John 18:26 Cross References - Diaglott

26 Says one of the slaves of the high-priest, a relative being of whom cut off Peter the ear: Not I thee saw in the garden with him?

Matthew 26:73

73 After a little and approaching those having stood by, said to the Peter: Certainly also thou of them art; even for the speech of thee manifest thee makes.

Mark 14:70-71

70 He and again denied. And after a little again those having stood by said to the Peter: Truly of them thou art; also for a Galilean thou art, and the speech of thee is like. 71 He then began to curse and swear: That not I know the man this, of whom you say.

Luke 22:59-60

59 And having intervened about hour one, another person confidently affirmed, saying: In truth also this with him was also for a Galilean he is. 60 Said but the Peter: O man, not I know what thou sayest. And immediately, while speaking of him, crew a cock.

John 18:1

1 These things saying the Jesus went out with the disciples of himself beyond the brook of the Kedron, where was a garden, into which entered himself and the disciples of him.

John 18:10

10 Simon then Peter having a sword, drew her, and struck the of the high-priest slave, and cut off of him the ear the right. Was now a name to the slave Malchus.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.