enemies turn their neck to you:

Exodus 33:2

2 and I send an angel at your face; and I expel the Kenaaniy the Emoriy and the Hethiy and the Perizziy the Hivviy and the Yebusiy

Numbers 11:25-26

25 And Yah Veh descends in a cloud and words to him and sets aside of the spirit on him and gives it to the seventy men - elders: and so be it, when the spirit rests on them, they prophesy, but never again. 26 And two of the men in the camp survive - the name of the one, El Dad and the name of the second, Medad: and the spirit rests on them; and they were of those inscribed, who went not to the tent: and they prophesy in the camp.

Numbers 14:9

9 only neither rebel against Yah Veh, nor awe the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defence turns aside from them and Yah Veh is with us: - awe them not.

Numbers 20:17-21

17 Let us pass, I beseech you, through your land: we neither pass through the fields or through the vineyards, nor drink of the water of the wells: we go by the way of the sovereign; we deviate neither to the right nor to the left until we pass your borders. 18 And Edom says to him, You pass not by me, lest I confront you with the sword. 19 And the sons of Yisra El say to him, We ascend by the high way: and if I and my chattel drink of your water, then I give their price: I only, without a word, pass through on my feet. 20 And he says, You pass not through. - and Edom confronts him heavy with people and with a strong hand. 21 Thus Edom refuses Yisra El to pass through his border: and Yisra El deviates from him.

Numbers 24:2

2 and Bilam lifts his eyes and sees Yisra El tabernacling by their scions; and the spirit of Elohim comes on him:

Numbers 31:15

15 And Mosheh says to them, Preserved you all the females alive?

Numbers 34:12

12 and the border descends to Yarden and the exits are at the salt sea: this becomes your land with the borders thereof all around.

Deuteronomy 1:29-30

29 Then I said to you, Neither dread nor awe them. 30 Yah Veh your Elohim, who goes at your face, fights for you, according to all he worked for you in Misrayim in front of your eyes:

Deuteronomy 2:4-5

4 and misvah the people, saying, You are passing through the border of your brothers the sons of Esav, who settle in Seir; and they awe you: guard mightily: 5 throttle them not; for I give you not of their land - no, not so much as a step of the sole of a foot; because I give mount Seir to Esav for a possession.

Deuteronomy 2:5

5 throttle them not; for I give you not of their land - no, not so much as a step of the sole of a foot; because I give mount Seir to Esav for a possession.

Deuteronomy 2:9

9 And Yah Veh said to me, Neither besiege the Moabiy nor throttle them in war: for I give you not of their land for a possession; because I give Ar to the sons of Lot for a possession.

Deuteronomy 2:19

19 and when you approach opposite the sons of Ammon, neither besiege them nor throttle them: for I give you no possession of the land of the sons of Ammon; because I gave it to the sons of Lot for a possession.

Deuteronomy 4:39

39 Know this day, and return it in your heart, that Yah Veh is Elohim in the heavens above and on the earth beneath - none else.

Deuteronomy 20:1

THE TORAH ON WARRING When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and a people more than you, awe them not: for Yah Veh your Elohim is with you - who ascended you from the land of Misrayim.

Deuteronomy 20:4

4 for Yah Veh your Elohim is he who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.

Deuteronomy 29:4

4 yet Yah Veh gives you not a heart to perceive and eyes to see and ears to hear to this day:

Deuteronomy 29:10

10 You stand this day - all of you at the face of Yah Veh your Elohim: your heads of your scions, your elders and your officers, with all the men of Yisra El,

Deuteronomy 31:6

6 In strenthening, strengthen; neither awe them nor awe their face; for Yah Veh your Elohim - he goes with you; he neither lets you loose nor forsakes you.

Deuteronomy 31:8

8 and Yah Veh - he goes at your face; he is with you; he neither lets you loose nor forsakes you: neither awe nor terrify.

Deuteronomy 32:36

36 For Yah Veh judges his people and sighs for his servants, when he sees their hand disappear and no one restrains.

Joshua 2:9-11

9 and says to the men, I know Yah Veh gives you the land and that your terror befalls us; and that all the settlers of the land melt at your face: 10 for we hear how Yah Veh withered the water of the Reed sea at your face, in your going from Misrayim; and what you worked to the two sovereigns of the Emoriy on the other side Yarden - Sichon and Og, whom you devoted: 11 we hear and our hearts melt, and no more spirit/wind rises in any man at your face: for Yah Veh your Elohim is Elohim in the heavens above and on the earth below.

Joshua 2:11-11

11 we hear and our hearts melt, and no more spirit/wind rises in any man at your face: for Yah Veh your Elohim is Elohim in the heavens above and on the earth below.

Joshua 3:16

16 the waters coming from above stand and rise - one heap - mighty far removed from Adam City beside Sarethan: and they who descend toward the sea of the plain, the salt sea, are consummated and cut off: and the people pass over right against Yericho:

Joshua 5:1

1 And so be it, when all the sovereigns of the Emoriy on the seaward side of Yarden, and all the sovereigns of the Kenaaniy by the sea, hear that Yah Veh withered the waters of Yarden from the face of the sons of Yisra El until we pass over, their heart melts: there is no spirit/wind in them any more, at the face of the sons of Yisra El.

Joshua 7:11-12

11 Yisra El sinned; and they also trespassed my covenant which I misvahed them: and also take of the devotement, and also steal; and also deceive; and also set it among their own instruments: 12 and the sons of Yisra El cannot rise at the face of their enemies; but turn their necks from the face of their enemies because they become devoted: I add not to be with you again unless you desolate the devotement among you.

Joshua 9:9-11

9 And they say to him, From a mighty far land your servants come; because of the name of Yah Veh your Elohim: for we hear of his fame, and all he works in Misrayim, 10 and all he works to the two sovereigns of the Emoriy beyond Yarden - to Sichon sovereign of Heshbon, and to Og sovereign of Bashan at Ashtaroth: 11 and our elders and all the settlers of our land say to us, saying, Take hunt in your hand for the journey and go to meet them, and say to them, We, your servants: and now cut covenant with us.

Joshua 11:6

6 And Yah Veh says to Yah Shua, Awe not their face: for tomorrow about this time I give them all pierced at the face of Yisra El: hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire.

Joshua 15:62

62 and Nibshan and Ir Ham Melach and En Gedi - six cities with their courts.

Joshua 23:1

1 And so be it, after many days, Yah Veh rests Yisra El from all their enemies all around; and Yah Shua is old and stricken and comes into days.

Joshua 24:3

3 and I took your father Abraham from beyond the river and walked him through all the land of Kenaan; and abounded his seed and gave him Yischaq: 4 and I gave Yischaq Yaaqov and Esav: and I gave Esav mount Seir to possess; but Yaaqov and his sons descended into Misrayim.

Joshua 24:13

13 and I gave you a land for which you labored not and cities which you built not and you settled in them; of the vineyards and oliveyards which you planted not, you eat.

Judges 7:22

22 and the three hundred blast the shophars and Yah Veh sets the sword of every man against his friend throughout all the camp: and the camp flees to Beth Has Shittah in Seredah to the lip of Abel Mecholah - to Tabbath.

Judges 8:24-26

24 And Gidon says to them, I ask a petition of you, that every man of you give me the noserings of his spoil. - they have golden noserings for they are Yishma Eliy. 25 And they say, In giving, we give them. And they spread a cloth and every man casts therein the noserings of his spoil: 26 and the weight of the golden noserings he asks is a thousand and seven hundred of gold - beside crescents and pendants and purple covering on the sovereigns of Midyaniy - beside the chokers around the necks of their camels.

Judges 11:15-18

15 and says to him, Thus says Yiphtach, Yisra El took neither the land of Moab nor the land of the sons of Ammon: 16 for in ascending from Misrayim Yisra El walked through the wilderness to the Reed sea and came to Qadesh. 17 And Yisra El sent angels to the sovereign of Edom, saying, Let me, I beseech you, pass through your land? And the sovereign of Edom hearkened not thereto: and also the sovereign of Moab; and he willed not: and Yisra El settled in Qadesh. 18 And he went through the wilderness and surrounded the land of Edom and the land of Moab and came by the rising of the sun of the land of Moab and encamped beyond Arnon; but came not within the border of Moab: for Arnon is the border of Moab.

Judges 11:23-24

23 And now Yah Veh Elohim of Yisra El dispossesses the Emoriy from the face of his people Yisra El - that you possess it? 24 Possess you not what Kemosh your elohim gave you to possess? So whomever Yah Veh our Elohim dispossesses from our face, them we possess.

Judges 11:27

27 I - I sin not against you; but you work me evil to fight me: Yah Veh the Judge judges this day between the sons of Yisra El and between the sons of Ammon.

Judges 20:26

26 And all the sons of Yisra El and all the people ascend and come to the house of Elohim and weep; and settle there at the face of Yah Veh; and fast that day until evening; and holocaust holocausts and shelamim at the face of Yah Veh.

1 Samuel 2:1

And Hannah prays and says, My heart jumps for joy in Yah Veh; my horn exalts in Yah Veh: my mouth enlarges over my enemies because I cheer in your salvation.

1 Samuel 3:13

13 and I tell him that I judge his house eternally for the perversity of which he knows; because his sons abase themselves and he dims them not:

1 Samuel 7:3

3 And Shemu El says to all the house of Yisra El, saying, If you return to Yah Veh with all your hearts, then turn aside the strange elohim and Ashtaroth from among you and prepare your hearts to Yah Veh and serve him only, and he rescues you from the hand of the Peleshethiy.

1 Samuel 7:6

6 And they gather to Mispeh and bail water and pour it out at the face of Yah Veh and fast on that day, and say there, We sinned against Yah Veh. And Shemu El judges the sons of Yisra El in Mispeh.

1 Samuel 7:12

12 And Shemu El takes one stone and sets it between Mispeh and Shen and calls the name of it Eben Ezer, saying, Hitherto Yah Veh helps us.

1 Samuel 14:6

6 And Yah Nathan says to the lad who bears his instruments, Come, and we pass over to the standing camp of these uncircumcised: perhaps Yah Veh works for us: for there is no hindrance to Yah Veh to save by many or by few.

1 Samuel 14:16

16 and the watchers of Shaul in Gibah of Ben Yamin see; and behold, the multitude melts away and they go on - descending and hammering.

1 Samuel 14:20

20 And Shaul and all the people with him cry out together; and they come to the war; and behold, the sword of every man is against his friend and there is a mighty great confusion:

1 Samuel 17:47

47 and all this congregation know that Yah Veh saves not with sword and spear: for the war is to Yah Veh and he gives you into our hands.

1 Samuel 23:29

29 And David ascends from there and settles in huntholds at En Gedi.

1 Samuel 30:19-20

19 and they lack naught - from small to great; neither sons nor daughters; neither spoil nor aught they took to them: David returns all: 20 and David takes all the flocks and the oxen, which they drove at the face of those chattel and says, This is the spoil for David.

2 Samuel 6:5

5 And David and all the house of Yisra El entertain at the face of Yah Veh on all manner of cypress timber - on harps and on bagpipes and on tambourines and on sistrums and on cymbals.

2 Samuel 6:14-15

14 and David twirls at the face of Yah Veh with all strength; and David girts with a linen ephod: 15 and David and all the house of Yisra El ascend the ark of Yah Veh with shouting and with the voice of the shophar.

2 Samuel 7:1

And so be it, the sovereign settles in his house; and Yah Veh gives him rest all around from all his enemies.

2 Samuel 14:2

2 and Yah Ab sends to Teqoha and takes thence a wise woman and says to her, I pray you, feign yourself to be a mourner and enrobe mourning clothes; and anoint not yourself with oil: and be as a woman who mourns for the dead many days:

2 Samuel 14:11

11 Then she says, I pray you, may the sovereign remember Yah Veh your Elohim - that the redeemers of blood not abound to ruin lest they destroy my son. And he says, Yah Veh lives! Not one hair of your son falls to the earth.

2 Samuel 22:1

And David words the words of this song to Yah Veh the day Yah Veh rescues him from the palm of all his enemies and from the palm of Shaul:

1 Kings 8:23

23 and he says, Yah Veh Elohim of Yisra El, there is no Elohim like you - in the heavens above or on earth beneath, who guards covenant and mercy with your servants who walk at your face with all their heart:

1 Kings 8:33

33 When your people Yisra El are smitten at the face of the enemy because they sin against you - and turn again to you and spread hands to your name and pray and beseech to you in this house

1 Kings 8:37

37 When there is famine in the land when there is pestilence when there is blasting, pale green, locust, caterpiller; whenever their enemy tribulates them in the land of their portals; whatever plague, whatever disease;

1 Kings 9:26

26 And sovereign Shelomoh works a navy of ships in Esyon Geber beside Eloth on the lip of the Reed sea in the land of Edom:

1 Kings 10:22

22 For the sovereign has at sea the ships of Tarshish with the ships of Hiram: once in three years the ships of Tarshish come, bearing gold and silver, tusks and apes and peacocks.

1 Kings 15:11

11 And Asa works straight in the eyes of Yah Veh as David his father:

1 Kings 16:1

1 And so be it, a word of Yah Veh comes to Yah Hu the son of Hanani against Basha, saying,

1 Kings 16:7

7 And so be it, by the hand of the prophet Yah Hu the son of Hanani the word of Yah Veh comes against Basha and against his house for all the evil he works in the eyes of Yah Veh - in vexing him with the work of his hands in being as the house of Yarob Am; and because he smote him.

1 Kings 22:41-44

And Yah Shaphat the son of Asa begins to reign over Yah Hudah in the fourth year of Ach Ab sovereign of Yisra El. 42 Yah Shaphat is a son of thirty-five years when he begins to reign; and he reigns twenty-five years in Yeru Shalem: and the name of his mother, Azubah the daughter of Shilchi: 43 and he walks in all the ways of Asa his father; he turns not aside from it working straight in the eyes of Yah Veh: except they turn not aside the bamahs; for the people still sacrifice and incense in the bamahs: 44 and Yah Shaphat shalams with the sovereign of Yisra El.

1 Kings 22:48-49

48 Yah Shaphat works ten ships of Tarshish to go to Ophir for gold: but they go not; for the ships break down at Esyon Geber.

1 Kings 22:48

48 Yah Shaphat works ten ships of Tarshish to go to Ophir for gold: but they go not; for the ships break down at Esyon Geber. 49 Then Achaz Yah the son of Ach Ab says to Yah Shaphat, Have my servants go with your servants in the ships. - and Yah Shaphat willed not.

2 Kings 1:2-16

2 And Achaz Yah falls through a lattice in his upper room in Shomeron and is sick: and he sends angels and says to them, Go, enquire of Baal Zebub the elohim of Eqron if I live of this sickness. 3 And the angel of Yah Veh words to Eli Yah the Tisbehiy, Rise, ascend to meet the angels of the sovereign of Shomeron and word to them, Is it because there is no elohim in Yisra El, that you go to enquire of Baal Zebub the elohim of Eqron? 4 And so thus says Yah Veh, You descend not from that bed you ascended; but in dying, you die. And Eli Yah goes: 5 and the angel turns back to him, and he says to them, Why turn you back thus? 6 And they say to him, A man ascends to meet us, and says to us, Go! Return to the sovereign who sent you and word to him, Thus says Yah Veh, Is it because there is no elohim in Yisra El that you send to enquire of Baal Zebub the elohim of Eqron? so you descend not from that bed you ascended; but in dying, you die. 7 And he words to them, What is your judgment of the man who ascended to meet you and worded you these words? 8 And they say to him, He is a man, a master of hair and girt with a girdle of skin around his loins; and he says he is Eli Yah the Tisbehiy. 9 Then the sovereign sends him a governor of fifty with his fifty: and he ascends to him: and behold, he settles on the top of a mountain: and he words to him, You - man of Elohim, the sovereign words, Descend. 10 And Eli Yah answers and words to the governor of fifty, If I am a man of Elohim, fire descends from the heavens and consumes you and your fifty. - and fire descends from the heavens and consumes him and his fifty. 11 And he returns and sends him another governor of fifty with his fifty: and he answers and words to him, O man of Elohim, thus says the sovereign, Descend quickly. 12 And Eli Yah answers and words to them, If I am a man of Elohim, fire descends from the heavens and consumes you and your fifty. - and the fire of Elohim descends from the heavens and consumes him and his fifty. 13 And he returns and sends a governor of the third fifty with his fifty: and the third governor of fifty ascends and comes and bows on his knees in front of Eli Yah and beseeches him and words to him, O man of Elohim, I beseech you, that my soul and the soul of these fifty, your servants, be precious in your eyes: 14 behold, fire descended from the heavens and consumed the two governors of the former fifties with their fifties: and now, O that my soul be precious in your eyes. 15 And the angel of Yah Veh words to Eli Yah, Descend with him: awe not to face him. - and he rises and descends with him to the sovereign. 16 And he words to him, Thus says Yah Veh, Why send you angels to enquire of Baal Zebub the elohim of Eqron, is it because there is no Elohim in Yisra El to enquire of his word? So you descend not from that bed you ascended, but in dying, you die.

2 Kings 6:15

15 and the lad of the man of Elohim starts early and goes forth; and behold, the valiant surround the city both with horses and chariots. And his minister says to him, Aha, my adoni! How work we?

2 Kings 6:17

17 And Eli Shua prays and says, Yah Veh, I beseech, open his eyes, so that he sees. And Yah Veh opens the eyes of the lad; and he sees: and behold, the mountain fills with horses and chariots of fire all around Eli Shua.

2 Kings 7:6

6 for Adonay has the camp of the Aramiy hear a voice of chariots and a voice of horses - the voice of a great valiant. And they say man to brother, Behold, the sovereign of Yisra El hires against us the sovereigns of the Hethiy and the sovereigns of the Misrayim to come against us.

2 Kings 7:9-16

9 And they say man to friend, We work not well: this day is a day of evangelism; and we hush: if we wait until the morning light, perversion finds us: and now come and we go and tell the house of the sovereign. 10 And they come and call the porter of the city: and they tell for themselves, saying, We came to the camp of the Aramiy, and behold, neither man nor voice of human; but bound horses and bound he burros and the tents as they were. 11 And he calls the porters; and they tell it inside the house of the sovereign. 12 And the sovereign rises in the night and says to his servants, I now tell you what the Aramiy works to us. They know that we famish; and so they go from the camp to hide themselves in the field, saying, When they go from the city, we apprehend them alive and get into the city. 13 And one of his servants answers and says, Have some take, I beseech you, five of the horses that survive - that survive in the city, - and behold, they that survive are as all the multitude of Yisra El: and behold, even as all the multitude of the Yisra Eliy that are consumed - and let us send and see. 14 And they take two chariot horses; and the sovereign sends after the camp of the Aramiy, saying, Go! See! 15 And they go after them to Yarden: and behold, all the way is full of clothes and instruments, which the Aramiy cast away in their haste. - and the angels return and tell the sovereign. 16 And the people go and plunder the camps of the Aramiy: and a seah of flour for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel according to the word of Yah Veh.

2 Kings 19:15-19

15 And Yechizqi Yah prays at the face of Yah Veh and says, O Yah Veh Elohim of Yisra El who settles between the cherubim; you are Elohim - you alone of all the sovereigndoms of the earth; you worked the heavens and earth: 16 Yah Veh, spread your ear and hear: open, Yah Veh, your eyes and see: and hear the words of Sancherib, who sends him to reproach the living Elohim. 17 Truly, Yah Veh, the sovereigns of Ashshur desolated the goyim and their lands, 18 and gave their elohim to the fire: for they are no elohim but the work of human hands - timber and stone: and destroyed them. 19 Now, O Yah Veh our Elohim, I beseech you, you - save us from his hand; so that all the sovereigndoms of the earth know you are Yah Veh Elohim - you only.

1 Chronicles 4:5

5 And Ashchur the father of Teqoha has two women, Helah and Naarah.

1 Chronicles 4:41

41 And these inscribed by name come in the days of Yechizqi Yah sovereign of Yah Hudah; and smite their tents and the habitations they find there; and they are devoted to this day and settle in their stead: because there is pasture for their flocks.

1 Chronicles 5:22

22 For many fall pierced because the war is of Elohim: and they settle in their steads until the exile.

1 Chronicles 13:1-2

And David counsels with the governors of thousands and hundreds and with every eminence. 2 And David says to all the congregation of Yisra El, If it be good to you and that it be of Yah Veh our Elohim, let us send and break forth to our brothers every where who survive in all the land of Yisra El; and to the priests and Leviym with them in their cities and suburbs, to gather unto us:

1 Chronicles 13:8

8 and David and all Yisra El entertain at the face of Elohim with all their strength and with songs and with harps and with bagpipes and with tambourines and with cymbals and with trumpets.

1 Chronicles 15:16-22

16 And David says to the governor of the Leviym to stand their brothers the singers with instruments of song - bagpipes and harps and cymbals to be heard by lifting the voice with cheer. 17 And the Leviym stand Heman the son of Yah El: and of his brothers, Asaph the son of Berech Yah; and of the sons of Merari their brothers, Ethan the son of Qusha Yah; 18 and with them their brothers of the second, Zechar Yah, Ben and Yaazi El and Shemi Ramoth and Yechi El and Unni, Eli Ab and Bena Yah and Maase Yah and Mattith Yah and Eli Phelehu and Miqne Yah. And Obed Edom and Yei El, the porters. 19 And the singers, Heman, Asaph and Ethan are heard with cymbals of copper. 20 And Zechar Yah and Azi El and Shemi Ramoth and Yechi El and Unni and Eli Ab and Maase Yah and Bena Yah with bagpipes besides virgins. 21 And Mattith Yah and Eli Phelehu and Miqne Yah and Obed Edom and Yei El and Azaz Yah with harps on the octave to oversee. 22 And Kenan Yah governor of the Leviym is for burden: he disciplines about the burden because he discerns.

1 Chronicles 16:5

5 Asaph the head and second Zechar Yah Yei El and Shemi Ramoth and Yechi El and Mattith Yah and Eli Ab and Bena Yah and Obed Edom; and Yei El with instruments of bagpipes and harps; and Asaph is heard with cymbals;

1 Chronicles 16:29

29 give to Yah Veh the honor to his name; lift an offering and come at his face: prostrate to Yah Veh in the majesty of holiness.

1 Chronicles 16:34

34 Spread hands to Yah Veh for he is good; for his eternal mercy.

1 Chronicles 16:41

41 and with them Heman and Yeduthun and the survivors who were purified - who were appointed by name to spread hands to Yah Veh for his eternal mercy: 42 and with them Heman and Yeduthun with trumpets and cymbals to hear and with instruments of song of Elohim: and the sons of Yeduthun are for the portal.

1 Chronicles 17:21-24

21 And what one goyim in the earth is as your people Yisra El - for whom Elohim goes to redeem to be his own people to set you a name of greatness and awesomeness by driving out goyim from the face of your people - whom you redeemed from Misrayim? 22 Yes, you give your people Yisra El to become your people eternally; and you, Yah Veh, become their Elohim. 23 And now, O Yah Veh, may the word you word concerning your servant and concerning his house be amened eternally; and work as you word: 24 - amened, that your name be greatened eternally saying, Yah Veh Sabaoth - Elohim of Yisra El - Elohim to Yisra El: and establish the house of David your servant at your face:

1 Chronicles 23:5

5 and four thousand porters; and four thousand to halal Yah Veh with the instruments I worked to halal.

1 Chronicles 25:1-7

And David and the governors of the host separate to the service of the sons of Asaph and of Heman and of Yeduthun - prophets with harps, with bagpipes and with cymbals. And the number of the workmen according to their service: 2 Of the sons of Asaph: Zakkur and Yoseph and Nethan Yah and Ashar Elah - the sons of Asaph under the hands of Asaph who prophesy at the hand of the sovereign. 3 Of Yeduthun; the sons of Yeduthun: Gedal Yah and Seri and Yesha Yah, Hashab Yah and Mattith Yah - six under the hands of their father Yeduthun who prophesy with a harp, to spread hands and to halal Yah Veh. 4 Of Heman; the sons of Heman: Buqqi Yah, Mattan Yah, Uzzi El, Shebu El and Yerimoth, Hanan Yah, Hanani, Eli Athah, Giddalti and Romamti Ezer, Yoshbe Qashah, Mallothi, Hothir and Machazioth. 5 - all these are the sons of Heman the seer of the sovereign in the words of Elohim to lift up the horn: and Elohim gives Heman fourteen sons and three daughters. 6 All these are under the hands of their father for song in the house of Yah Veh - with cymbals, bagpipes and harps, for the service of the house of Elohim. At the hand of the sovereign: Asaph, Yeduthun and Heman.

1 Chronicles 25:6

6 All these are under the hands of their father for song in the house of Yah Veh - with cymbals, bagpipes and harps, for the service of the house of Elohim. At the hand of the sovereign: Asaph, Yeduthun and Heman. 7 And their number, with their brothers - those taught in the songs of Yah Veh all the discerning, two hundred eighty-eight.

1 Chronicles 29:11-12

11 Yours, O Yah Veh, - the greatness and the might and the adornment in perpetuity and in majesty for all in the heavens and in the earth: yours is the sovereigndom, O Yah Veh, and you are lifted as head over all: 12 and riches and honor are at your face and you reign over all; and in your hand is force and might; and in your hand to greaten and to strengthen all.

1 Chronicles 29:18

18 O Yah Veh Elohim of Abraham, Yischaq and of Yisra El, our fathers, guard this eternally in the imagination of the fabrications of the heart of your people and prepare their heart to you:

2 Chronicles 2:4

4 behold, I build a house to the name of Yah Veh my Elohim to hallow to him and to incense incense of aromatics at his face and for the continual arrangement and for the holocausts morning and evening on the shabbaths and on the new moons and on the festivals of Yah Veh our Elohim: this is eternally to Yisra El:

2 Chronicles 5:9

9 and they lengthen the staves so that the heads of the staves are seen from the ark at the face of the pulpit; but they are not seen outward: and there it is to this day

2 Chronicles 5:13

13 yes, and so be it, - as one, the trumpeters and singers - as one voice are heard in halaling and spreading hands to Yah Veh; and they lift their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of song and halal Yah Veh for good; for his mercy eternal: so that the house fills with a cloud - the house of Yah Veh;

2 Chronicles 6:10

10 And Yah Veh raises the word he worded: and I rise in the stead of David my father and settle on the throne of Yisra El as Yah Veh worded; and build the house for the name of Yah Veh Elohim of Yisra El:

2 Chronicles 6:12-13

And he stands at the face of the sacrifice altar of Yah Veh in the presence of all the congregation of Yisra El and spreads his palms: 13 for Shelomoh worked a copper laver, five cubits long and five cubits wide and three cubits high and gives it midst the court: and he stands thereon and kneels on his knees in front of all the congregation of Yisra El and spreads his palms toward the heavens;

2 Chronicles 6:20

20 that your eyes be open on this house by day and night - on the place whereof you say that you set your name there; to hearken to the prayer your servant prays toward this place:

2 Chronicles 6:28-30

28 If famine becomes in the land; if pestilence becomes; if blasting or pale green becomes; locusts or caterpillers; if their enemies tribulate them in the land of their portals; whatever plague or whatever disease becomes: 29 then whatever prayer or whatever supplication becomes for any human or of all your people Yisra El; when man knows his own plague and his own sorrow and spreads his palms in this house: 30 then hear from the heavens the place of your settlement and forgive and give to every man according to all his ways, whose heart you know - for you only know the hearts of the sons of humanity:

2 Chronicles 7:3

3 And all the sons of Yisra El see the fire descend and the honor of Yah Veh on the house, and they bow with their nostrils to the earth on the pavement and prostrate and spread hands to Yah Veh, saying, For good; for his mercy eternal.

2 Chronicles 7:6

6 And the priests stand at their guards: and the Leviym with instruments of the song of Yah Veh, which David the sovereign worked to spread hands to Yah Veh - for his mercy eternal in the halaling of David by their hand; and the priests trumpet trumpets in front of them and all Yisra El stands.

2 Chronicles 9:21

21 For the ships of the sovereign go to Tarshish with the servants of Hiram: the ships of Tarshish come once every three years bearing gold and silver, tusks and apes and peacocks.

2 Chronicles 11:6

6 yes, he builds Beth Lechem and Etam and Teqoha

2 Chronicles 11:16

16 and after them, from all the scions of Yisra El, such as give their hearts to seek Yah Veh Elohim of Yisra El, come to Yeru Shalem to sacrifice to Yah Veh Elohim of their fathers.

2 Chronicles 12:14

14 and he works evil, because he prepares not his heart to seek Yah Veh. 15 And the words of Rechab Am, first and last, are they not inscribed in the words of Shema Yah the prophet? And genealogized by Iddo the seer? And the wars of Rechab Am and Yarob Am all days?

2 Chronicles 13:13

13 And Yarob Am lurks around behind them: so they are at the face of Yah Hudah and they lurk behind them:

2 Chronicles 13:22

22 And the rest of the words of Abi Yah and his ways and his words, are inscribed in the commentary of the prophet Iddo.

2 Chronicles 14:2-5

And Asa works good and straight in the eyes of Yah Veh his Elohim: 3 and he turns aside the sacrifice altars of the strange and the bamahs and breaks down the monoliths and cuts down the asherim:

2 Chronicles 14:3

3 and he turns aside the sacrifice altars of the strange and the bamahs and breaks down the monoliths and cuts down the asherim: 4 and says to Yah Hudah to seek Yah Veh Elohim of their fathers; and to work the torah and the misvah: 5 and he turns aside the bamahs and the sun icons from all the cities of Yah Hudah; and the sovereigndom rests at his face: 6 and he builds rampart cities in Yah Hudah: for the land rests and he has no war in those years; because Yah Veh rests him. 7 And he says to Yah Hudah, We build these cities and surround them with walls and towers, doors and bars while the land is still at our face; because we seek Yah Veh our Elohim: we seek him and he rests us all around. - and they build and prosper.

2 Chronicles 14:11

11 And Asa calls to Yah Veh his Elohim and says, Yah Veh, it is naught with you to help - between many, or them who have no force: help us, O Yah Veh our Elohim; for we lean on you; and in your name we go against this multitude. O Yah Veh, you are our Elohim; may mortal man not restrain against you.

2 Chronicles 14:11-13

11 And Asa calls to Yah Veh his Elohim and says, Yah Veh, it is naught with you to help - between many, or them who have no force: help us, O Yah Veh our Elohim; for we lean on you; and in your name we go against this multitude. O Yah Veh, you are our Elohim; may mortal man not restrain against you. 12 And Yah Veh smites the Kushiy at the face of Asa and at the face of Yah Hudah; and the Kushiy flee: 13 and Asa and the people with him pursue them to Gerar: and the Kushiy are felled, for they have no invigoration; for they break at the face of Yah Veh and at the face of his camp; and they bear away a mighty abundance of plunder: 14 and they smite all the cities all around Gerar; for the fear of Yah Veh comes on them: and they plunder all the cities; for there is exceeding much spoil in them:

2 Chronicles 15:1

And the Spirit of Elohim comes on Azar Yah the son of Oded: 2 and he goes out at the face of Asa and says to him, Hear me, Asa and all Yah Hudah and Ben Yamin; Yah Veh is with you, in your being with him; and if you seek him, he is found of you; but if you forsake him, he forsakes you.

2 Chronicles 15:15

15 And all Yah Hudah cheers at the oath: for they oath with all their heart and seek him with their whole pleasure; and they find him: and Yah Veh rests them all around.

2 Chronicles 16:7-12

7 And at that time, Hanani the seer comes to Asa sovereign of Yah Hudah and says to him, Because you lean on the sovereign of Aram and lean not on Yah Veh your Elohim, so the valiant of the sovereign of Aram escapes from your hand. 8 Were not the Kushiy and the Lubiy an abundance of valiant, with a mighty abundance of chariots and cavalry? Yet, because you leaned on Yah Veh he gave them into your hand. 9 As for Yah Veh, - his eyes flit throughout the whole earth, strengthened in behalf of them whose heart is at shalom toward him. Herein you folly: from this time on you have wars.

2 Chronicles 16:9

9 As for Yah Veh, - his eyes flit throughout the whole earth, strengthened in behalf of them whose heart is at shalom toward him. Herein you folly: from this time on you have wars. 10 And Asa is vexed with the seer and gives him in a stock house; because of his rage because of this: and at that time, Asa crushes some of the people. 11 And behold, the words of Asa, first and last, behold, are they not inscribed in the scroll of the words of the days of the sovereigns of Yah Hudah and Yisra El?

2 Chronicles 16:11

11 And behold, the words of Asa, first and last, behold, are they not inscribed in the scroll of the words of the days of the sovereigns of Yah Hudah and Yisra El? 12
And in the thirty-ninth year of his sovereigndom Asa sickens in his feet until his sickness is severe: yet in his sickness he seeks not Yah Veh, but the healers.

2 Chronicles 17:3-6

3 And Yah Veh is with Yah Shaphat, because he walks in the first ways of his father David and seeks not to Baalim; 4 for he seeks to Elohim of his father; and walks in his misvoth and not after the works of Yisra El: 5 and Yah Veh establishes the sovereigndom in his hand; and all Yah Hudah gives Yah Shaphat offerings; and he has riches and honor in abundance: 6 and his heart exalts in the ways of Yah Veh: and again he turns aside the bamahs and asherim from Yah Hudah.

2 Chronicles 17:6

6 and his heart exalts in the ways of Yah Veh: and again he turns aside the bamahs and asherim from Yah Hudah.

2 Chronicles 17:10

10 And the fear of Yah Veh falls on all the sovereigndoms of the lands all around Yah Hudah, so that they fight not against Yah Shaphat:

2 Chronicles 19:2

2 and Yah Hu the son of Hanani the seer goes out to face him; and says to sovereign Yah Shaphat, Help you the wicked and love them who hate Yah Veh? This rage be on you from the face of Yah Veh. 3 But good words are found in you in that you burn the asherim from the land and prepare your heart to seek Elohim.

2 Chronicles 19:5

5 and he stands judges in the land in all the fortified cities of Yah Hudah, city by city.

2 Chronicles 19:11

11 And behold, Amar Yah the head priest is over you in all words of Yah Veh; and Zebad Yah the son of Yishma El the eminent of the house of Yah Hudah, for all the words of the sovereign: and the Leviym, officers at your face. Strengthen and work and Yah Veh is with the good.

2 Chronicles 20:1

And so be it, after this, the sons of Moab and the sons of Ammon and of the Ammoniy with them, come against Yah Shaphat to war.

2 Chronicles 20:10

10 And now, behold, the sons of Ammon and Moab and mount Seir, whom you gave not Yisra El to invade when they came from the land of Misrayim - for they turned aside from them and desolated them not:

2 Chronicles 20:22

22 And at the time they begin to shout and to halal Yah Veh lurks against the sons of Ammon, Moab and mount Seir, who come against Yah Hudah; and they smite one another:

2 Chronicles 20:22-23

22 And at the time they begin to shout and to halal Yah Veh lurks against the sons of Ammon, Moab and mount Seir, who come against Yah Hudah; and they smite one another: 23 and the sons of Ammon and Moab stand against the settlers of mount Seir to devote and desolate them: and they finish off the settlers of Seir, and each man helps to ruin his friend.

2 Chronicles 24:20

20 And the Spirit of Elohim enrobes Zechar Yah the son of Yah Yada the priest - who stands above the people and says to them, Thus says Elohim, Why trespass you the misvoth of Yah Veh, and prosper not? Because you forsake Yah Veh, he forsakes you.

2 Chronicles 29:25-30

25 And he stands the Leviym in the house of Yah Veh with cymbals, with bagpipes and with harps, according to the misvah of David and of Gad the seer of the sovereign and Nathan the prophet: for thus is the misvah by the hand of Yah Veh by the hand of his prophets: 26 and the Leviym stand with the instruments of David and the priests with the trumpets. 27 And Yechizqi Yah says to holocaust the holocaust on the sacrifice altar: and at the time the holocaust begins the song of Yah Veh begins with the trumpets by the hand of the instruments of David sovereign of Yisra El: 28 and all the congregation prostrates and the singers sing and the trumpeters trumpet until the holocaust is finished. 29 And they finish holocausting, and the sovereign and all who are found with him bow and prostrate: 30 and Yechizqi Yah the sovereign and the governors say to the Leviym to halal to Yah Veh with the words of David and of Asaph the seer. And they halal with cheerfulness and bow and prostrate.

2 Chronicles 30:19

19 who prepares his heart to seek Elohim - Yah Veh Elohim of his fathers; though not according to the purification of the holies.

2 Chronicles 30:21

21 and the sons of Yisra El they find at Yeru Shalem work the celebration of matsah seven days with great cheerfulness: and day by day the Leviym and the priests halal Yah Veh with instruments of strength to Yah Veh.

2 Chronicles 32:1

After these words and this truth, Sancherib sovereign of Ashshur comes and enters Yah Hudah and encamps against the cut off cities; and says to split them for himself:

2 Chronicles 32:7-8

7 Strengthen! Encourage! Neither awe nor terrify at the face of the sovereign of Ashshur or at the face of all the multitude with him: for there are greater with us than with him: 8 with him - an arm of flesh; and with us - Yah Veh our Elohim to help us and to fight our wars. And the people prop on the words of Yechizqi Yah sovereign of Yah Hudah.

2 Chronicles 32:8

8 with him - an arm of flesh; and with us - Yah Veh our Elohim to help us and to fight our wars. And the people prop on the words of Yechizqi Yah sovereign of Yah Hudah.

2 Chronicles 34:31

31 And the sovereign stands in his station and cuts a covenant at the face of Yah Veh - to walk after Yah Veh and to guard his misvoth and his witnesses and his statutes with all his heart and with all his soul - to work the words of the covenant inscribed in this scroll.

Ezra 3:10-11

10 And the builders lay the foundation of the manse of Yah Veh and they stand the priests enrobed with trumpets and the Leviym the sons of Asaph with cymbals to halal Yah Veh, after the hand of David sovereign of Yisra El: 11 and they answer together by course - halaling and spreading hands to Yah Veh for he is good: for his mercy eternal toward Yisra El. And all the people shout a great shout as they halal Yah Veh; because the foundation of the house of Yah Veh is laid. 12 And many of the priests and Leviym and heads of the fathers - elders who had seen the first house when the foundation of this house was laid in front of their eyes, weep with a great voice; and many shout and cheer with lifted voice: 13 and the people recognize not the voice of the shout of cheering from the voice of the weeping of the people: for the people shout a great shout and the voice is heard afar off.

Ezra 8:21-23

21 And I call a fast there at the river of Ahava to humble ourselves at the face of our Elohim - to seek of him a straight way for us and for our toddlers and for all our acquisition: 22 for I shame to ask the sovereign for men of valour and cavalry to help us against the enemy in the way: because we had said to the sovereign, saying, The hand of our Elohim is on all who seek him for good; but his strength and his wrath is against all who forsake him: 23 and we fast and beseech our Elohim for this: and he is intreated of us.

Ezra 9:14

14 - return we to break your misvoth and intermarry with the people of these abhorrences? Are you not angry with us - to finish us off so that there is neither survivor nor escapee?

Ezra 10:1

And Ezra prays and spreads hands - weeping and falling at the face of the house of Elohim: a mighty great congregation from Yisra El - men and women and children gather to him: for in weeping, the people weep aboundingly.

Nehemiah 4:14

14 and I see and rise and say to the nobles and to the prefects and to the rest of the people, Awe not at their face! Remember Adonay - great and awesome! And fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your women and your houses!

Nehemiah 9:8

8 and found his heart amenable at your face and cut a covenant with him to give the land of the Kenaaniy, the Hethiy, the Emoriy and the Perizziy and the Yebusiy and the Girgashiy - to give to his seed; and to raise your words; for you are just:

Nehemiah 12:27

And at the hanukkah of the wall of Yeru Shalem they seek the Leviym from all their places to bring them to Yeru Shalem, to work the hanukkah with cheer - both with spread hands and with singing, with cymbals, bagpipes and with harps:

Nehemiah 12:42-43

42 and Maase Yah and Shema Yah and El Azar and Uzzi and Yah Hanan and Malki Yah and Elam and Ezer; and the singers voice to be heard, with Yizrach Yah their overseer. 43 And that day they sacrifice great sacrifices and cheer: for Elohim cheers them with great cheer: and also the women and the children cheer: so that the cheer of Yeru Shalem is heard afar off.

Nehemiah 12:43

43 And that day they sacrifice great sacrifices and cheer: for Elohim cheers them with great cheer: and also the women and the children cheer: so that the cheer of Yeru Shalem is heard afar off.

Esther 4:16

16 Go, gather all the Yah Hudiym found in Shushan and fast you for me; and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day; I and also my lasses fast likewise; and thus I go in to the sovereign, which is not according to the edict; and if I destruct, I destruct.

Job 1:20

20 Then Iyob rises and rips his mantle and shears his head and falls down on the earth and prostrates

Job 34:29

29 And when he rests, who judges wicked? and when he hides his face, who observes him? - whether against a goyim, or against humanity altogether;

Psalms 7:4

4 if I dealt evil to him who shalamed with me; or rescued my tribulator in vain:

Psalms 7:6

6 Rise, O Yah Veh, in your wrath, lift yourself; because of the fury of my tribulators: and waken for me the judgment you misvahed.

Psalms 7:8

8 Yah Veh pleads the cause of the people; O Yah Veh, judge me according to my justness and according to my integrity within me:

Psalms 9:19

19 Rise, O Yah Veh; strengthen not man: judge the goyim at your face.

Psalms 17:1-2

1 A Prayer by David. Hear justness, O Yah Veh; hearken to my shouting: hearken to my prayer from lips without deceit. 2 My judgment comes from your face; your eyes see them who are in straightnesses;

Psalms 18:21

21 for I guard the ways of Yah Veh - not done wickedly against my Elohim.

Psalms 20:5

5 We shout in your salvation and in the name of our Elohim we raise our banners; Yah Veh fulfills all your requests.

Psalms 25:15

15 My eyes are continually toward Yah Veh; for he plucks my feet from the net.

Psalms 29:2

2 give to Yah Veh the honor of his name: prostrate to Yah Veh in the majesty of his holies.

Psalms 30:1

1 A Psalm; A Song: at the hanukkah of the house of David. I exalt you, O Yah Veh; for you bail me up so that my enemies not cheer over me.

Psalms 34:5-6

5 They look to him and sparkle; and their faces blushed not. 6 This humble one calls and Yah Veh hears and saves him from all his tribulations.

Psalms 35:5-6

5 they are as chaff at the face of the wind; and in overthrowing, the angel of Yah Veh overthrows them; 6 their way is dark and slippery; and the angel of Yah Veh pursues them.

Psalms 35:12

12 they shalam me evil for good to the bereaving of my soul.

Psalms 36:3

3 The words of his mouth are mischief and deceit; he ceases comprehending, and to well-please:

Psalms 43:1

1 Judge me, O Elohim; defend my defence against an unmercied goyim: O slip me away from the man of deceits and wickedness.

Psalms 44:1

1 To His Eminence; For the sons of Qorach: On Comprehension. We heard with our ears, O Elohim, our fathers scribed to us, the deeds you did in their days - in the former days: 2 how you dispossessed the goyim with your hand and planted them; how you vilified the nations and sent them out.

Psalms 46:7

7 Yah Veh Sabaoth is with us; the Elohim of Yaaqov is our secure loft. Selah.

Psalms 46:10-11

10 Slacken and know that I - Elohim loft among the goyim - loft in the earth. 11 Yah Veh Sabaoth is with us; Elohim of Yaaqov is our secure loft. Selah.

Psalms 47:2

2 for Yah Veh Elyon is awesome - a great Sovereign over all the earth:

Psalms 47:8

8 Elohim reigns over the goyim; Elohim settles on the throne of his holiness.

Psalms 49:1

1 To His Eminence; A Psalm for the sons of Qorach. Hear this, all you people! Hearken, all you transcients settled in the world!

Psalms 50:2

2 from Siyon, the perfection of beauty, Elohim shines.

Psalms 50:15

15 call on me in the day of tribulation: I rescue you and you honor me.

Psalms 56:3-4

3 The day I awe, I confide in you: 4 In Elohim I halal his word; in Elohim I confide: I awe not what flesh works to me.

Psalms 57:8

8 Waken, my honor! Waken, bagpipe and harp! I waken early.

Psalms 60:10-12

10 Is it not you, O Elohim? Cast you us, O Elohim? Go you not with our hosts? 11 Give us help from tribulation; for vain is the salvation of humanity: 12 through Elohim we work valiantly; for he tramples our tribulators.

Psalms 62:11

11 Elohim worded once; twice I heard this; that strength is with Elohim;

Psalms 68:12

12 In fleeing, sovereigns of hosts flee; and she whose habitation of rest is at home allots the spoil

Psalms 69:35

35 For Elohim saves Siyon and builds the cities of Yah Hudah; for them to settle there and possess.

Psalms 81:1

1 To His Eminence; On Gittith: By Asaph. Shout to Elohim our strength; shout to Elohim of Yaaqov:

Psalms 83:3-12

3 they strategize private counsel against your people; and counsel against your treasured ones. 4 They say, Come; and we cut them off from the goyim; that the name of Yisra El be no more remembered. 5 For they counseled together with one heart; they cut a covenant against you

Psalms 83:5-12

5 For they counseled together with one heart; they cut a covenant against you 6 - the tents of Edom and the Yishma Eliym, of Moab and the Hagariym,

Psalms 83:6-12

6 - the tents of Edom and the Yishma Eliym, of Moab and the Hagariym, 7 Gebal and Ammon and Amaleq, the Peleshethiym with the settlers of Sor

Psalms 83:7-12

7 Gebal and Ammon and Amaleq, the Peleshethiym with the settlers of Sor 8 and Ashshur joins with them - an arm to the sons of Lot. Selah.

Psalms 83:8-12

8 and Ashshur joins with them - an arm to the sons of Lot. Selah. 9 Work them as to Midyan; as Sisera, as Yabiyn, at the wadi of Qishon; 10 desolated at En Dor, to become as dung for the soil. 11 Place their volunteers as Oreb, as Zebach; yes, all their libations as Zebach, as Sal Munna; 12 Who say, Possess the folds of Elohim!

Psalms 90:17

17 that the pleasantness of Yah Veh our Elohim be on us: establish the work of our hands on us; yes, the work of our hands, establish it.

Psalms 92:3

3 on the decachord and on the bagpipe; on the harp with a meditation.

Psalms 95:1-2

1 O come; we shout to Yah Veh - shout to the rock of our salvation; 2 - anticipate his face with spread hands and shout to him with psalms.

Psalms 95:6

6 O come, we prostrate and kneel - kneel at the face of Yah Veh our Worker;

Psalms 96:9

9 O prostrate to Yah Veh in the majesty of his holies; writhe at his face, all the earth.

Psalms 103:1-2

1 By David. Bless Yah Veh, O my soul, and all that is within me - his holy name: 2 bless Yah Veh, O my soul and forget not all his dealings

Psalms 106:1

1 Halalu Yah. O spread hands to Yah Veh; for good; for his mercy eternal.

Psalms 107:1

O spread hands to Yah Veh, for good; for his mercy eternal.

Psalms 107:21-22

21 Spread hands to Yah Veh for his mercy and for his marvels to the sons of humanity! 22 Sacrifice the sacrifices of spread hands and scribe his works with shouting.

Psalms 110:6

6 he pleads among the goyim; he fills with bodies; he strikes him - the head over the great land:

Psalms 115:3

3 Our Elohim is in the heavens; he works whatever he desires.

Psalms 121:1-2

1 A Song of Degrees. I lift my eyes to the mountains. Whence comes my help? 2 My help is from Yah Veh who worked the heavens and earth.

Psalms 123:1-2

1 A Song of Degrees. To you I lift my eyes, O settler in the heavens! 2 Behold, as the eyes of servants to the hand of their adonim; as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her lady; thus our eyes to Yah Veh our Elohim, until he grants us charism.

Psalms 136:1-26

1 O Spread hands to Yah Veh; for good; for his mercy eternal: 2 O spread hands to the Elohim of elohim; for his mercy eternal: 3 O spread hands to Adonay of adonim; for his mercy eternal: 4 to him who alone works great marvels; for his mercy eternal: 5 to him who by discernment worked the heavens; for his mercy eternal: 6 to him who expanded the earth above the waters; for his mercy eternal: 7 to him who worked great lights; for his mercy eternal: 8 the sun to reign by day; for his mercy eternal: 9 the moon and stars to reign by night; for his mercy eternal: 10 to him who smote Misrayim - their firstbirthed; for his mercy eternal: 11 and brought Yisra El from among them; for his mercy eternal: 12 with a strong hand and spread arm; for his mercy eternal: 13 to him who cut the Reed sea into pieces; for his mercy eternal: 14 and passed Yisra El through the midst; for his mercy eternal: 15 and shook Paroh and his valiant in the Reed sea; for his mercy eternal: 16 to him who walked his people in the wilderness; for his mercy eternal: 17 to him who smote great sovereigns; for his mercy eternal: 18 and slaughtered mighty sovereigns; for his mercy eternal: 19 Sichon sovereign of the Emoriy; for his mercy eternal: 20 and Og the sovereign of Bashan; for his mercy eternal: 21 and gave their land for an inheritance; for his mercy eternal: 22 even an inheritance to Yisra El his servant; for his mercy eternal: 23 who remembered us in our lowliness; for his mercy eternal: 24 and has separated us from our tribulators; for his mercy eternal: 25 who gives bread to all flesh; for his mercy eternal: 26 O spread hands to El of the heavens; for his mercy eternal.

Psalms 141:8

8 But to you, O Yah Veh Adonay, are my eyes; in you I seek refuge; strip not my soul naked:

Psalms 149:3

3 they halal his name in the round dance; they psalm to him with tambourine and harp;

Psalms 150:3-5

3 halal him with the blast of the shophar; halal him with the bagpipe and harp; 4 halal him with the tambourine and round dance; halal him with strummers and woodwinds; 5 halal him on the hearkening cymbals; halal him on the clanging cymbals.

Proverbs 3:15

15 she is more esteemed than pearls and all your desires are not comparable to her:

Proverbs 9:6

6 Forsake the gullible and live; blithesome in the way of discernment.

Proverbs 11:14

14 Without counsels, the people fall; and in the abundance of counsellors, there is salvation.

Proverbs 13:20

20 He who walks with the wise, enwisens; and he who befriends fools, shouts.

Proverbs 16:7

7 When the ways of man please Yah Veh, even his enemies shalam him.

Proverbs 17:13

13 Whoever returns evil for good evil departs not from his house.

Song of Songs 1:14

14 my beloved to me is a cluster of camphire in the vineyards of En Gedi.

Isaiah 2:4

4 And he judges among the goyim and reproves many people: and they forge their swords into plowshares and their spears into psalmpicks: goyim neither lift sword against goyim, nor learn war any more.

Isaiah 7:1

And so be it, in the days of Ach Az the son of Yah Tham, the son of Uzzi Yah sovereign of Yah Hudah, that Resin the sovereign of Aram, and Peqach the son of Remal Yah sovereign of Yisra El ascend to Yeru Shalem to war against it but cannot fight against it.

Isaiah 7:9

9 And the head of Ephrayim is Shomeron and the head of Shomeron is the son of Remal Yah: If you trust not, surely you are not trustworthy.

Isaiah 8:9-10

9 Be broken, O you people - be broken; and hearken, all you of lands afar: gird, and be broken; gird, and be broken: 10 in counselling, counsel; and it breaks; word the word, and it rises not: for El is with us.

Isaiah 16:6

6 We hear of the pomp of Moab; - mighty pompous: even of his pomp - his pomp and his wrath: not so his lies.

Isaiah 19:2

2 and I hedge the Misrayim against the Misrayim: and every man fights against his brother and every one against his friend; - city against city and sovereigndom against sovereigndom:

Isaiah 26:3

3 You, guard him; shalom shalom: whose imagination is propped on you: because he confides in you.

Isaiah 30:7

7 Yes, the Misrayim are vanity and help in vain: so concerning this, I call out, Their pride is to shabbathize!

Isaiah 30:15

15 For thus says Adonay Yah Veh the Holy One of Yisra El, In returning and rest you are saved; in resting and in confidence is your might: and you will not.

Isaiah 35:10

10 and the redeemed of Yah Veh return and come to Siyon with shouting and eternal cheerfulness on their heads: they attain rejoicing and cheerfulness, and grief and sighing flee away.

Isaiah 37:3-6

3 and they say to him, Thus says Yechizqi Yah, This day is a day of tribulation and of rebuke and of scorning: for the sons come to the matrix and there is no strength to birth. 4 Perhaps Yah Veh your Elohim hears the words of Rab Shaqeh, whom the sovereign of Ashshur his adoni sent to reproach the living Elohim, and to reprove the words Yah Veh your Elohim heard: and to lift your prayer for the survivors who survive. 5 And the servants of sovereign Yechizqi Yah come to Yesha Yah: 6 and Yesha Yah says to them, You, say thus to your adoni, Thus says Yah Veh, Awe not at the face of the words you heard, wherewith the lads of the sovereign of Ashshur blasphemed me.

Isaiah 37:36

36 And the angel of Yah Veh goes and smites a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the camp of Ashshur: and they start early in the morning, and behold, they are all dead carcases.

Isaiah 41:8

8 And you, Yisra El - my servant, Yaaqov whom I chose, the seed of Abraham my beloved,

Isaiah 41:10-16

10 awe not; for I am with you: look not around; for I am your Elohim: I strengthen you; yes, I help you; yes, I uphold you with the right of my justness.

Isaiah 41:10

10 awe not; for I am with you: look not around; for I am your Elohim: I strengthen you; yes, I help you; yes, I uphold you with the right of my justness. 11 Behold, all who inflame against you shame and confound: they become as naught; and the men who strive with you destruct. 12 You seek them, and find them not - these men who contend with you: these men who war against you are as deceased and as of naught. 13 For I, Yah Veh your Elohim, hold your right, saying to you, Awe not; I help you. 14 Awe not, you maggot Yaaqov, and you men of Yisra El; I help you - an oracle of Yah Veh your redeemer, the Holy One of Yisra El. 15 Behold, I set you for a new sickle threshing sledge having a master of teeth: you thresh the mountains and pulverize them and set the hills as chaff: 16 you winnow them and the wind bears them away and the storm scatters them: and you twirl in Yah Veh, and halal in the Holy One of Yisra El.

Isaiah 42:4

4 he neither dims nor crushes until he sets judgment in the earth: and the islands await his torah.

Isaiah 43:1-2

And now thus says Yah Veh who created you, O Yaaqov, and he who formed you, O Yisra El, Awe not, for I redeemed you; I called your name; you are mine. 2 When you pass through the waters, I am with you; and through the rivers, they overflow you not: when you walk through the fire, you neither blister, nor the flame burn on you.

Isaiah 51:11

11 And the redeemed of Yah Veh return and come with shouting to Siyon; with eternal cheerfulness on their head: they attain rejoicing and cheerfulness; grief and sighing flee away.

Isaiah 57:15-16

15 For thus says the high and lifted One who tabernacles eternally - whose name is Holy; I tabernacle in the high and holy and with the crushed and lowly spirit - to enliven the spirit of the lowly, and to enliven the heart of the crushed. 16 For I neither contend eternally nor perpetually rage: for the spirit languishes at my face, and the breaths I work.

Isaiah 58:9

9 Then you call and Yah Veh answers; you cry and he says, Behold - I. If you turn aside the yoke pole from your midst - the spreading of the finger and wording mischief;

Isaiah 62:4

4 Neither is it said of you, Forsaken; nor is it said of your land, Desolate: but you are called Hephsi Bah/My Delight, and your land Beulah/Married: for Yah Veh delights in you, and your land is married.

Isaiah 65:24

24 And so be it, ere they call, I answer; and while they yet speak, I hear:

Isaiah 66:1

Thus says Yah Veh, The heavens are my throne and the earth, the stool of my feet: where is the house you build to me? and where the place of my rest?

Jeremiah 6:1

O you sons of Ben Yamin, withdraw yourselves to flee from midst Yeru Shalem: and blast the shophar in Teqoa and lift a burden in Beth Hak Kerem: for evil looks from the north, and great breaking.

Jeremiah 10:24

24 O Yah Veh, correct me; only with judgment; not in your wrath; lest you diminish me.

Jeremiah 18:20

20 Shalam we evil for good? For they dig a chasm for my soul. Remember that I stood at your face to word good for them and to turn away your fury from them.

Jeremiah 27:5-8

5 I - I worked the earth with humanity and the animal on the face of the earth by my great strength and by my spread arm; and gave it to whom were straight in my eyes. 6 And now I give all these lands into the hand of Nebukadnets Tsar sovereign of Babel, my servant; and I also give him the live beings of the field to serve him: 7 and all goyim serve him and his son and sons of his son until the very time of his land comes: and then many goyim and great sovereigns have him to serve. 8 And so be it, the goyim and sovereigndom who serve not the same Nebukadnets Tsar sovereign of Babel - who give not their neck under the yoke of the sovereign of Babel, I visit on that goyim - an oracle of Yah Veh, with the sword and with the famine and with the pestilence until I consume them by his hand.

Jeremiah 33:5

5 they come to fight the Kesediym, and to to fill them with the carcases of humanity whom I smote in my wrath and in my fury - and for all whose evil I hid my face from this city.

Jeremiah 33:11

11 The voice of rejoicing and the voice of cheerfulness; the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride; the voice of them who say, Spread hands to Yah Veh Sabaoth: for Yah Veh is good; for his mercy is eternal: - who bring spread hands to the house of Yah Veh. For I restore the captivity of the land as at the first, says Yah Veh.

Jeremiah 36:9

9 And so be it in the fifth year of Yah Yaqim the son of Yoshi Yah sovereign of Yah Hudah, in the ninth month, they call a fast at the face of Yah Veh to all the people in Yeru Shalem, and to all the people coming from the cities of Yah Hudah to Yeru Shalem.

Lamentations 3:26

26 - good to await - to silently await the salvation of Yah Veh.

Ezekiel 35:2-3

2 Son of humanity, set your face against mount Seir, and prophesy against it; 3 and say to it, Thus says Adonay Yah Veh: Behold, O mount Seir, I am against you and I spread my hand against you; and I give you desolation and desolation.

Ezekiel 38:21

21 and I call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains - an oracle of Adonay Yah Veh - the sword of every man is against his brother:

Ezekiel 39:8-9

8 Behold, it approaches, and so be it - an oracle of Adonay Yah Veh this is the day whereof I worded. 9 And they who settle in the cities of Yisra El go forth and burn - burn the armament; both the bucklers and the shields the bows and the arrows and the handstaves and the javelins and they burn them with fire seven years:

Daniel 4:17

17 This decision is by the decree of the wakers; and the mandate by the edict of the holy ones: to the word so that the living know Elyon is dominator in the sovereigndom of men, and gives it to whomever he wills; and raises the lowliest of men over it.

Daniel 4:25

25 and they expel you from men and you whirl with the live beings of the field; and they have you feed on herbage as bulls and they dye you with the dew of the heavens and seven times pass over you, until you know that Elyon dominates in the sovereigndom of men, and gives it to whomever he wills.

Daniel 4:32-35

32 and they expel you from men; and you whirl with the live beings of the field; and feed on herbage as bulls: and seven times pass over you; until you know that the Elyon is dominator in the sovereigndom of men, and gives it to whomever he wills. 33 The same blink the utterance consummates on Nebukadnets Tsar: and he is expelled from men and feeds on herbage as bulls; and his body is dyed with the dew of the heavens, until his hairs greaten as eagles and his nails as birds. 34 And at the end of the days, I, Nebukadnets Tsar, lift my eyes to the heavens, and perception returns to me, and I bless Elyon, and I laud and esteem him who lives eternally - whose dominion is an eternal dominion and his sovereigndom from generation to generation: 35 and all who whirl on the earth are machinated as nought: and he does as he wills among the valiant of the heavens and they who whirl on the earth: and no one can strike his hand, or say to him, What serve you?

Daniel 9:3

3 And I give my face to Adonay Elohim, to seek by prayer and supplications; with fasting and saq and ashes.

Daniel 9:20-21

20 And as I speak and pray and spread my hands for my sin and for the sin of my people Yisra El; and fell my supplication at the face of Yah Veh my Elohim for the holy mountain of my Elohim; 21 yes, as I speak in prayer, the man Gabri El, whom I saw in the vision at the beginning, wearied in weariness, touches me about the time of the evening offering:

Joel 1:14

Hallow a fast! Call a private assembly! Gather the elders and all the settlers of the land into the house of Yah Veh your El, and cry to Yah Veh,

Joel 2:12-18

12 And also now - an oracle of Yah Veh you, turn to me with all your heart, and with fasting and with weeping and with chopping: 13 and rip your heart and not your clothes; and turn to Yah Veh your Elohim: for he is charismatic and merciful slow to wrath and of great mercy; and he sighs concerning the evil. 14 Who knows? He returns; yes, he sighs: and leaves a blessing behind him - an offering and a libation to Yah Veh your Elohim. 15 Blast the shophar in Siyon! Hallow a fast! Call a private assembly! 16 Gather the people! Hallow the congregation! Gather the elders! Gather the sucklings! And they who suck the breasts! Have the bridegroom come from his chamber! And the bride from her canopy! 17 Have the priests, the ministers of Yah Veh, weep between the porch and the sacrifice altar; and have them say, Spare your people, O Yah Veh! And give not your inheritance to reproach so that the goyim reign over them! Why have them say among the people, Where is their Elohim? 18 And Yah Veh is jealous for his land and compassions his people:

Joel 3:12

12 Waken, O goyim; and ascend to Gay Yah Shaphat/Valley Yah Judges: for there I sit to judge all the goyim all around.

Amos 5:14

14 Seek good, and not evil, so that you live: and so be it, as you say, Yah Veh Elohim Sabaoth is with you.

Jonah 1:16

16 and the men awe an awe to Yah Veh and sacrifice a sacrifice and vow vows to Yah Veh:

Jonah 2:4

4 Then I - I say, I am expelled from your eyes; yet I look again toward your holy manse:

Jonah 3:5-9

5 So the men of Nineveh trust Elohim and call a fast and enrobe saq - from their greatest even to their lesser.

Jonah 3:5

5 So the men of Nineveh trust Elohim and call a fast and enrobe saq - from their greatest even to their lesser. 6 And word touches to the sovereign of Nineveh; and he rises from his throne and passes his mighty mantle from him and covers himself with saq and sits in ashes: 7 and he cries throughout Nineveh, saying by the taste of the sovereign and his nobles, saying, Neither humanity nor animal, herd nor flock, tastes aught: neither grazes, nor drinks water: 8 and humanity and animal covers with saq and calls out severely to Elohim: yes, every man turns from his evil way and from the violence in their palms. 9 Who knows? Perhaps Elohim turns and sighs - turns from his fuming wrath, and we destruct not!

Micah 2:13

13 The separater ascends at their face: they separate and pass through the portal; yes, they go through it: and their sovereign passes at their face, and Yah Veh at their head.

Matthew 1:23

23 Behold, a virgin has in womb and births a son; and they call his name Immanu El, which translates, Elohim with us. Isaiah 7:14

Matthew 6:9

So pray thus: Our Father in the heavens hallowed be your name:

Matthew 6:13

13 and bring us not into testing but rescue us from evil: for yours is the sovereigndom and the dynamis and the glory to the eons. Amen.

Matthew 10:28

28 And awe not them who slaughter the body, but are not able to slaughter the soul: but rather awe him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gay Hinnom/the Valley of Burning.

Matthew 18:20

20 for where two or three gather together in my name, I am there midst them.

Matthew 28:20

20 doctrinating them to guard all - as much as ever I misvahed you: and behold, I am with you all days - even to the completion/shalom of the eon. Amen. *name: Exodus 3:3-15, Isaiah 42:8, John 8:58

Luke 1:68

68 Eulogized - Yah Veh Elohim of Yisra El: for he visits and deals redemption to his people

Luke 16:31

31 And he says to him, If they hear not Mosheh and the prophets, they are not convinced even whenever one rises from the dead.

John 5:46-47

46 for had you trusted Mosheh, you had trusted me; for he scribed concerning me: 47 but if you trust not his scribings, how trust you my rhema?

John 11:11

11 He says these: and after this he words to them, Our friend El Azar sleeps; but I go to waken him from sleep.

John 11:40

40 Yah Shua words to her, Said I not to you, Whenever you trust, you see the glory of Elohim?

John 13:20

20 Amen! Amen! I word to you, Whoever takes whomever I send, takes me; and whoever takes me, takes him who sent me.

John 14:1

Trouble not your heart: you trust in Elohim; trust also in me.

John 14:27

I release shalom with you; my shalom I give to you: not exactly as the cosmos gives, give I you: neither trouble your heart; nor cower.

John 15:15

Henceforth I word you not, servants; for the servant knows not what his adoni does: but I say of you, friends; for all I heard of my Father I made known to you.

Acts 1:19

19 And so be it known to all who settle at Yeru Shalem; so that field, in their own dialect, is called, Heleq Dam, that is to say, The Parcel of Blood.

Acts 10:4

4 And he stares at him, and becomes awestricken, and says, What is it, Adonay? And he says to him, Your prayers and your mercies ascend to a memorial in the sight of Elohim:

Acts 10:31

31 and says, Cornelius, your prayer is heard, and your mercies are remembered in the sight of Elohim:

Acts 11:17

17 So if Elohim gives them the equal gratuity as he does us who trust on Adonay Yah Shua Messiah; and I - who am I to forbid Elohim?

Acts 21:5

5 And so be it, we complete/shalam those days, and depart and go our way; and they all, with women and children, forward us until we are out of the city: and we place our knees on the shore and pray:

Romans 8:31

So what say we to these? If Elohim is for us, who is against us?

Romans 8:37

37 Rather, in all these we are exceedingly triumphant through him who loved us. Psalm 44:22

2 Corinthians 1:8-9

8 For we will not, brothers, that you be unknowing of our tribulation which became us in Asia; that we were excessively burdened beyond dynamis insomuch that we even despaired of living: 9 but we ourselves had the sentence of death in ourselves so that we confided not in ourselves - but in Elohim who raised the dead:

2 Timothy 4:22

22 Adonay Yah Shua Messiah be with your spirit. Charism be with you. Amen.

Hebrews 6:20

where the forerunner - Yah Shua entered for us - Yah Shua - being an archpriest to the eons after the order of Malki Sedeq.

Hebrews 11:6

6 and apart from trust it is impossible to well-please: for whoever comes to Elohim must trust that he is: and that he comes a recompenser to them who seek him.

Hebrews 12:6

6 for Yah Veh disciplines whom he loves and scourges every son he receives. Proverbs 3:11, 12

James 2:23

23 And the scripture fulfilled/shalamed, wording, Abraham trusted Elohim and it was reckoned to him to justness; - and he was called the Friend of Elohim.

Revelation 3:19

19 As many as ever I befriend I reprove and discipline: so be zealous and repent.

Revelation 14:2-3

2 And I hear a voice from the heavens, as the voice of many waters and as the voice of a mega thunder: and I hear the voice of citherists cithering at their cithers: 3 and they sing a new ode in sight of the throne and in sight of the four live beings and the elders: and no one can learn that ode except the hundred and forty-four thousand, who are marketed from the earth.

Revelation 18:20

20 Rejoice over her, O the heavens and you holy apostles and prophets; because Elohim judges your judgment of her.

Revelation 19:1-6

And after these I hear a mega voice of many multitudes in the heavens, wording, Halalu Yah! Salvation and glory and honor and dynamis, to Yah Veh our Elohim: 2 because true and just are his judgments: because he judged the mega whore who corrupted the earth in her whoredom and avenged the blood of his servants from her hand. 3 And secondly they say, Halalu Yah! - and her smoke ascends to the eons of the eons. 4 And the twenty-four elders and the four live beings fall and worship Elohim sitting on the throne, wording, Amen! Halalu Yah! 5 And a voice comes from the throne, wording, Halal our Elohim, all you his servants and you who awe him - both minute and mega. 6 And I hear as the voice of a vast multitude and as the voice of many waters and as the voice of mighty thunderings, wording, Halalu Yah! because Yah Veh El Sabaoth reigns.

Revelation 19:11

And I see the heavens open; and behold, a white horse; and he sitting on him is called Trustworthy and True; and in justness he judges and wars.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.