Romans 4:13 Cross References - Coverdale

13 For the promes (that he shulde be ye heyre of the worlde) was not made vnto Abraham or to his sede thorow the lawe, but thorow the righteousnes of faith.

Genesis 12:3

3 I wil blesse them that blesse the, and curse them that curse the: and in the shal all the generacions of the earth be blessed.

Genesis 17:4-6

4 Beholde, It is I, and haue my couenaut with the, and thou shalt be a father of many people. 5 Therfore shalt thou nomore be called Abram, but thy name shal be Abraham: For I haue made the a father of many nacions, 6 & I wil multiplye the exceadingly, and wil make people of ye, yee and kynges also shal come out of the.

Genesis 17:16

16 for I will blesse her, and geue the a sonne of her. I wil blesse her, and people shall come of her, yee and kynges of many people.

Genesis 22:17-18

17 I wyll prospere and multiplye thy sede as the starres of heauen, and as the sonde vpon the see shore. And thy sede shall possesse the gates of his enemies: 18 and in thy sede shal all the nacions of the earth be blessed, because thou hast herkened vnto my voyce.

Genesis 28:14

14 and thy sede shal be as ye dust of ye earth. And thou shalt sprede forth towarde the west, east, north, and south: and thorow the and thy sede shall all the kynreds vpon earth be blessed.

Genesis 49:10

10 The cepter shal not be remoued fro Iuda, ner a master fro his fete, tyll the Worthye come, and vnto him shal the people fall.

Psalms 2:8

8 Desyre off me, and I shall geue the the Heithen for thine enheritaunce, Yee the vttemost partes of the worlde for thy possession.

Psalms 72:11

11 All kynges shal worshipe him, & all Heithe shal do him seruyce.

Romans 9:8

8 vnto the, that is, They which are children after the flesh, are not the children of God, but the children of the promes are counted for the sede.

Galatians 3:16-18

16 To Abraham and his sede were the promyses made. He sayeth not: In the sedes, as in many, but in thy sede, as in one, which is Christ. 17 This Testament (I saye) which afore was confirmed to Christ warde, is not disanulled (that the promes shulde be made of none affecte) by the lawe which was geuen beyonde foure hundreth & thirtie yeares therafter. 18 For yf the enheritaunce be gotten by the lawe, then is it not geuen by promes. But God gaue it frely vnto Abraham by promes.

Galatians 3:29

29 Yf ye be Christes, the are ye Abrahas sede and heyres acordynge to the promes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.