4 And then shall those prophetes be confounded, euery one off his vision when he prophecieth: nether shall they weere sack clothes eny more, to disceaue me withall.
Zechariah 13:4 Cross References - Coverdale
2 Kings 1:8
8 They sayde vnto him: He had a rough heer vpon him, and a letheren gyrdell aboute his loynes. He sayde: It is Elias the Tishbite.
Isaiah 20:2
2 The spake the LORDE vnto Esaye ye sonne of Amos, sayenge: go and lowse of yt sack cloth fro thy loynes, and put of yi shues from thy fete. And so he dyd, goinge naked & barefote.
Jeremiah 2:26
26 Like as a thefe that is taken with the dede, commeth to shame, eue so is the house of Israel come to confucion: the comon people, their kinges and rulers, their prestes and prophetes.
Jeremiah 6:15
15 Therfore they must be ashamed, for they haue comitted abhominacion. But how shulde they be ashamed, when they knowe nothinge, nether of shame ner good nurture? And therfore they shal fall amonge the slayne, and in the houre when I shall viset them, they shalbe brought downe, saieth the LORDE.
Micah 3:6-7
6 Therfore youre vision shalbe turned to night, & youre prophecyenge to darcknesse. The Sonne shall go downe ouer those prophetes, & the daye shalbe darcke vnto them.
7 Then shall the vision seers be ashamed, & ye saythsayers confounded: yee they shalbe fayne (all the packe of the) to stoppe their mouthes, for they haue not Gods worde.
Matthew 3:4
4 This Ihon had his garment of camels heer, and a lethre gerdell aboute his loynes. Hys meate was locustes and wylde hony.
Matthew 11:8-9
Mark 1:6
6 Ihon was clothed with Camels heer, and with a lethron gerdell aboute his loynes, and ate locustes and wylde hony,
Revelation 11:3
3 And I wil geue power vnto my two wytnesses, and they shal prophesy .M.ijc. and lx. dayes clothed in sacke cloth.