2 Chronicles 18:22 Cross References - ECB

22 And now, behold, Yah Veh gives a false spirit in the mouth of these your prophets; and Yah Veh words evil against you.

Exodus 4:21

21 And Yah Veh says to Mosheh, When you go to return into Misrayim, see that you work all those omens I put in your hand at the face of Paroh: but I callous his heart that he not send the people away.

2 Chronicles 18:7

7 And the sovereign of Yisra El says to Yah Shaphat, There is yet one man of whom to enquire of Yah Veh: and I - I hate him; for he never prophesies me good; but evil, all his days: the same is Michah Yah the son of Yimlah. And Yah Shaphat says, May the sovereign not say so. O sovereign, say not thus.

2 Chronicles 18:17

17 And the sovereign of Yisra El says to Yah Shaphat, Said I not to you that he never prophesies to me good, but evil?

2 Chronicles 25:18

18 And Yah Ash sovereign of Yisra El sends to Amaz Yah sovereign of Yah Hudah, saying, The thorn in Lebanon sends to the cedar in Lebanon, saying, Give your daughter to my son to woman: and a live being of the field in Lebanon passes by and tramples the thorn.

Job 12:16

16 With him is strength and substance; they who err inadvertently and they who cause to err inadvertently are his.

Isaiah 3:11

11 Woe to the wicked - evil: for the dealing of his hands works to himself.

Isaiah 19:14

14 Yah Veh mixes a spirit of perversities in their midst: and they stray Misrayim in every work as an intoxicate staggering in his vomit;

Jeremiah 18:11

11 And now I beseech, speak to the men of Yah Hudah and to the settlers of Yeru Shalem, saying, Thus says Yah Veh; Behold, I form evil against you, and fabricate a fabrication against you: you, return I beseech - every man from his evil way, and well-please in your ways and your exploitations.

Ezekiel 14:3-5

3 Son of humanity, these men ascend their idols in their heart, and give the stumblingblock of their perversity at their face: Inquire they at all of me? 4 So word to them, and say to them, Thus says Adonay Yah Veh: Man by man of the house of Yisra El who ascends his idols in his heart, and sets the stumblingblock of his perversity at his face, and goes to the prophet; I Yah Veh give him who goes an answer according to the abundance of his idols: 5 so that I apprehend the house of Yisra El in their own heart; because, through their idols, they all estrange from me.

Ezekiel 14:9

9 And if the prophet, when he is deluded, and words a word, I Yah Veh delude that prophet, and I spread my hand on him, and desolate him from midst my people Yisra El.

Micah 2:3

3 So thus says Yah Veh: Behold, I fabricate an evil against this family from which you neither depart your necks nor go haughtily: for this is a time of evil.

Matthew 24:24-25

24 For pseudo messiahs and pseudo prophets rise; and they give mega signs and omens; so as, if possible, to seduce the very select. 25 Behold, I foretell you.

Matthew 26:24-25

24 The Son of humanity indeed goes exactly as scribed concerning him: but woe to that human through whom the Son of humanity is betrayed! it had been good for that human if he had not been birthed. 25 But Yah Hudah, who betrays him, answers, saying, Rabbi, is it I? He words to him, You said.

Mark 14:20-21

20 And he answers them, saying, It is one of the twelve, who baptizes with me in the dish. 21 The Son of humanity indeed goes, exactly as scribed concerning him: but woe to that human by whom the Son of humanity is betrayed! Good for that human if he had never been birthed.

2 Corinthians 11:11-13

11 Why? Because I love you not? Elohim knows. 12 And I do what I do, to exscind opportunity from them who will for opportunity; that wherein they boast, they be found exactly as we. 13
For such are pseudo apostles - deceitful workers, transfiguring themselves to the apostles of Messiah:

2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

9 - whose parousia is after the energizing of Satan in all dynamis and signs and lying omens, 10 and in all delusion of injustice in them who destruct: for they receive not the love of the truth to save them. 11 And for this cause Elohim sends them an energized seduction so that they trust a lie:

1 Timothy 4:1-2

And the Spirit words rhetorically, that in the latter seasons, some depart from the trust - heeding seducing spirits and doctrines of demons: 2 pseudologists in hypocrisy their conscience cauterized,

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.