6 He that putteth difference in the daye, doth it vnto the LORDE: & he that putteth no differece in the daye, doth it vnto ye LORDE also. He yt eateth, eateth vnto the LORDE, for he geueth God thakes:
Romans 14:6 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 12:14
14 And this daye shall ye haue for a remembraunce, and ye shall kepe it holy for a feast vnto the LORDE, ye & all youre posterities, for a perpetuall custome.
Exodus 12:42
42 Therfore shall this night be kepte vnto the LORDE, because he brought them out of the londe of Egipte: And the children of Israel shall kepe it vnto the LORDE, they and their posterities.
Exodus 16:25
25 The sayde Moses: Eate that to daye, for to daye is ye Sabbath of the LORDE, to daye shal ye fynde none in the felde.
Isaiah 58:5
5 Thynke ye this fast pleaseth me, that a ma shulde chasten himself for a daye, and to wryth his heade aboute like an hoke in an hairy cloth, & to lye vpon the earth? Shulde that be called fastinge, or a daye yt pleaseth ye LORDE?
Zechariah 7:5-6
Matthew 14:19
19 And he comaunded ye people to syt downe vpon the grasse, and toke ye fyue loaues and two fisshes, and loked vp towarde heauen, and gaue thankes, and brake and gaue the loaues vnto the disciples, and the disciples gaue them to the people.
Matthew 15:36
36 and toke ye seue loaues, & the fyshes, & gaue thankes & brake the, & gaue the to his disciples, & ye disciples gaue the vnto the people.
John 6:28
28 The sayde they vnto him: What shal we do, that we maye worke ye workes of God?
1 Corinthians 10:30-31
Galatians 4:10
10 Ye obserue dayes and monethes, and tymes and yeares.
1 Timothy 4:3-5
3 forbyddinge to mary, and comaundynge to abstayne fro the meates, which God hath created to be receaued wt geuynge thankes of them which beleue and knowe the trueth.
4 For euery creature off God is good, and nothinge to be refused, yt is receaued with thankesgeuynge:
5 for it is sanctifyed by the worde of God and prayer.