1 Timothy 2:8 Cross References - ECB

So I will that men pray in every place lifting hands of mercy apart from wrath and reasoning.

1 Kings 3:11

11 And Elohim says to him, Because you ask this word and neither ask many days for yourself, nor ask riches for yourself, nor ask the soul of your enemies; but ask for yourself discernment to hear judgment

2 Chronicles 33:11-12

11 and Yah Veh brings on them the governors of the host of the sovereign of Ashshur who capture Menash Sheh among the thorns and bind him with copper and walk him to Babel: 12 and he is tribulated, and he strokes the face of Yah Veh his Elohim and humbles himself mightily at the face of Elohim of his fathers;

Job 16:17

17 no violence is in my palms; and my prayer is pure.

Psalms 24:4

4 He who has innocent palms and a pure heart; - who neither lifts his soul to vanity nor oaths deceitfully:

Psalms 26:6

6 I wash my palms in innocency; I surround your sacrifice altar, O Yah Veh:

Psalms 35:13

13 And I, in their sickness, enrobe with saq; I humble my soul with fasting: and my prayer returns into my own bosom.

Psalms 63:4

4 Thus I bless you while I live; I lift my palms in your name:

Psalms 66:18

18 If I see mischief in my heart Adonay hears me not:

Psalms 130:1-2

1 A Song of Degrees. From the depths I call you, O Yah Veh: 2 Adonay, hear my voice; hearken your ears to the voice of my supplications.

Psalms 134:2

2 lift your hands in the holies and bless Yah Veh:

Proverbs 15:8

8 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abhorrence to Yah Veh; and the prayer of the straight is his pleasure.

Proverbs 21:27

27 The sacrifice of the wicked is abhorrence; how much more, when he brings it with intrigue?

Isaiah 1:15

15 And in spreading your palms, I conceal my eyes from you: yes, your abounding prayers I hear not: your hands are filled with blood.

Isaiah 58:7-11

7 Is it not to separate your bread to the famished? To bring the humble outcasts to your house? To cover the naked when you see him? To not conceal yourself from your own flesh? 8 Then your light splits as the dawn and your health sprouts quickly and your justness comes at your face: the honor of Yah Veh gathers you. 9 Then you call and Yah Veh answers; you cry and he says, Behold - I. If you turn aside the yoke pole from your midst - the spreading of the finger and wording mischief; 10 and if you produce your soul to the famished and satisfy the humbled soul; then your light rises in obscurity and your darkness as the noon; 11 and Yah Veh guides you continually and satisfies your soul in parch and fattens your bones: and you become as a saturated garden and as a spring of water whose waters fail not.

Jeremiah 7:9-10

9 you steal, murder, and adulterize, and oath falsely and incense to Baal; and walk after other elohim whom you know not: 10 and then you come and stand at my face in this house on which my name is called, and say, We are rescued! in order to work all these abhorrences.

Lamentations 3:55-56

55 I call on your name, O Yah Veh, from the nether well. 56 You hear my voice; conceal not your ear at my respiration; at my cry:

Jonah 2:1-2

And Yonah prays to Yah Veh his Elohim from the inwards of the fish, 2 and says, Because of my tribulation I call to Yah Veh; and he answers me: from the belly of sheol I cry; and you hear my voice:

Malachi 1:9-11

9 And now, I beseech you, stroke the face of El so that he grant us charism: this being from your hand, Lifts he your faces? says Yah Veh Sabaoth. 10 Who, even among you, shuts the doors? Yes, you light my sacrifice altar gratuitously; I neither delight in you, says Yah Veh Sabaoth, nor an offering at your hand pleases me. 11 For from the rising of the sun even to the entry of the same my name is great among the goyim; and in every place incense is brought to my name, and a pure offering: for my name is great among the goyim, says Yah Veh Sabaoth.

Matthew 5:22-24

22 But I word to you, That everyone wroth with his brother in vain becomes subject to the judgment: and whoever says to his brother, Req! becomes subject to the sanhedrim: but whoever says, Fool! becomes subject to the fire of Gay Hinnom/the Valley of Burning. 23
So whenever you offer your oblation at the sacrifice altar, and there remember that your brother has somewhat against you; 24 release your oblation in front of the sacrifice altar, and go your way; first reconcile to your brother, and then come and offer your oblation.

Matthew 5:44

44 But I word to you, Love your enemies; eulogize them who curse you; do good to them who hate you; and pray for them who threaten you and persecute you;

Matthew 6:12

12 and forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors:

Matthew 6:14-15

For whenever you forgive humanity their backslidings, your heavenly Father also forgives you: 15 but whenever you forgive not humanity their backslidings, your Father forgives not your backslidings.

Matthew 21:21

21 Yah Shua answers them, saying, Amen! I word to you, Whenever you have trust, and doubt not, you not only do this to the fig tree, but also, whenever you say to this mountain, Remove! And be cast into the sea! - so be it.

Mark 11:23-25

23 For Amen! I word to you, That whoever says to this mountain, Remove! and, Cast into the sea! - and not doubt in his heart, but trusts that what he words becomes - he has whatever he says. 24 Because of this I word to you, All - as much as ever you ask, when you pray, trust that you take them, and you have them. 25
And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have ought against any: that your Father in the heavens also forgives you your backslidings:

Luke 23:34

34 And Yah Shua words, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. - and they divide his garment and cast lots.

Luke 23:42-43

42 And he words to Yah Shua, Adonay, remember me whenever you come into your sovereigndom. 43 And Yah Shua says to him, Amen! I word to you, Today you are with me in paradise.

Luke 24:50

And he leads them out as far as Beth Ania; and he lifts his hands and eulogizes them.

John 4:21

21 Yah Shua words to her, Woman, trust me, the hour comes, when you neither in this mountain nor in Yeru Shalem worship the Father:

John 4:23-24

23 But an hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. 24 Elohim is a Spirit: and they who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Acts 7:60

60 And he places his knees and cries with a mega voice, Adonay, set not this sin to their charge. - and saying this, he falls asleep.

Acts 10:2

2 well revered, and one who awes Elohim with all his house; who does many mercies to the people; and petitions to Elohim continually.

Acts 10:4

4 And he stares at him, and becomes awestricken, and says, What is it, Adonay? And he says to him, Your prayers and your mercies ascend to a memorial in the sight of Elohim:

Acts 10:31

31 and says, Cornelius, your prayer is heard, and your mercies are remembered in the sight of Elohim:

Acts 21:5

5 And so be it, we complete/shalam those days, and depart and go our way; and they all, with women and children, forward us until we are out of the city: and we place our knees on the shore and pray:

1 Corinthians 7:7

7 For I will that all humanity be even as I myself: but each has his own charisma of Elohim, indeed one thus and one thus.

1 Timothy 5:14

14 So I will that the younger marry, birth children, be housedespotes; giving no opportunity to cause the adversary to speak abusively.

Titus 3:8

8 Trustworthy the word: and I will that you thoroughly affirm these - so that whoever trusts in Elohim be thoughtful to preside over good works: these are good and beneficial to humanity.

Hebrews 10:22

22 we come near with a true heart in full bearance of trust, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies bathed with pure water.

James 1:6-8

6 But ask in trust, doubting naught. For whoever doubts resembles a surge of the sea windtossed and tossed. 7 For suppose not that such a human takes aught of Adonay. 8 A double-souled man is unstable in all his ways.

James 4:8

8 approach Elohim and he approaches you; purify your hands, sinners; and hallow your hearts, double souled;

1 Peter 3:7

7 Likewise men: co-settle according to knowledge; bestow honor as to the frailer vessel and as being co-heirs of the charism of life; that your prayers be not excsinded.

1 John 3:20-22

20 Because whenever our heart condemns us, Elohim is greater than our heart and knows all. 21 Beloved, whenever our heart condemns us not, then we have boldness toward Elohim. 22 And whenever we ask, we take of him: because we guard his misvoth and do what is pleasing in his sight.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.