Psalms 78:56 Cross References - Coverdale

56 He dyd cast out the Heithen before them, caused their londe to be deuyded amonge them for an heretage, and made ye tribes of Israel to dwell in their tetes.

Deuteronomy 31:16-20

16 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Beholde, thou shalt slepe with yi fathers, and this people wyll ryse vp, and go a whoringe after straunge goddes of the londe in to the which they come, and wyll forsake me, and breake the couenaunt which I haue made wt them. 17 And then shall my wrath waxe whote agaynst them, at the same tyme, & I shal forsake the, and hyde my face fro them, that they maye be consumed. And so whan moch aduersite & trouble commeth vpo the, they shal saye: Is not all this euell come vpo me, because God is not with me? 18 But I shal hyde my face at the same tyme because of all the euell that they haue done, in that they haue turned vnto other goddes. 19 Wryte now therfore this songe, & teach it the children of Israel, and put it in their mouth, that this songe maye be a witnesse vnto me amonge the children of Israel. 20 For I wil brynge them in to the londe which I sware vnto their fathers, that floweth with mylke and hony. And whan they eate, and are full and fatt, they shal turne vnto other goddes, and serue them, and blaspheme me, and breake my couenaunt.

Deuteronomy 32:15-21

15 And whan he was fat and had ynough, he waxed wanton. He is fat, and thicke, and smothe, & hath letten God go, that made him, and despysed the rocke of his saluacion. 16 He hath prouoked him to indignacion, thorow straunge goddes, and thorow abhominacion hath he angred him. 17 They offred vnto felde deuels, & not vnto their God. Vnto goddes whom they knewe not, eue vnto new goddes, yt came newly vp, whom their fathers honoured not. 18 Thy rocke that begat ye, hast thou despysed: and hast forgotten God that made the. 19 And whan the LORDE sawe it, he was moued vnto wrath ouer his sonnes and his doughters. 20 And he sayde: I wyll hyde my face from them, I wyll se what their ende shal be: for it is a frowarde generacion, they are childre in whom is no fayth. 21 They haue prouoked me in it that is not God: wt their vanites haue they angred me. And I agayne wil prouoke them, by those that are no people: by a foolish nacion wil I anger them.

Judges 2:11-12

11 Then wroughte the children of Israel euell before the LORDE, and serued Baalim, 12 and forsoke ye LORDE the God of their fathers (which broughte them out of the londe of Egipte) and folowed other goddes & the goddes of the nacions that dwelt rounde aboute them, & worshipped them, & displeased the LORDE:

2 Kings 17:7-23

7 For whan the childre of Israel synned agaynst ye LORDE their God (yt broughte the out of ye londe of Egipte, from the hade of Pharao kynge of Egipte) and serued other goddes: 8 and walked after the customes of the Heythe, whom the LORDE had dryuen out before the children of Israel, and dyd as the kynges of Israel, 9 and prouoked ye LORDE their God, and dyd secretly the thinges that were not righte in the sighte of ye LORDE their God: namely in that they buylded them hye places in all cities, both in castels and stronge cities, 10 and set vp pilers and groues, vpon all hye hilles, and amonge all grene trees, 11 and brent incense there in all ye hye places, euen as dyd the Heythen, whom the LORDE had cast out before them, & wroughte wicked thinges, wherwith they prouoked the LORDE vnto wrath, 12 & serued the Idols, wherof the LORDE sayde vnto them: Ye shal not do soch a thynge. 13 And whan the LORDE testified in Israel and Iuda by all the prophetes and Seers, sayenge: O turne agayne from youre euell wayes, and kepe my commaundemetes and ordynaunces, acordinge to all ye lawe which I gaue vnto youre fathers, and that I sent vnto you by my seruauntes the prophetes: 14 they wolde not herken, but herdened their neckes, acordinge to the hardneck of their fathers, which beleued not on the LORDE their God. 15 Yee they despysed his ordinaunces and his couenaunt which he made with their fathers, and his testimonies which he witnessed amonge them, and walked in their awne vanities, and became vayne folowinge the Heythen, which dwelt rounde aboute them, concernynge whom the LORDE had commaunded them, that they shulde not do as they dyd. 16 Neuertheles they forsoke all the commaundementes of the LORDE their God and made them two molten calues and groues, and worshipped all the hoost of heauen, & serued Baal, 17 and caused their sonnes and doughters to go thorow the fyre, and medled wt soythsayers and witches, and gaue them selues ouer to do that which was euell in the sighte of the LORDE, to prouoke him vnto wrath. 18 Then was the LORDE very wroth at Israel, and put them awaye fro his presence, so yt there remayned nomo but onely ye trybe of Iuda. 19 Nether dyd Iuda kepe the commaundemetes of the LORDE their God, but walked after the customes of Israel, which they dyd. 20 Therfore dyd ye LORDE cast awaye all ye sede of Israel, and troubled them, and delyuered them in to the handes of the spoylers, tyll he had cast them out of his presence: 21 for Israel was deuyded from the house of Dauid. And they made the a kynge, one Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which turned Israel back from ye LORDE, & caused the to synne so sore. 22 Thus walked the childre of Israel in all ye synnes of Ieroboam, which he had done, & departed not fro them, 23 vntyll ye LORDE put Israel out of his presence, acordinge as he had spoke by all his seruauntes ye prophetes. So Israel was caried awaye out of their awne londe to Assiria vnto this (daye.

Nehemiah 9:25-26

25 And they wanne their stronge cities, & a fat londe, and toke possession of houses yt were full of all maner goodes, welles dygged out, vynyardes, oylgardens, & many frutefull trees: and they ate & were fylled, & became fat, & lyued in welth thorow thy greate goodnes. 26 Neuertheles they were disobedient, and rebelled agaynst the, and cast thy lawe behynde their backes, and slewe thy prophetes (which exhorted them so earnestly, that they shulde couerte vnto the) and dyd greate blasphemies.

Psalms 78:40-41

40 For he considered yt they were but flesh: euen a wynde that passeth awaye, and commeth not agayne. 41 O how oft haue they greued him in the wildernesse? How many a tyme haue they prouoked him in the deserte?

Ezekiel 16:15-26

15 But thou hast put confidece in thine owne beuty, & played the harlot, when thou haddest gotten the a name. Thou hast committed whordome, with all that wente by the, & hast fulfilled their desyres: 16 Yee thou hast taken thy garmetes of dyuerse colours, & deckte thine aulters therwith, where vpon thou mightest fulfill thine whordome, of soch a fashion, as neuer was done, ner shalbe. 17 The goodly ornametes & Iewels which I gaue the of myne owne golde and syluer, hast thou take, & made the mes ymages therof, and committed whordome withall. 18 Thy garmentes of dyuerse colours hast thou taken, and deckte them therwith: myne oyle & incense hast thou set before them. 19 My meate which I gaue the, as symnels, oyle & hony: (to fede the withall) that hast thou set before them, for a swete sauoure. And this came also to passe, saieth the LORDE God: 20 Thou hast take thine owne sonnes & doughters, whom thou haddest begotten vnto me: and these hast thou offred vp vnto them, to be their meate. Is this but a small whordome of thine (thinkest thou) 21 that thou slayest my children, and geuest them ouer, to be bret vnto them? 22 And yet in all thy abhominacions and whordome, thou hast not remembred the dayes of thy youth, how naked and bare thou wast at that tyme, & troden downe in thine owne bloude. 23 After all these thy wickednesses (wo wo vnto the, saieth ye LORDE) 24 thou hast buylded thy stewes and brodel houses in euery place: yee at the heade of euery strete 25 hast thou buylded the an aulter. Thou hast made thy beuty to be abhorred: thou hast layed out thy legges to euery one that came by, and multiplied thine whordome. 26 Thou hast committed fornicacion with the Egipcians thy neghbours, which had moch flesh: & thus hast thou vsed thine whordome, to anger me.

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